Strange iOS app store update/install behaviour - ios

I've recently released a significant update to an iOS application, lets call the new version 2.0 and the previously uploaded 1.0. The v2.0 update became ready for sale and was released to the store on September 20, 2012 09:35 (~6 days ago). Since then I've been seeing some extremely strange behaviour when a user updates or installs my app for the first time. Several users (and myself) have downloaded the update only to see the previously uploaded v1.0 binary installed even though the app store meta data accurately reflects the new version. Uninstalling the app and re-downloading it then results in the correct v2.0 app being installed. This behaviour has been seen as recently as 12 hours ago. I'm also seeing several users complaining about crashes in the update which I'm positive only arise in the old version. Is it somehow possible that I've caused this issue to arise through project settings? I'm thinking not but I'd really like to get to the bottom of this as it's negatively impacting the apps ratings.

The following steps solved my problem.
In itunes connect click on the app icon.
Select 'Rights and Pricing'
Select 'Manage iCloud settings for this app'
Now check the versions that you don't want the users to download from iCloud.


Do I have to rebuild my app for every iOS new version release to make it available at the AppStore?

I think this is not required, at my personal experience only new iOS specific features in my application will require a new release, but a personal client is asking me to confirm this.
With every new XCode release, do I have to rebuild and publish my application in order to make it available at the AppStore of new iOS Release?
If there is any official documentation that proves this will be appreciated!
You do not need to re-publish. Apps remain in the App Store until the developer pulls it (or very rarely, Apple pulls it due to policy violations).
There is likely not any documentation that explicitly states this, but consider a scenario where somebody gets the new iPhone 13 and opts to restore it from iCloud. Data is pulled from iCloud, but apps are restored by re-installing them from the App Store. If apps disappeared from the App Store because they haven't been re-compiled, then anybody who upgraded their phone would discover that a large number of their apps had disappeared.
Anecdotally, my company has apps in the App Store that haven't seen a new submission in over 2 years (since iOS 12). Those apps are still in the store.
You can test your iOS app using the new Xcode 13 and if you got some bug using the new iOS SDK, you can fix it and submit a new version to App Store using the new Xcode.
Its prudent to test your apps on each new OS (preferably before the public release) but in most cases no new release is necessary. Over time you may want to update your app to take advantage of new features or to better support new devices. No app will never last forever but you will likely be able to go some time before having to update.

When using Apple's phased release of an app, which version is presented to users downloading for the 1st time?

Apple recently started offering phased app releases details here where people with automatically updating turned on the app is based out in this manor. 1% gets the app on day one 2% on day 2, 5% day 3 etc. Based on the description I would expect that new downloaders would get the "old" version of the app until apples phasing roll out is complete (or the developer chooses to release to 100%).
Can anybody confirm this ?
New users will always see the newest version, they will not see the 'old' version.
From the docs.
All users will still be able to manually update your
app directly from the App Store and new customers will
always see your most recent Ready for Sale version.
Additionally, if a user updates manually, they will get the newest version as well. The only case they get the 'old' version is part of an automatic update.

Apple iOS 64-Bit App Update

I have updated my app to 64-bit just fine. Everything is according to Apple's standards. I pushed the new version to the store and it got accepted on the 1st of July 2015.
Now, here is the problem, some customers are reporting that the app is not being updated automatically from the store. In other words, they still have the old app on their devices. And when you go to the store to manually update it, it installs a new version of the app next to the old one and they end up with 2 apps (same app) with the old and new version. Also some other customers are reporting that they are seeing mixed data when they lunch the new app (like data from the old one still shows up on the new one)
FYI, the bundle ID and the app ID are the same, nothing has changed except the app version and build number!
I have been publishing app for few years now and I have not seen such a problem. Any idea why this is happening?
Thanks in advance!

Same app after an update in iTunes

We requested an expedited review for an update of our app that fixed a critical bug. The expedited review was granted and now our version 1.1 is up instead of our version 1.0. But the app is the same.
The changes we made to the app are not in the new version. We have an ad hoc version of the same binary and in the ad hoc version the changes are there. I dont know if somebody has had the same issue and if there was a way to fix it. This is our first expedited review and already contacted iTunes developer support but we are still waiting for their response.
Maybe now it takes time to propagate the servers with the new app or somehow the metadata for version 1.1 was passed to the appstore with the binary for 1.0. This is the first time we ever had problems after an update.
It may be one of two options:
- The servers (Apple's servers) have not still propagated the correct version.
- The servers have inconsistent information, so they won't propagate the current version till you contact Apple. This happened to a dev some months ago and here is his answer: iOS 7 users unable to install new version
Seems to be a common problem at the moment. See
My app is 'Ready for sale' for almost 48 hours now, but the AppStore still shows the previous version.

Old version of my App Store app is installed on users' iOS devices

We released an update to our app that had a serious bug - it basically crashed when users tried to login. We removed the app from sale after 2-3 hours and we released a hot fix update 3 days later. The users were notified about the new version by Apple, but when they updated the app, some of them still got the old buggy version. Uninstalling and installing the app again didn't help. It happened for some users only.
The fix was a small update - we didn't change the target iOS version for example.
I read in the Internet that it might take 24 hours for the update to be propagated to all servers, but the users were still receiving the old app a few days later.
Have you guys experienced a similar problem with Apple App Store? Is there anything we can do about that? We're planning to release a major update and we want to be sure that when the users are notified about the update, they'll get it instead of an old version.
When a user that has already purchased the app clicks the they get the last version they downloaded, NOT the most recent. They must download that version and then update.
I have experienced it many times: when the status of my app new version have just become "Ready for Sale", I tried to install the app in my friends' iOS devices to show them the news, but it downloaded the past version and App Store notified the update again and again. I asked them to update the day after and it worked.
Because of that, I learnt to announce new versions one day after status change to "Ready for Sale" to make sure that the version listed by App Store is actually the last update.
