Provide input for visual studio add-in - visual-studio-addins

How can I provide input parameters (like text to be written in a file) using a Visual Studio Add-In? Can I use the ref object varIn parameter of the Exec method and if I can how?

Actually I can use s simple Windows Form to collect the input, nothing special related to Visual Studio is needed.


Is there a shortcut to select entire line in Visual Studio 2019?

I couldn't find shortcut to select entire line in Visual Studio 2019.
This feature is exactly the same as "CTRL + L" in VSCode.
For me, this is a very useful feature when using VS Code.
I want to use this feature somehow in VS2019.
I've tried to search in Keyboard Binding and Market Place.

Use emmet(ZenCoding) with Visual Studio for Mac (not VS Code)

I'm making an Asp.Net Core MVC application using Visual Studio for Mac.(Not VS Code)
I want to use Emmet with Razor Page(*.cshtml file.) coding, but I can not use it even by pressing the Tab key.
I feel like I was able to use it before. (It is not certain.)
Is there a setting to enable Emmet somewhere?
Visual Studio for Mac does not have support for Emmet and there is no extension available that you can install.
Visual Studio for Mac has support for code snippets. If you open the Preferences dialog, select Text Editor - Code Snippets, you should find some snippets available for Razor files, and other files.
Code snippets are available in the completion list and you need to press tab - tab to select and then expand the snippet. However this does not match all the features that Emmet supports.

visual studio 2015 editor vs visual studio code for angular 4

I have created data access layer ,Business access layer and web api as separate projects in one visual studio solution.
I am trying to implement angular 4 project using angular cli. Is it better for me to include angular 4 as a class library project and add to the existing solution or do I avoid adding it to the solution and just use visual studio code to open it.
I need to know which is the better code editor to use as far as angular 4 is concerned.
I would argue that nowadays both VS Code and Visual Studio 2017 offer similar experiences. You can check my blog post here for more information:
If you want to successfully use the Angular CLI, the VS Code would be much easier than trying to merge the result into a Visual Studio project.
Alternatively, you can use the new dotnet new angular and use Visual Studio's template. See this link for more information:
Most devs I know are going with option 1 and using the CLI and VS Code for the Angular piece and Visual Studio for the back-end piece.

Issue when using Orchard Web matrix module in Visual studio

I have implemented Nwazet commerce module & related functionality inside the Web matrix. now there are many changes required in implementation so need to work out in the visual studio. Now in visual studio i have just copied my implemented module of Web matrix and paste it in visual studio modules also applied DB related changes as well with the theme related changes also but it causes too many issues at the time of loading. also try to convert project in visual studio with upper ribbon available in Web Matrix with the option of Visual Studio Launch but it also gives error related to visual studio 2010 shell.

How to prevent/disable visual studio auto correct of quotes after href when editing views

Have an annoying visual studio auto-complete behavior.
When editing an MVC view (cshtml) when typing href= Visual studio will autocomplete to "help me out" by auto completing the quotes, for example href="". The problem is with MVC the majority of my links are generated dynamically using #Url.Action(...).
If there a way to control this auto editing? A minor thing but it disrupt my flow every single time, enough that I posted the question.
Why don't you just add Url.Action inside quotes. Like href="#Url.Action(...)".
Or if you want to disable automatic quotes look here Turn off automatic quote insertion in Visual Studio 2010 is the same in Visual Studio 2013.
