TFS2012, VS2008 & Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum - tfs

I am currently looking to migrate an existing TFS2008 server to a new VS2012 server.
A major part of the reason behind this is that we want to be able to use the Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum template, however I am struggling to determine whether VS2008 is able to manipulate work items created using this template (according to all of the blogs and/or other information I can find, the templates can only be installed to a VS2010 or VS2012 server, but there is nothing clear about Visual Studio clients). I believe that both VS2010 and VS2012 can access an manipulate items based upon these templates.
Note: We HAVE to use VS2008 at the moment as some of the projects are for mobile devices (Windows/CE, Windows Mobile) and, as I am sure you will be aware, these projects are not supported by VS2010 or VS2012).
I am aware of the compatibility GDR's for both VS2008 and VS2010, but again they mention nothing specific about the scrum templates.
So, my question is simple...
Can I access and manipulate (add new work items, update existing items, create a sprint etc) a TFS project that is based upon one of the Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum templates on Team Foundation Server 2012 from Team Explorer 2008/Visual Studio 2008.

Work Item process templates (e.g. VS Scrum) have nothing to do with the version of the client used to connect to TFS, which means that any version of Visual Studio (2008, 2010, or 2012) will work with TFS 2012, regardless of the process template (Scrum, Agile MSF or CMMI).
Furthermore, the forward compatibility GDR provides the team explorer extension (window) that will give VS 2008 the ability to use the new functionality of TFS 2012 (e.g. start and end dates for iterations, capacity planning, etc.).
The process template (i.e. Visual Studio Scrum 2.0) is nothing but a set of XML documents detailing which work item types you will have, what fields they contain, some reports, SharePoint settings, security settings, etc. None of these affect or are affected by the version of Visual Studio.


Unable to see documents in Team Explorer 2013 after upgrade

We have upgraded TFS2008 to 2013 on a new server and source control/workitem tracking is okay - we can use all that from within VS2013 Pro.
We have also upgraded Sharepoint (containing all the project documentation) to a new database server and using the TFS 2013 Adminisration Console we can see the Team Projects listed there.
However although from the VS2013 Team Exlorer we can add the team projects and open the 'web portal' for each team project, we cannot see any of the documents nor can we (seemingly) view in a browser the portal that in VS2008 shows the document libraries.
Are we missing something in the unfamiliar interface, or can anyone advise what the cause might be and how to fix it?
You need to "wire up" the Team Projects to the Sharepoint sites. It sounds like they have been detached through the order of the upgrade.
Sharepoint needs to be upgraded and available during the upgrade process or this happens
You can however easily wire them back up. In the Team Project in Visual Studio go to the Team Explorer and do "Settings|Portal".
You should have a dialog for wiring up The existing Sharepoint to the Team Project.
If you don't you may have Tbeen disconnected at the collection level. In which case you can open the TFS Administration Console and follow:

CodeLens only showing references?

I installed Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise RTM and only seeing "references" from Code Lens. We are using TFS for source control. I expect to see related commits from TFS. Based on this article, I have everything enabled in options:
Here is what I see in VS:
Is there anything wrong with my VS setup?
The TFVC lenses that are part of CodeLens only work when connected to a version of Team Foundation Server that is running the background job that generates the historical data. This means that you need to be running at least TFS 2013 or 2015 in order for this feature to work. Some features require a specific version of Visual Studio.
It is also possible that your server admin has disabled indexing on the server, one can do that using the tfsconfig codeindex command on the application tier.

