Emptying array contents into table fields - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to take a populated array and empty its contents into specified table fields.
I have a rake file that's importing new rows via a CSV file that needs to extract the values from my already populated array and add them to the incident_id field.
For example:
#id_array = [97, 98, 99]
So, if I'm importing three new rows, the first row needs to get an incident_id of 97, the second row needs to get an incident_id of 98, and so on until the array is empty.
Here is the code for my rake file:
require 'csv'
namespace :import_timesheets_csv do
task :create_timesheets => :environment do
puts "Import Timesheets"
csv_text = File.read('c:/rails/thumb/costrecovery_csv/lib/csv_import/timesheets.csv')
csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, :headers => true)
csv.each do |row|
row = row.to_hash.with_indifferent_access
timesheet = Timesheet.last
timesheet.incident_id << #id_array

if csv.size == #id_array.size
csv.each_with_index do |row,index|
row = row.to_hash.with_indifferent_access
timesheet = Timesheet.last
timesheet.incident_id = #id_array[index]
#Handel error arrays are not equal in size


Export arrays into xlsx using axlsx gem

I'm attempting to copy all the contents of a CSV file over to an excel workbook using the AXLSX gem. On a second sheet, I only want 2 of the columns copied over. Below is an example.
I tried the '.map' method but that didn't work.
require 'csv'
require 'Axlsx'
p = Axlsx::Package.new
wb = p.workbook
animals = CSV.read('test.csv', headers:true)
column = ['Animals', 'Name']
headers = Array.new
headers << "Animal"
headers << "Name"
headers << "Age"
headers << "State"
wb.add_worksheet(:name => 'Copy') do |sheet|
animals.each do |row|
headers.map { |col| sheet.add_row [row[col]] }
wb.add_worksheet(:name => 'Names') do |sheet|
animals.each do |row|
column.map { |col| sheet.add_row [row[col]] }
p.serialize 'Animals.xlsx'
CSV - But also desired output on XLSX
Output from my code
At first read file using IO::readlines, then split every line (separate by the cells using Array#map and String#split).
It will produce nested array. Something like
[["Animal", "Name", "Age", "State"], ["Dog", "Rufus", "7", "CA"], ["Bird", "Magnus", "3", "FL"]]
Each subarray here is the row of your table, each item of subarray is the cell of your table.
If you need just "Name" column on second sheet you need make nested array
[["Name"], ["Rufus"], ["Magnus"]]
That's all you need to generate XLSX file.
For example you have animals.csv with data serapated by , and want to generate animals.xlsx:
require 'axlsx'
copy = File.readlines('animals.csv', chomp: true).map { |s| s.split(',') }
names = copy.map { |l| [l[1]] }
Axlsx::Package.new do |p|
p.workbook.add_worksheet(name: 'Animals') { |sheet| copy.each { |line| sheet.add_row(line) }}
p.workbook.add_worksheet(name: 'Names') { |sheet| names.each { |line| sheet.add_row(line) }}

How to add new column in CSV string in rails

I want to add new column and update existing values in CSV response. How can I do simpler and better way of doing the below transformations?
I am using following method to parse the csv string and add new column
# Parse original CSV
rows = CSV.parse(csv_string, headers: true).collect do |row|
hash = row.to_hash
# Merge additional data as a hash.
hash.merge('email' => 'sample#gmail.com')
# Extract column names from first row of data
column_names = rows.first.keys
# Generate CSV after transformation of csv
csv_response = CSV.generate do |csv|
csv << column_names
rows.each do |row|
# Extract values for row of data
csv << row.values_at(*column_names)
I am using following method to parse the csv and update existing values
name_hash = {"John" => "Johnny", "Jack" => "Jackie"}
Parse original CSV
rows = CSV.parse(csv_string, headers: true).collect do |row|
hash = row.to_hash
hash['name'] = name_hash[hash['name']] if name_hash[hash['name']] != nil
# Extract column names from first row of data
column_names = rows.first.keys
# Generate CSV after transformation of csv
csv_response = CSV.generate do |csv|
csv << column_names
rows.each do |row|
# Extract values for row of data
csv << row.values_at(*column_names)
One possible option given the following reference data to be used for modifying the table:
name_hash = {"John" => "Johnny", "Jack" => "Jackie"}
sample_email = {'email' => 'sample#gmail.com'}
Just store in rows the table converted to hash:
rows = CSV.parse(csv_string, headers: true).map(&:to_h)
#=> [{"id"=>"1", "name"=>"John", "country"=>"US"}, {"id"=>"2", "name"=>"Jack", "country"=>"UK"}, {"id"=>"3", "name"=>"Sam", "country"=>"UK"}]
Then modify the hash based on reference data (I used Object#then for Ruby 2.6.1 alias of Object#yield_self for Ruby 2.5):
rows.each { |h| h.merge!(sample_email).then {|h| h['name'] = name_hash[h['name']] if name_hash[h['name']] } }
#=> [{"id"=>"1", "name"=>"Johnny", "country"=>"US", "email"=>"sample#gmail.com"}, {"id"=>"2", "name"=>"Jackie", "country"=>"UK", "email"=>"sample#gmail.com"}, {"id"=>"3", "name"=>"Sam", "country"=>"UK", "email"=>"sample#gmail.com"}]
Finally restore the table:
csv_response = CSV.generate(headers: rows.first.keys) { |csv| rows.map(&:values).each { |v| csv << v } }
So you now have:
puts csv_response
# id,name,country,email
# 1,Johnny,US,sample#gmail.com
# 2,Jackie,UK,sample#gmail.com
# 3,Sam,UK,sample#gmail.com

