argument of pthread_create() - pthreads

We know that we call pthread like this
int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
void *(*start_routine) (void *), void* arg);
However, if in the start_routine function I wanna call has more than one argument, what can I do?

You can put whatever you want into a struct and pass a pointer to that.
In C:
typedef struct {
int a;
int b;
} ChildMainArgs;
void child_main(int a,int b);
void child_main_thread(void *arg)
ChildMainArgs *args_ptr = (ChildMainArgs *)arg;
ChildMainArgs args;
args.a = 5;
args.b = 7;


c programming how to write this in main

You can write the prototypes without the variable names?
int example(examplestruct *var1, examplestruct *var2);
void done(examplestruct *var1,FILE *f);
struct {
int* field1;
int field2;
Is it possible to write the prototypes without name variables?
Can anyone tell me if this is acceptable in C language? You can write the prototypes without the variable names?
As for the second question:
If you want a function to be inside main(), then take the body of the function, put it in main() and make sure that the arguments that the function had are well handled.
This example will clear things up:
#include <stdio.h>
void print(int);
void inc_p(int);
int main(void) {
int num = 5;
// to get rid of inc_p(), copy paste it's body inside main
// and you will get this
// a++;
// print(a);
// However, a was an argument, here you need to use
// the variable declared in main(), i.e. 'num'
return 0;
void print(int a) {
printf("%d\n", a);
void inc_p(int a) {

About the parameter of function pthread_create?

We know that we call pthread like this:
int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
void *(*start_routine) (void *), void* arg);
Hi guys, i want to know why the return type of third parameter is void*? why not void?
Because there is no way for a start function to know what kind of data a developer wants to return from the function they use a void* that can point to any type. It is up to the developer of the start function to then cast the void* to appropriate type he actually returned before using whatever the void* points to. So now the start function can return a pointer that may in actually point to anything. If the start function is declared to return void, it means this function returns nothing, then what if the developer wants the start function to return a int, a struct? For example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
struct test {
char str[32];
int x;
void *func(void*) {
struct test *eg = (struct test *)malloc(sizeof(struct test));
strcpy(eg->str,"hello world");
eg->x = 42;
int main (void) {
pthread_t id;
struct test *resp;
pthread_create(&id, NULL, func, NULL);
printf("%s %d\n",resp->str,resp->x);
return 0;
More details on this post: What does void* mean and how to use it?

Weird characters in printf

My environment: Xcode5, iOS, Objective-C/Objective-C++ mix.
I am trying to figure out what causes the next problem. I am writing my own logging function:
int _me_log(const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
char *c = va_arg(args, char *);
char *message = NULL;
printf(fmt, args);
int n = asprintf(&message, fmt, args);
if (n != -1 && message != NULL) {
//do something with 'message' like writing to file, etc.
//we need to handle memory created for 'message' storage.
return n;
Then I call it like this:
_me_log("socket %s did open", "Socket: 0x1fd1c880");
And instead of correct output socket Socket: 0x1fd1c880 did open I get some gibberish like this socket \\323\331/ did open in this line printf(fmt, args);.
If I call it this way printf("%s", c); I get correct results.
I have googled several implementations (this or this ) of logging functions and functions which pass variable parameters and it seems that I do everything correctly.
Could you please suggest me what I'm doing wrong?
You've got the right idea to use va_list here, but if you work with va_list you should use vasprintf instead of asprintf:
int _me_log(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
char *message = NULL;
int n;
va_start(args, fmt);
n = vasprintf(&message, fmt, args);
if (n != -1 && message != NULL) {
// ... use message ...
return n;
For every routine of the printf family, there is a variant that takes a va_list instead of the variadic argument ... and whose name is prefixed with the letter v, for example:
int printf(const char *format, ...);
int vprintf(const char *format, va_list ap);
These routines exist so you can write you own (non-macro) wrapper for xprintf.
Seems like a very complicated implementation. Try:
int _me_log(const char *fmt, ...) {
int ret = 0;
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
ret = vprintf(fmt, va);
putc('\n', stdout);
return ret;
But, of course, that is no different from printf(), except for forcing a newline.

What is the dart function type syntax for variable declaration?

I know you can specify function types in formal arg list, but how would I do this for instance variables? I would like to do this:
class A<T> {
int compare(T a, T b);
where compare is a function variable with the appropriate type. I would like to be able to write:
A a = new A(); = ...
You can use typedef :
typedef Comparison<T> = int Function(T a, T b);
class A<T> {
Comparison<T> compare;
main() {
A a = new A<int>(); = (int a, int b) => a.compareTo(b);
print(, 2));
In addition to the Alexandre Ardhuin's answer, direct declaration, without typedef:
class A<T> {
late int Function(T a, T b) compare;
main() {
A<int> a = new A<int>(); = (int a, int b) => a.compareTo(b);
print(, 2));

In Gobject, how to override parent class's method belong to an interface?

