Running my app with the iOS6 simulator I am getting the following printed in the XCode console prior to viewDidLoad getting called:
Couldn't find default.styleproto in framework
Has anyone else encountered this, and if so have you found a reason why? My guess is that it has to do with the iOS6 Apple Maps, but who knows!
I should add that I don't get this warning in the iOS 5.1 simulator.
I found a way to consistently reproduce this.
First, the culprit is a set of files in the Cache folder for your simulator. Go to your Application Support folder for the iPhone Simulator:
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/[6.0 and above]/Library
Then look inside of your Caches/GeoServices/Resources
You'll see some .styleproto files in there. These files are only created when MapKit is first used in a simulator. It may also happen on the device, but I haven't confirmed it.
If you want to test this, make sure you have the .styleproto files, then re-launch your app, and you won't see the warning again when accessing the maps.
Remove the GeoServices cache folder, quit and restart the simulator (and your app), and there is the warning!
I solved by adjusting the MKMapView in my view controller to iPhone 5 new size, now I got no warning message.
mmm...I had de same problem...I think the problem could be the 6.0 Simulator; if I set the Deployment Target to 5.1 and run the app using the 5.1 Simulator and uncheck the Autolayout check-box, I didn't have any problem, but if I use the 6.0 Simulator when I run the app, the map doesn't appear, and the message "Couldn't find default.styleproto in framework" is printed in Xcode console...
Please set your GPS settings active otherwise this error may occur again. Also,it is advisable to set the frame for the iPhone 5 .
I just turned on my wireless on device and this warning disappear and my map comes visible.
This is old, but for anyone who comes across this thread like I did, it may also be that the option "Shows User Location" on the map view object was not checked. This was my issue and not about cache above, although I got the exact same error in console. I didn't even try the cache fix from the answer above, all I did was check that option and voila.
If your iOS simulator's GPS setting is none, you will get this waring. Just change iOS simulator's GPS setting to "Apple Stores" or other, it will gone.
I have a very simple application with a single view, containing several UILabels. Upon running in Simulator, the Xcode console returns the error:
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:875: MGIsDeviceOneOfType is not supported on this platform.
The Simulator itself just shows a white screen. I've also tried running it on a developer device with the same white screen. I've searched documentation but can't find any reference to MGIsDeviceOneOfType.
The application is written in Swift in Xcode 10 beta on macOS 10.14. I am attempting to run it on the iPhone 7-X Simulators, as well as a development iPhone 7, all running the target software (12.0).
The libMobileGestalt.dylib provides a central repository for all of the iOS's properties. It can be analogous to OS X's Gestalt, which is part of CoreServices. OS X's Gestalt is documented for example Gestalt Manager and has been deprecated as of 10.8. MobileGestalt is entirely undocumented by Apple as it is a private library.
MobileGestalt allows for the testing of system properties that may or may not be compatible on different simulators.
Quite a few system processes and apps in iOS rely on MobileGestalt, which is located at /usr/lib/libMobileGestalt.dylib. It's more of a basic library, but its exposed APIs follow the Apple framework conventions and uses the MG API prefix for example MGIsDeviceOneOfType.
If you look for MobileGestalt on the iOS filesystem you won't find it - like all private frameworks and libraries, it has been prelinked into the /System/Library/Caches/...etc. If you like hacking and pen-testing then you can use tools to extract it.
MobileGestalt provides plenty of information - around 200 or so queries - on various aspects of the system. Here are a few.
//Answers to MG queries
There are hundreds more e.g. AirplaneMode, MobileEquipmentIdentifier, etc.
MobileGestalt maintains a table of OSType selector codes.
for example c:890 in the message: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:890: MGIsDeviceOneOfType is not supported on this platform. In this case MGIsDeviceOneOfType is a method/property of the MobileGestalt library.
Instead of checking the simulator version there is a separate selector for directly querying the capabilities of the simulator. The messages most likely indicate incompatibilities between simulator versions and Xcode versions and/or unsupported APIs on the simulator.
I've successfully dropped it with the disabling of the project garbage.
Go to <Name of your Project>->Scheme->Edit Scheme Then go to Run (menu to the left side) and add the following environment variable:
Name:OS_ACTIVITY_MODE, Value: disable
in my case: check your app delegate for method - didFinishLaunching. I had private and get the error. After remove "private" everything works fine
I just installed Xcode 10 Beta and had the same problem. Ran Xcode 9.4.1 and the problem went away.
This error will only occur when testing/debugging on simulators.
The newer the simulator the better.
Case: I run simulator iPhone 8 plus I got this message in the debugger.
Solution: I changed to a newer simulator no error message in the debugger.
Ran into this when opening some project from GitHub on Xcode 10.0.
The pragmatic solution was: just hit 'Continue program execution' multiple times and probably disable your exception breakpoint. Apparently the exception was recoverable.
It's not a real solution but it was good enough for me at that point.
In my case, the Target's Deployment Target was at iOS 8. When I pushed it up to iOS 10.3, it ran fine, both on the Simulator and the device.
