Ninject Call Method to Return Constructor Argument -

I'm trying to bind a service and specifying a constructor argument using Ninject in our application. The constructor argument is a value that can be pulled from the query string or a cookie. The code we currently have is something like this
.WithConstructorArgument("someID", ctx =>
// Try to get it from the posted form values
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["someID"] != null ?
long.Parse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["someID"]) :
// Try to get it from the query string
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["someID"] != null ?
: 0);
This works but is pretty ugly. I realize there are other ways of accomplishing this such as passing in the Form value or the QueryString value as a parameter, but we like having it defined in the Binding. What we would ideally like to do is something like this:
.WithConstructorArgument("someID", ctx => GetSomeID());
From what I can tell, this is not possible. Is there another way to break out the constructor argument injection logic into another method so we don't have to nested one line if statements?

I'd suggest binding the dependency on the Query String / HTTP form via an interface. This approach seems more in line with the dependency injection pattern (de-coupling code from specific implementations and classes).
public interface IParameters
string SomeID { get; }
public class ParametersFromHttpContext
IQueryString _queryString;
IRequestForm _requestForm;
public ParametersFromHttpContext(IQueryString queryString, IRequestForm requestForm)
_queryString = queryString;
_requestForm = requestForm;
public string SomeID
// Try to get it from the posted form values
_requestForm["someID"] != null ?
long.Parse(_requestForm["someID"]) :
// Try to get it from the query string
_queryString["someID"] != null ?
: 0;
Now logic you want can be contained in the binding, without the need to reference HttpContext in the kernel.


How to get GET parameters with ASP.NET MVC ApiController

I feel a bit absurd asking this but I can't find a way to get parameters for a get request at
/api/foo?sort=name for instance.
In the ApiController class, I gave a public string Get(). Putting Get(string sort) makes /api/foo a bad request. Request instance in the ApiController is of type System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage. It doesn't have a QueryString or Parameters property or anything.
The ApiController is designed to work without the HttpContext object (making it portable, and allowing it to be hosted outside of IIS).
You can still access the query string parameters, but it is done through the following property:
Here's an example loop through all the values:
foreach (var parameter in Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs())
var key = parameter.Key;
var value = parameter.Value;
You could just use
Here's an example that gets the querystring q from the request and uses it to query accounts:
var q = Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().Where(nv => nv.Key =="q").Select(nv => nv.Value).FirstOrDefault();
if (q != null && q != string.Empty)
var result = accounts.Where(a=>a.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(q.ToLower()));
return result;
throw new Exception("Please specify a search query");
This can be called then like this:
Get all querystring name/value pairs into a variable:
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> queryString = request.GetQueryNameValuePairs();
Then extract a specified querystring parameter
string value = queryString.Where(nv => nv.Key == "parameterNameGoesHere").Select(nv => nv.Value).FirstOrDefault();
You can also use the following
var value = request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().Where(m => m.Key == "paramName").SingleOrDefault().Value;
if we have a proper model for that request
for example
public class JustModel
public int Id {get;set;}
public int Age {gets;set;}
and query like this
You could just use [FromUri] attribute
For example
public IHttpActionResult GetAge([FromUri] JustModel model){}
You're trying to build an OData webservice? If so, just return an IQueryable, and the Web API will do the rest.
Adding a default value does the job:
public string Get(string sort="")

compiled query only scalar parameters are allowed !

