Sprockets can't find javascripts in flot-rails gem - ruby-on-rails

I tried to use the foot-rails gem to install flot but was unsuccessful.
I added gem "flot-rails" to my gemfile and executed bundle install
I then added
//= require jquery.flot
//= require jquery.flot.resize
to my /app/assets/javascripts/application.js file
I verified that the gem installed properly (gem show flot-rails) and found that the javascripts were all in the vendor directory of the gem but my app reports
couldn't find file 'jquery.flot'
(in ...path/app/assets/javascripts/application.js:12)
I chose to just install the files manually into my assets directory but I'd like to know what's wrong with my sprockets.
Why ca't Sprockets resolve the references?

Well, don't I feel stupid.
I needed to restart the web server after bundle install


Rails 4: Masonry gem

I've installed the Masonry gem both using my gemfile:
gem 'masonry-rails'
...as well as from the console:
$ gem install masonry-rails
Successfully installed masonry-rails-0.2.4
Parsing documentation for masonry-rails-0.2.4
Installing ri documentation for masonry-rails-0.2.4
Done installing documentation for masonry-rails after 1 seconds
1 gem installed
I've restarted my app, but when I call:
//= require masonry/masonry
in my application.js, I see the error:
couldn't find file 'masonry/masonry' with type 'application/javascript'
...any thought on why this might occur? I've used the CDN successfully, but wanted to switch over to the gem. I've also tried requiring masonry rather than masonry/masonry with no avail.
You should use
//= require masonry/masonry
if you don't use jQuery
Otherwise you should include jquery.masonry
//= require masonry/jquery.masonry
Are you sure that you restarted your server?
If so, I advise you to perform manual installation by uploading masonry file in the vendors folder and manually writing the code to the product.js.

FullCalendar Rails Assets

I am using the fullcalendar rails gem. I just downloaded the zip file for the calendar which contains the js and css files for the fullcalendar plugin. For all the tutorials on the fullcalendar gem I have not seen anyone doenload the zip file and use these files in their code (they use the CDN links but those don't appear to be working) where is the best folder to place these zipped assets into so that I can get the desired results on my calendar?
If you use the gem you do not need download any file.
You have to:
install gem
add in the application.js file the instruction //= require fullcalendar
And to can use it.
Read the README of the gem https://github.com/bokmann/fullcalendar-rails
Because you also need moment.js
Don't install from the zip file.
Follow the instructions at https://github.com/bokmann/fullcalendar-rails#installation for installation; you will have an easy time managing the dependencies.
The steps as specified there are:
Add gem 'fullcalendar-rails' to Gemfile
Add gem 'momentjs-rails' to Gemfile if you want to use or higher version of fullcalendar-rails gem.
Run bundle install to install the gems.
Add //= require fullcalendar (and //= require moment) in application.js
Add *= require full calendar in application.css

zurb-foundation gem not added to asset path in existing Rails 3.2 application

I have an existing Rails 3.2.14 application that I am trying to add zurb-foundation to. I have added the zurb-foundation gem and run the installation generator.
My problem is that, whenever I try to load a page, I get this error:
couldn't find file 'foundation'
when Sprockets hits the
//= require foundation
line in application.js
The problem appears to be that the directory with the assets from the zurb-foundation gem are not being added to the load path. In contrast, I have an application that I generated more recently, including zurb-foundation from the beginning, and #asset_paths.asset_environment.paths includes the following
which are not included in the asset load path in the app I am updating. Instead, I am getting (with p #asset_paths.asset_environment.paths in the better_errors diagnostic window)
interestingly, if I run the console in development mode and look at Rails.application.config.assets.path, it includes:
and that DOES include the zurb-foundation asset paths.
I have included gem 'zurb-foundation' in the assets group, in the development group, and outside any group. I am using zurb-foundation-4.3.1 in the new app.
My Gemfile assets group is:
group :assets do
gem 'sass-rails'
gem 'coffee-rails'
gem 'uglifier'
gem 'compass-rails'
gem 'zurb-foundation'
This problem seems similar to Sprockets::FileNotFound with ZURB Foundation, although Jurriaan did not mention the asset load path.
Any idea what I could be missing?
Have you tried restarting the webserver?
You said it runs fine in development, Have you tried to rake assets:clean and rake assets:precompile?
It was a problem with a gem that was preventing foundation's entries being added to the load_path. The gem involved was mongomapper-versioned.
By not loading that gem, the problem resolved. By adding the gem back, the problem recurs.
That gem has not had any activity for two years. I guess it's time to find something else.

How I can completely remove everything generated by gem?

I installed the Redactor gem, but after some time I decided that this gem doesn't suit my needs. I removed it from Gemfile, and also removed all of the gem's files (I suppose) in all app folders.
When I try to deploy app, the server fails to start with this error:
uninitialized constant Redactor Rails
It points to the folder which I actually removed (in models). Each time it is created while I'm pushing the app to the server (with git).
How can I completely remove ALL the files that the gem generated?
You sure did
gem uninstall redactor-rails
Remove in your application.js
//= require redactor-rails
also in your application.css
*= require redactor-rails
The gem also generated in

Rails Asset Pipeline: What happens when we do require in application.js

I am trying to contribute to the opensource project jquery-datatables-rails. But it puzzles me as how it works. I have basic understanding of how to create gem. It seems like the project just simplifies the path references but nothing more. The four steps listed to install are
Add to the assets group in your Gemfile:
gem 'jquery-datatables-rails'
Install the gem:
bundle install
Add the JavaScript to application.js:
//= require dataTables/jquery.dataTables
Add the stylesheets to application.css:
*= require dataTables/jquery.dataTables
But I don't understand how Rails knows where to find dataTables folder and why we use jquery.dataTables to reference the file/class. The code is easy to understand, but the file organization confuses me so much. Is there any writing on topics related to my confusion?
Just found this great documentation on Rails Engine: http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html
By default Rails asset pipeline searches for the files in app/assets/, lib/assets, and vendor/assets of the Rails application. But this gem is a Rails engine, and it adds path of its own assets to default assets paths. It has its own vendor/assets.