Am seeing this problem. Using Xcode 10.1. Created a brand new project - doesn't do anything except show a white screen. Discovered it was showing up on simulator for older devices. For example, iPad Pro (12.9 inch) and iPad Pro (12.9 inch) (2nd generation) show the problem, but problem is gone for iPad Pro (12.9 inch) (3rd generation). Does not show up for iPhone XR simulator.
Basically seems annoying.
If you have fonts provided by the app, you need to add to Info.plist
And check if the file have the Target Membership selected
I had the same issue, but with MapKit, where a MapView did not show up, just the white screen and the same error, MGIsDeviceOneOfType is not supported on this platform.
Solved it by fixing "Ambiguous layout" warnings tied to the MapView object. Now it's working perfectly fine, and the errors went away.
The regular way when strange errors happens helped:
1) Clean project;
2) Shut down simulator;
3) Reinstall pods.
Xcode 10.
For me, with the simulator in question in focus, I selected Hardware->Erase all content and settings.
After the simulator restarted, launching my app worked again, as expected.
I went to XCode -> Preferences -> Components
Ticked all the simulators and the check box to install updates automatically, and then "check and Install now" and went away for a few hours while they all updated.
Now the problem is gone - so in fact, it's as mentioned. New XCode with Old - non-updated simulators.
What worked for me was to change within general > Deployment Info > Main Interface to CDVLaunchScreen and do the same within general > App Icons and Launch Images > Launch Screen File to CDVLaunchScreen as well.
I come from Ionic, so this might not be a problem for those who develop in Swift / Objective-C.
I have recently updated to Xcode 10.2 and when I tried to run a project created in earlier version, Same error occurred.
The problem was that simulator was running before updating Xcode.
Solution was very simple for me to quit Simulator and restart so that it can get the new changes. I don't think the model of the simulator (iPhone SE or iPhone X) matters. You just need to restart your simulator for it to take effect of new update.
I would recommend to quit both Xcode and simulator and restart your Mac.
I got this error by calling .sync on the main queue which caused a deadlock (DispatchQueue.main.sync {}). I meant to call .async.
I got this error, when trying to read a json file which is inside my project and it returned nil, due to that i got this error.
I got nil because of some spelling mistake in the font name, that json file was holding the font names, after copy pasting the font name i got data and the error fixed.
I tried allmost all of the solutions given above, nothing worked, So debug with patience, you will get to know which is causing this error and in some bad time xcode will play in our life :)
I was facing same problem but I've successfully dropped it with below things:
Shutdown simulator,
Shutdown Xcode,
Re-open Xcode and simulator
I hope it will help.
I have a SDK project which will compile and build a framework. Inside this project, I have my person NSLog shown there. I have another framework test app to using this framework to do my task. After upgrading to iOS 10 and Xcode 8, I notice all the NSLog are gone. I cannot find it anywhere.
I search and find this answer: iOS 10 doesn't print NSLogs, I gave a try for both my SDK project and my framework test app, adding OS_ACTIVITY_MODE "disabled", however, it is still not showing NSLog.
Update: I still have one device which is iOS 9, I gave a try on that one, NSLogs are still shown in device console. Using Mac's console app I can also see my own logs.
This is a MFI project so I cannot directly debug this project, because the lighting cable is always connected with my hardware. I can only use log to see what happened.
OS_ACTIVITY_MODE set as disable remove OS activity state which is printed during the when project is runs. OS_ACTIVITY_MODE is only printed only in the x-Code 8.0 but when you upgrade your x-codefrom 8.0 to 8.1 you can found that it does not print any console for OS. But in overall procedure I have found that NSLog is working properly.
For your confirmation i just update my old project and run it into x-code 8.1. Output as below images
Environment variable
Nslog Code
console print
I have checked your problem in multiple style with multiple project but I didn't found any problem. So I just suggest you
To update your x-code
Re-install x-code after removing previous x-code completely.
Because If it is x-code bug them i also have to face the same in my every experiment.
If you still have any query you can ask.
Apple did some changes the way NSLog works and I probably you might not be able to get them.
My recommendation is that you change your NSLog to something that prints to the output console without using NSLog.
I'm the co-founder of a product called Bugfender that might help you, what we do is that we provide a BFLog function that will print the logs to the console and also upload them to our servers, so you can always check the logs without any need to connect the device to your computer.
The only problem our product has is that it's not in real time, but usually there's a delay of a few seconds. Some of our customers are using it to debug the app instead of using the XCode console.
If you set this,you can not see any log in your device ,but you can see that in simulator.
No app can run in my simulator, although building is good.
Error messsage is below:
Unable to run app in Simulator
An error was encountered while running (Domain = NSPOSIXErrorDomain, Code = 3)
In my case, I tried to run the app on a iPhone 6 simulator when I got this error. Quitted the simulator only and re-ran the app on iPhone 5s (8.1) - it worked fine.
After a while I changed the target back to iPhone 6 (without quitting it), and ran the app against it - no error shown.
As mentioned in the Xcode 6.1 Release Notes and in my sticky post in the Apple Developer Forums for the iOS Simulator, this is a known bug in iOS.