I am using POCO objects in EF 4 without any T4 template generation.
I have a DataContext class that encapsulates all ObjectSets, something like this
public sealed class DataContext :IDisposable
public IObjectSet GetObjectSet() where T : MyBase
object objectSet = null;
this.objectSets.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out objectSet);
if (objectSet == null)
objectSet = this.context.CreateObjectSet();
this.objectSets.Add(typeof(T), objectSet);
return (IObjectSet)objectSet;
public ObjectContext ObjectContext
return this.context;
When i write the following compiled query and try to pass in this class as one of the parameters, it gives me a runtime error saying only scalar parameters are allowed
static readonly Func<ObjectContext , DataContext, string, int?> getOperationByOrchestrationName
= CompiledQuery.Compile(
(ObjectContext ctx, DataContext container, string name) =>
(from or in container.GetObjectSet<MyOrClass>()
join op in container.GetObjectSet<MyOpClass>()
on or.Id equals op.Id
where op.Name == name
select op.Id).FirstOrDefault()
If i modify the query like this it works, but i deeply suspect its being compiled every time, since i am not seeing the performance boost i would see from a compiled query, can someone point out whats going on ?
static readonly Func, IObjectSet, string, IQueryable>
= CompiledQuery.Compile(
(ObjectContext ctx, IObjectSet ors, IObjectSet ops,string operationName) =>
from or in ors
join op in ops
on or.Id equals op.Id
where op.Name == name
select op.Id
for anyone interested, if you return IQueryable from compiled query and call any of the methods that can change the query ( singleordefault, or firstordefault etc), you would not get benefit of a compiled query.

Pass a non static value to a actionfilter

Is ther any way to pass a non static value to a actionfilter parameter like below?
public class ProcuctController : Controller
private int userID = 1;
public ActionResult Index()
No, there isn't. Attributes are baked into the metadata of the resulting assembly and all values should be known at compile time. You can pass only constant values as attribute properties. And that's .NET limitation, not MVC.
depending on the situation, you could always pass in some kind of key to the filter, and then inside the filter you could do a lookup for the corresponding value in whichever datasource you prefer. this would allow you to get non-static data in your method, though it would be nice if it were as simple as your example :-)
You can't pass it in but you could do something like:
public class TestFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public string UserId
return AppSettings["UserId"];