Not able to place csv data in a Hash

I have a CSV file with two columns:
PPS_Id Amount
123 100
1234 150
I read data from this file and insert in a array using the code below:
CSV.foreach("filename.CSV", headers: true) do |row|
file_details << row.inspect # hash
I am then trying to push the data in the file_details into a hash with PPS_Id as key and Amount as Value, I am using the code below:
file_details_hash = Hash.new
file_details.each { |x|
file_details_hash[x['PPS_Id']] = x['Amount']
But when I print the result I get nothing just {"PPS_Id"=>"Amount"}
Can you please help
Your code, modified to work
You need to specify the column separator for your csv, and remove inspect.
require 'csv'
file_details = []
CSV.foreach("filename.CSV", headers: true, col_sep: "\s" ) do |row|
file_details << row
file_details_hash = Hash.new
file_details.each { |x|
file_details_hash[x['PPS_Id']] = x['Amount']
p file_details_hash
#=> {"123"=>"100", "1234"=>"150"}
It now returns what you expected to get.
Shorter solution
Read the csv, drop the first line (header) and convert to a Hash :
p CSV.read("filename.CSV", col_sep: "\s").drop(1).to_h
#=> {"123"=>"100", "1234"=>"150"}
First of all, you are collecting strings into an array (see String#inspect):
file_details << row.inspect
After that you call (sic!) String#[] on that strings:
x['PPS_Id'] #⇒ "PPS_Id", because string contains this substring
That said, your code has nothing but errors. You might achieve what you want with:
csv = CSV.parse(File.read("filename.CSV"), col_sep: "\s")
#⇒ {
# "123" => "100",
# "1234" => "150"
# }
Using inspect will save your CSV rows as strings, so obviously you won't be able get what you need. Instead try this:
file_details = CSV.read("filename.csv")
Read CSV directly will create an 2D array that you can then iterate over, which will look like this: [["PPS_Id", "Amount"], ["123", "100"], ["1234", "150"]]
From there you can slightly modify your approach:
file_details.each do |key, value|
file_details_hash[key] = value
To receive a hash like this: {"PPS_Id"=>"Amount", "123"=>"100", "1234"=>"150"}

Rails: how to check if find_or_initialize is updating/creating/skipping?

I have method which updating data in database from CSV.
csv_text = File.read("#{Rails.root}/db/seed/books.csv")
csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, :headers => :first_row)
csv.each { |row|
row = row.to_hash.with_indifferent_access.to_hash.symbolize_keys
row.delete_if { |key, value| value.nil? }
book = Book.find_or_initialize_by_name(row[:name])
How can i check if record will be created or updated or nothing happens?
To check if book was changed there's changed?:
To check if book is a new record there's new_record?:

Using Column headers to parse excel sheets using roo - Ruby

Can we use column headers to specify the column number from which we are parsing the excel sheet using roo gem? My current code is like this now:
oo = Openoffice.new("simple_spreadsheet.ods")
oo.default_sheet = oo.sheets.first
(2..oo.last_row).each do |line|
date = oo.cell(line,'A')
start_time = oo.cell(line,'B')
end_time = oo.cell(line,'C')
pause = oo.cell(line,'D')
I would like to parse from column headers instead of specifying columns as 'A' 'B' 'C' ... Can I acheive this using Roo?
You can grab the entire header row as an array and hash the entire row key'd on the header row.
oo = Openoffice.new("simple_spreadsheet.ods")
oo.default_sheet = oo.sheets.first
header = oo.row(1)
2.upto(oo.last_row) do |line|
row_data = Hash[header.zip oo.row(line)]
You could also use row_data[line] to nest the hashes for later use.
A cleaner/clearer version of the above is
oo = Openoffice.new("simple_spreadsheet.ods")
oo.default_sheet = file.sheets.first
header = oo.first_row
2.upto(oo.last_row) do |line|
row_data = Hash[*header.zip(row).flatten]
the original took me a bit to understand because especially as i thought hash was a local variable named hash instead of the class Hash
This will use the header row as the keys. The helpful parts are transpose and strip.
def self.excel_to_hash(folder_name, file_name, tab_name)
# Takes an excel file name and a tab name, and returns an array of stripped, transposed rows
# Sample call: my_data = excel_to_hash File.join(Rails.root,'db/data/data_to_import.xlsx'), 'models'
rows = []
file = File.open(File.join(folder_name, file_name), mode = 'r')
excel = Excelx.new(file.path, nil, :ignore)
excel.default_sheet = excel.sheets.index(tab_name) + 1
header = excel.row(1)
(2..excel.last_row).each do |i|
next unless excel.row(i)[0]
row = Hash[[header, excel.row(i)].transpose]
row.each_key{|x| row[x] = row[x].to_s.strip if row[x]}
rows << row
return rows
valid through Roo gem 1.10.2
This works for me
require 'roo'
# open excel file
excel_file = Roo::Spreadsheet.open(file_path)
# iterate on each sheet
excel_file.each_with_pagename do |name, sheet|
# iterate on each sheet
sheet.parse(headers: true, pad_cells: true) do |row|
# data should be access by column header if we have column header Name we can access like this