Upon installation of an app, SpringBoard will SIGKILL that app's
process in order to force a relaunch of the app with the new
executable. The problem is that there is a race condition whereby
SpringBoard may accidentally SIGKILL a new process that we just
launched rather than the old process. Which of the various error
messages you get depends on exactly when in the launch process the
SIGKILL was delivered. Normally, this shouldn't happen, so the advise
is to just try again (sorry =/). If you find that this happes to you
all the time or more frequently than you can tollerate, we are
incredibly sorry. We are aware that systems with slower disk I/O will
see this happen more frequently than faster systems, so if you are
using an NFS home directory, you may want to create a local directory
for your simulator data and setup a simlink to it from
By Quitting the Simulator and Run the application worked for me.
For me , just Reset Content and setting in your simulator
Restart Mac can solve the problem for me.
This error is less severe than "Domain = DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain, Code = 2" error that I had when I switched to Xcode 6.
For this one, I just reset and cleared contents on my Simulator...quit. Rebuilt and ran my app...and it works.
Every time this has happened to me (as of this writing, still happening on Xcode 6.1) I do not need to restart my mac to fix it. Instead I only had to restart the simulator. I exit the simulator by right-clicking on its icon in the tray and selecting the option to Quit. The I re-run my app and the simulator starts from scratch and runs my app with no error. Much quicker than re-starting the mac.
Well, I had the same error popping up, but since I force quitted the simulator then ran the project again I got it fixed and running fine. Hope that helps you :)
If this error occurs with ionic framework, make sure you have an app id given in your config.xml
This is a generic error which says that it is unable to launch the app. The real error is in the log file. Go to the Simulator menu, Debug / Open System Log. Then press Reveal button to open the folder with actual Simulator logs. In my case it was CoreSimulator.log.
Here you will find the real error. My error was Could not register service .
After a lot to struggle and trying all suggestions for half a day, I just went to simulator menu and chose File / GPU Selection / Use External GPU when available. That's it.
please download new xcode_6 beta 4. your project will work in simulator. As i have tested as well.
Sometimes the beta version of XCode is wrongly configured to use the command line tools from the previous xcode version.
This solution should fix the issue for you :
I always getting this error whenever i runs iOS 6 series simulators. I tried lot of steps for this problem. i.e., 1. deleting Derived Data, Creating a new project ..
Notification center label
if anyone tell me the solution for this.
Please make sure that your application's plist settings are not changed .. if you try to do anything which in not approved by the iOS this messege is shown quite often . Then please reset the settings and contents of iOS Simulator. Hopefully it will work.
you have not provided more details i post answer in guessing from you question
refer below link it more helpful.
IOS simulator failed to install application? in Xcode 5
iOS Simulator failed to install the application
Try to reset iOS 6.1 simulator from menu "iOS Simulator -> Reset Content and Settings...",
then run your app in XCode
I've racked my brains over this one, and I'm probably just making a stupid mistake. After switching to Xcode 4.5.1 (it may have happened at 4.5) I simply cannot load an app into the iPad Retina simulator. I've edited the compilation scheme to say to always use the Retina display for the iPad. No love. It used to be that you could change simulators on the fly and whatever one was open would be the one the project compiled for. But I can't figure out how to do this in 4.5. Help!
Something funky is going on, which seems to be not acting as expected. Try these solutions in the following order.
Your method is correct, you set your Simulator Display preference when editing your schemes. Make sure your destination for the scheme is the iPad simulator, that it's tied to the Run scheme, and set iPad Simulator display to Retina. Save/apply your scheme changes, try to run your app. If that doesn't work, close + re-open Xcode, check scheme settings to see if they stuck, and try again
You may want to double check if your changes stuck. Delve into your project file (by right clicking on your project file, and selecting "Show Package Contents"). Then navigate to:
Open it up in your favourite editor, and check to see if there's a:
simulatorIPadDisplay = "2.000000"
...for your required scheme
If none of that worked, then it may be an issue with your derived data (unlikely, but step 1 should have worked). Go to Organizer, and select the Projects tab. Then hit 'Delete...' for derived data. Do the same as before; run, close Xcode, check and re-run.
Well we really are in a pickle, that is the only method to set your preferred simulator display for a build scheme. You may need to resort to removing Xcode and re-installing, and trying the previous steps again.
What on earth is going on?! We've exhausted our methods, you may need to let Apple know about this issue.
Well, after a long session of "find all of my settings files and save them, delete Xcode and all of its settings files, reinstall Xcode, re-download simulators and dockets, replace settings files, etc., etc." I found myself in the same position. No Retina simulator for me.
The problem wasn't Xcode or the project file--the 5.0 simulator will simply not launch in Retina mode. The 5.1 and 6.0 simulators work fine, as I discovered when I switched to them in the compilation scheme. Switch back to 5.0 and I'm stuck in normal simulator mode. The reason I've been using the 5.0 simulator was to test lowest-common-denominator iOS features. That, and there is a bug in iOS 6.0 that affects large packet transfer via IPSec that hasn't been fixed yet.
So, I still don't know what the missing Derived Data status was all about, except that it's fixed now and I assume that reinstalling the app was the fix.