Using Stored Procedures with Linq To Sql which have Additional Parameters

I have a very big problem and can't seem to find anybody else on the internet that has my problem. I sure hope StackOverflow can help me...
I am writing an ASP.NET MVC application and I'm using the Repository concept with Linq To Sql as my data store. Everything is working great in regards to selecting rows from views. And trapping very basic business rule constraints. However, I'm faced with a problem in my stored procedure mappings for deletes, inserts, and updates. Let me explain:
Our DBA has put a lot of work into putting the business logic into all of our stored procedures so that I don't have to worry about it on my end. Sure, I do basic validation, but he manages data integrity and conflicting date constraints, etc... The problem that I'm faced with is that all of the stored procedures (and I mean all) have 5 additional parameters (6 for inserts) that provide information back to me. The idea is that when something breaks, I can prompt the user with the appropriate information from our database.
For example:
#userID INT,
#categoryName NVARCHAR(100),
#isActive BIT,
#errNumber INT OUTPUT,
#errMessage NVARCHAR(1000) OUTPUT,
#errDetailLogID INT OUTPUT,
#sqlErrNumber INT OUTPUT,
#sqlErrMessage NVARCHAR(1000) OUTPUT,
From the above stored procedure, the first 3 parameters are the only parameters that are used to "Create" the Category record. The remaining parameters are simply used to tell me what happened inside the method. If a business rule is broken inside the stored procedure, he does NOT use the SQL 'RAISEERROR' keyword when business rules are broken. Instead, he provides information about the error back to me using the OUTPUT parameters. He does this for every single stored procedure in our database even the Updates and Deletes. All of the 'Get' calls are done using custom views. They have all been tested and the idea was to make my job easier since I don't have to add the business logic to trap all of the various scenarios to ensure data quality.
As I said, I'm using Linq To Sql, and I'm now faced with a problem. The problem is that my "Category" model object simply has 4 properties on it: CategoryID, CategoryName, UserId, and IsActive. When I opened up the designer to started mapping my properties for the insert, I realized that there is really no (easy) way for me to account for the additional parameters unless I add them to my Model object.
Theoretically what I would LIKE to do is this:
// note: Repository Methods
public void AddCategory(Category category)
public void Save()
And then from my CategoryController class I would simply do the following:
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection)
var category = new Category();
UpdateModel(category); // simple validation here...
_repository.Save(); // should get error here!!
return RedirectToAction("Index");
// manage friendly messages here somehow... (??)
// ...
return View(category);
What is the best way to manage this using Linq to Sql? I (personally) don't feel that it makes sense to have all of these additional properties added to each model object... For example, the 'Get' should NEVER have errors and I don't want my repository methods to return one type of object for Get calls, but accept another type of object for CUD calls.
Update: My Solution! (Dec. 1, 2009)
Here is what I did to fix my problem. I got rid of my 'Save()' method on all of my repositories. Instead, I added an 'Update()' method to each repository and actually commit the data to the database on each CUD (ie. Create / Update / Delete) call.
I knew that each stored procedure had the same parameters, so I created a class to hold them:
public class MySprocArgs
private readonly string _methodName;
public int? Number;
public string Message;
public int? ErrorLogId;
public int? SqlErrorNumber;
public string SqlErrorMessage;
public int? NewRowId;
public MySprocArgs(string methodName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName))
throw new ArgumentNullException("methodName");
_methodName = methodName;
public string MethodName
get { return _methodName; }
I also created a MySprocException that accepts the MySprocArgs in it's constructor:
public class MySprocException : ApplicationException
private readonly MySprocArgs _args;
public MySprocException(MySprocArgs args) : base(args.Message)
_args = args;
public int? ErrorNumber
get { return _args.Number; }
public string ErrorMessage
get { return _args.Message; }
public int? ErrorLogId
get { return _args.ErrorLogId; }
public int? SqlErrorNumber
get { return _args.SqlErrorNumber; }
public string SqlErrorMessage
get { return _args.SqlErrorMessage; }
Now here is where it all comes together... Using the example that I started with in my initial inquiry, here is what the 'AddCategory()' method might look like:
public void AddCategory(Category category)
var args = new MySprocArgs("AddCategory");
var result = _dbContext.AddWidgetSproc(
ref args.Number, // <-- Notice use of 'args'
ref args.Message,
ref args.ErrorLogId,
ref args.SqlErrorNumber,
ref args.SqlErrorMessage,
ref args.NewRowId);
if (result == -1)
throw new MySprocException(args);
Now from my controller, I simply do the following:
[HandleError(ExceptionType = typeof(MySprocException), View = "SprocError")]
public class MyController : Controller
public ActionResult Create(Category category)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
// manage friendly messages
return View(category);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
The trick to managing the new MySprocException is to simply trap it using the HandleError attribute and redirect the user to a page that understands the MySprocException.
I hope this helps somebody. :)
I don't believe you can add the output parameters to any of your LINQ classes because the parameters do not persist in any table in your database.
But you can handle output parameters in LINQ in the following way.
Add the stored procedure(s) you whish to call to your .dbml using the designer.
Call your stored procedure in your code
using (YourDataContext context = new YourDataContext())
Nullable<int> errNumber = null;
String errMessage = null;
Nullable<int> errDetailLogID = null;
Nullable<int> sqlErrNumber = null;
String sqlErrMessage = null;
Nullable<int> newRowID = null;
Nullable<int> userID = 23;
Nullable<bool> isActive=true;
context.YourAddStoredProcedure(userID, "New Category", isActive, ref errNumber, ref errMessage, ref errDetailLogID, ref sqlErrNumber, ref sqlErrMessage, ref newRowID);
I haven' tried it yet, but you can look at this article, where he talks about stored procedures that return output parameters.
Basically drag the stored procedure into your LINQ to SQL designer then it should do the work for you.
The dbContext.SubmitChanges(); will work only for ENTITY FRAMEWORK.I suggest Save,Update and delete will work by using a Single Stored procedure or using 3 different procedure.