GObject class A implements interface IA, B is a derived class of A. How can B override A's method that is part of the interface IA?
Or, is this possible in GObject?
I know how to override parent class methods, but when inheritance meets interface, things seems to be more complicated.
Thanks a lot!
Yes, it is possible: just reimplement the interface as it was the first time, either using G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE() or manual initializing it in your get_type() function.
The real pain is if you need to chain up the old method. In this case, you should play with
g_type_interface_peek_parent to get the previous interface class.
Here is a test case:
/* gcc -otest `pkg-config --cflags --libs gobject-2.0` test.c */
#include <glib-object.h>
/* Interface */
#define TYPE_IFACE (iface_get_type())
typedef void Iface;
typedef struct {
GTypeInterface parent_class;
void (*action) (Iface *instance);
} IfaceClass;
static GType type = 0;
if (G_UNLIKELY(type == 0)) {
const GTypeInfo info = {
sizeof(IfaceClass), 0,
type = g_type_register_static(G_TYPE_INTERFACE, "Iface", &info, 0);
return type;
iface_action(Iface *instance)
/* Base object */
#define TYPE_BASE (base_get_type())
typedef GObject Base;
typedef GObjectClass BaseClass;
static void
base_action(Iface *instance)
g_print("Running base action on a `%s' instance...\n",
static void
base_iface_init(IfaceClass *iface)
iface->action = base_action;
static void
base_class_init(BaseClass *klass)
static void
base_init(Base *instance)
/* Derived object */
#define TYPE_DERIVED (derived_get_type())
typedef Base Derived;
typedef BaseClass DerivedClass;
static void
derived_action(Iface *instance)
IfaceClass *iface_class, *old_iface_class;
iface_class = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE(instance, TYPE_IFACE, IfaceClass);
old_iface_class = g_type_interface_peek_parent(iface_class);
g_print("Running derived action on a `%s' instance...\n",
/* Chain up the old method */
static void
derived_iface_init(IfaceClass *iface)
iface->action = derived_action;
static void
derived_class_init(DerivedClass *klass)
static void
derived_init(Derived *instance)
GObject *object;
object = g_object_new(TYPE_BASE, NULL);
iface_action((Iface *) object);
object = g_object_new(TYPE_DERIVED, NULL);
iface_action((Iface *) object);
return 0;
I think a better solution would be to make A's method virtual, rather than have B re-implement the interface A is attached to (this may require more work than just redefining one function), which you can do like this (example should be complete other than the fooable interface definition):
#include <glib-object.h>
#include "fooable.h"
typedef struct {GObject parent;} A;
typedef struct {
GObjectClass parent;
gint (*foo) (Fooable *self, gdouble quux);
} AClass;
#define TYPE_A (a_get_type())
#define A_CLASS(cls) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((cls), TYPE_A, AClass))
#define A_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS((obj), TYPE_A, AClass))
gint a_foo_real (Fooable *self, gdouble quux) {
g_print("a_foo_real(%g)\n", quux);
return 5;
gint a_foo (Fooable *self, gdouble quux) {
return A_GET_CLASS(self)->foo(self, quux);
void implement_fooable (FooableIface *iface) {iface->foo = a_foo;}
void a_class_init (AClass *cls) {cls->foo = a_foo_real;}
void a_init (A *self) {}
/* derive class B from A */
typedef struct {A parent;} B;
typedef struct {AClass parent;} BClass;
#define TYPE_B (b_get_type())
gint b_foo_real (Fooable *self, gdouble quux) {
g_print("b_foo_real(%g)\n", quux);
return 55;
void b_class_init (BClass *cls) {A_CLASS(cls)->foo = b_foo_real;}
void b_init (B *self) {}
int main () {
A *a = g_object_new(TYPE_A, NULL);
B *b = g_object_new(TYPE_B, NULL);
fooable_foo(FOOABLE(a), 87.0); // a_foo_real(87.0) and returns 5
fooable_foo(FOOABLE(b), 32.0); // b_foo_real(32.0) and returns 55
return 0;
That's as brief of an example as I can make it. When you call fooable_foo() the function will look at its vtable for the function defined when you implemented the interface which is a_foo() which looks at A class's vtable to determine which function to actually call. The B class definition overrides A class's a_foo_real() with its own. If you need B class's b_foo_real to chain up, that's an easy enough (use A_CLASS(b_parent_class)->foo() which is defined for you in the G_DEFINE_TYPE macro)