Need Help understanding this code

I am trying to learn unit testing. I am trying to unit test some Memembership stuff I am making in mvc 1.0. I been following a book on MVC and I am confused about some stuff that hopefully someone can clear up for me.
I am using Nunit and Moq for my frameworks.
Question 1:
public AuthenticationController(IFormsAuthentication formsAuth, MembershipProvider provider)
FormsAuth = formsAuth ?? new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();
Provider = provider ?? Membership.Provider;
I am kinda confused what "??" does I never really seen it before. Like I don't even know whats happening really in here. Like they passin the interface and then "??" mark happens and makes a new FormsAuthenticationWraper is made?
Question 2.
public AuthenticationController(): this(null, null)
I know this is the default constructor but I am not sure why ": this(null,null)" is doing.
Like what is it implementing? and what is this refering too. And on top of it why can't that be just left out? And just stick the default constructor as it is.
Question 3.
In the book( mvc 1.0 quickly) it talks about how it would be quite a bit of work to implementing the Memembership provider would be alot of work. So they use moq mockup framework to make life easier.
Now my question is they don't use the moq on the "FormsAuthentication". They instead make an interface
public interface IFormsAuthentication
void SetAuthCookie(string userName, bool createPersistentCookie);
void SignOut();
Then make a wrapper
public class FormsAuthenticationWrapper : IFormsAuthentication
public void SetAuthCookie(string userName, bool createPersistentCookie)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, createPersistentCookie);
public void SignOut()
Then finally a property
public IFormsAuthentication FormsAuth
private set;
Where as with the membership they only have
public static MembershipProvider Provider
private set;
I am not sure though what to change the stuff too. Like what would I change this line too?
FormsAuth = formsAuth ?? new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();
I also tried to add another method into the FormsAuthentication Interface and Wrapper.
public void RedirectFromLoginPage(string userName, bool createPersistentCookie)
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userName, createPersistentCookie);
Yet I am not sure what is happening but my unit test always fails does not matter what I try to do to fix it.
public ActionResult Login(string returnUrl, FormCollection form, bool rememberMe)
LoginValidation loginValidation = new LoginValidation();
UpdateModel(loginValidation, form.ToValueProvider());
return View("Login");
if (ModelState.IsValid == true)
bool valid = authenticate.VerifyUser(loginValidation.UserName, loginValidation.Password);
if (valid == false)
ModelState.AddModelError("frm_Login", "Either the Password or UserName is invalid");
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl) == false)
/* if the user has been sent away from a page that requires them to login and they do
* login then redirect them back to this area*/
return Redirect(returnUrl);
FormsAuth.RedirectFromLoginPage(loginValidation.UserName, rememberMe);
return View("Login");
Here is my test
public void Test_If_User_Is_Redirected_Back_To_Page_They_Came_From_After_Login()
var formsAuthenticationMock = new Mock<AuthenticationController.IFormsAuthentication>();
var membershipMock = new Mock<MembershipProvider>();
membershipMock.Setup(m => m.ValidateUser("chobo2", "1234567")).Returns(true);
// Setup controller
AuthenticationController target = new AuthenticationController(formsAuthenticationMock.Object, membershipMock.Object);
// Execute
FormCollection form = new FormCollection();
form.Add("Username", "chobo2");
form.Add("password", "1234567");
ViewResult actual = target.Login(null, form, false) as ViewResult;
Assert.That(actual.View, Is.EqualTo("home"));
Actual always comes back to null. I tried ViewResult, RedirectResult and RedirectToRouteResult but everyone comes back null. So I am not sure why this is happening since I find it weird first that
FormsAuth.RedirectFromLoginPage(loginValidation.UserName, rememberMe);
Does not stop the view and starts to redirect. I thought at first once it hits this line it is like a return statement and thats it no other code will be executed but htis does not seem to be the case so I am not sure if this could be the problem.
Question 1
The ?? is called the null-coalescing operator, and is a very useful feature of C# 2.0 onwards.
In your case,
FormsAuth = formsAuth ?? new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();
simply means "assign formsAuth to FormsAuth unless it is null, in which case assign new FormsAuthenticationWrapper()". It's basically a way of preventing null references in your code. You can also think of it as a shortcut for the following conditional expression:
FormsAuth = formsAuth != null ? formsAuth : new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();
Question 2
The use of this(null, null) is called constructor chaining. All this means is that that the constructor in the same class (hence this, as opposed to base for the parent class) that takes two parameters, should be called before the body of the constructor is executed.
Overloading constructors is a common practice to make it easier for the developer to create new objects when they just want to use the default properties/settings.
Question 3
As others have mentioned, this really belongs as a separate question. Unlike the previous two, it's much more specific to the context/your code, rather than language features of C#.
Ok, what I've done now is actually rewritten the two constructors here, since I think putting them in another (virtually equivalent) form might be a bit clearer, and is probably better design practice too. The null coalescing operator isn't necessary here.
public AuthenticationController()
: this(new FormsAuthenticationWrapper(), Membership.Provider)
public AuthenticationController(IFormsAuthentication formsAuth,
MembershipProvider provider)
this.FormsAuth = formsAuth;
this.Provider = provider;
In this form, it should be obvious that the constructor that takes two parameters simply assigns the class variables to the values of the arguments. The parameterless constructor (often called the default constructor) simply creates a new object using the default FormsAuth and Provider objects, which are specified via constructor chaining.
Question 1: ?? is the null coalescing operator. The ?? operator checks whether the value provided on the left side of the expression is null, and if so it returns an alternate value indicated by the right side of the expression.
In your situation, it checks if formsAuth is null, and returns a new FormsAuthenticationWrapper() if it is null.
The ?? operator is saying "use this, unless it's null, it which case use this other thing".
So, this line of code:
FormsAuth = formsAuth ?? new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();
Is the same as:
if ( formsAuth != null ) FormsAuth = formsAuth
else FormsAuth = new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();
In answer to Q2
It is overloading the constructor.
If means that calling
is the same as calling
Foo(null, null)
Question 1:
The ?? operator simply says "take whatever is on my left if it's not null - if it is, take whatever is on my right". So your code:
FormsAuth = formsAuth ?? new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();
is equivalent to
if (formsAuth != null) {
FormsAuth = formsAuth;
} else {
FormsAuth 0 new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();
Question 2: The :this(null, null) syntax is shorthand for "constructor inheritance" (my naming...). Your code
public AuthenticationController(): this(null, null)
public AuthenticationController(IFormsAuthentication formsAuth, MembershipProvider provider)
FormsAuth = formsAuth ?? new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();
Provider = provider ?? Membership.Provider;
is equivalent to
public AuthenticationController()
FormsAuth = new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();
Provider = Membership.Provider;
public AuthenticationController(IFormsAuthentication formsAuth, MembershipProvider provider)
FormsAuth = formsAuth;
Provider = provider;
Question 2
public AuthenticationController(): this(null, null)
The no parameter constructor for AuthenticationController will call the constructor that takes a IFormsAuthentication and a MembershipProvider, passing two null values (this is done before any code in the no-param constructor code block is executed).
Since the two argument constructor uses the null-coalescing (??) operator to assign the variables and the passed arguments are null, a new MembershipProvider is used along with Membership.Provider object.
Had this constructor not been explicitly defined, the default no-param constructor would have been used. This could lead to unexpected behaviour if a new AuthenticationController was created (without passing any arguments to the constructor), since the member variables would not have been initialised.
Question 1:
FormsAuth = formsAuth ?? new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();
Provider = provider ?? Membership.Provider;
is equals to:
FormsAuth = (formsAuth == null ? new FormsAuthenticationWrapper() : formsAuth);
Provider = (provider == null ? Membership.Provider : provider);
Question 2:
It's just passing null to both formsAuth and provider constructor arguments. It's not good practice IMHO. Another constructor with no arguments would be a better fit.
EDIT: This makes no sense. Sorry, I was in a hurry and didn't really realize it was a constructor calling another constructor.
I don't have time to answer question 3 right now, I'll get to that later...