Using TFS 2010 Source Control with SQL Server 2012 SSMS to manage SQL Scripts

I have an ongoing need to manage, in TFS source control, a collection of SQL scripts organized as an SSMS solution (.ssmssln file).
I'd like to capture the "success path" for using SQL Server 2012 SSMS with TFS2010, using the appropriate MSSCCI provider and Team Explorer versions and install sequence.
I'm using the "Developer Edition" of the SQL Server products, running locally on my Win7-64 dev box, and need to access a TFS 2010 server maintained by a different group. VS2012 and VS2013 are also installed on this "new" dev box and I have had no problems accessing our TFS 2010 server from them.
I had been trying to get SSMS from SQL Server 2012 (Developer Edition) to work with our TFS Server 2010 for some time, with no luck. I finally did get the SSMS 2012/TFS 2010 combination to work on the new dev box, but was left with the question "what was it that actually worked", and none of the other documented solutions address this combination. This one doesn't:
See: SQL Server Scripts 2012 Project into Team Foundation Server 2012, which addresses SSMS 2012 and TFS 2012.
My company's TFS versions tend to lag 1 major version behind our VS and SQL versions.
Other articles did not have steps that solved my problem.; the 2010 Team Explorer plus 2012 MSSCCI provider did not work for the SSMS 2012 + TFS 2010 combination. This article,, while helpful, didn't really discuss the Team Explorer requirement except briefly in comments from others.
I had the SSMS 2008R2 and TFS2010 combination working fine on an older box using the MSSCCI provider. When I moved to a new box, installed SSMS from SQL Server 2012, and would open and edit my SSMS solutions (opening the .ssmssln files) I was not having any luck in getting integrated TFS source control to work, despite trying a number of different MSSCCI provider versions and TFS Team Explorer versions.
From SSMS2012, I would get the "Connect to a Team Foundation Server" dialog box, with an empty dropdown list of TFS servers, and then attempt to add my company's server, and inevitably get a 404 error, despite entering the same values that worked for SSMS 2008R2/TFS2010 on my older Win7-64 box.
The combination that I believe finally worked for me was:
Install Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2012
Install MSSCCI Provider for Team Foundation Server 2010
After doing these two things, I recall getting a prompt to open Team Explorer. I believe it was launched for me either after installing the MSSCCI 2010 provider or when I went to configure source control in SSMS 2012.
Interestingly, when Team Explorer launched, it showed "the Visual Studio 2010 logo." In any case, I opened it, and went to add the TFS servers. This time, there was an additional entry in the add servers box, that showed the TFS "initial path" (or "instance name") for our TFS 2010 server.
Our TFS server address appears to be:
Previously, there had been no place to enter the "/tfs" part of it. This time, it showed up in the add TFS server address dialog box, and I believe was prepopulated for me.
It appears to me that the missing part was the install of the VS2012 Team Explorer, which seems to know about the "/tfs" initial path, where the VS2010 Team Explorer did not. Strangely, the Team Explorer that launched showed the VS2010 logo; note that I explicitly uninstalled the VS2010 Team Explorer prior to the sequence of installing VS2012 Team Explorer and then installing the TFS 2010 MSSCCI Provider.
Just to keep things interesting, the MSSCI provider version numbers and dates are confusing. Here is what the "readme.txt" file says for the MSSCCI version numbers. The file is located at:
Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Team Foundation MSSCCI Provider\readme.txt
NEW system:
Microsoft Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider
v 3.5 09/20/2013
OLD system:
Microsoft Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider
v 4.0 03/07/2012
So it appears the combination that was working on my "old" dev box for SSMS 2008R2 and TFS2010 was the Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2010, and the MSSCCI Provider for Team Foundation Server 2012. I also had VS2010, VS2012, and VS2013 installed on that box.
On the "new" box, it appears the working combination for SSMS 2012 and TFS2010 is Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2012, and the MSSCCI Provider for Team Foundation Server 2010 (which has an older version number but a newer build/release date, compared to the 2012 MSSCCI provider).
What I am looking for is others who use this combination, SSMS 2012, and TFS 2010, to confirm and/or clarify the "success path" of what is required and the sequence, based on their experience from ACTUALLY GETTING THIS COMBINATION TO WORK. Not what "should" work (and often doesn't), but what DID.
This problem was resolved on several fronts, over time, by migrating to better-fit technologies, and updating to known-compatible versions of the Microsoft technologies involved.
1) I changed most of the SQL script content to JSON files, by serializing the data with Newtonsoft's JSON.NET. Now I no longer had a need to maintain these SQL scripts. Instead, I load the data from JSON files, to objects, having implemented serialize/deserialize approaches within the applications that use the data. This works out way better than SQL since the bulk of the data that was being kept involved representations of "content".
The content is represented as packets of documents, with each packet containing multiple document templates, and each template being comprised of multiple paragraphs. There are additional properties of packets, templates, and paragraphs up and down the object model. So JSON serialization/deserialization was a way better fit for these applications. It also enabled a "single piece flow" approach to updating content. Now I manage JSON files instead of SQL scripts, to keep point-in-time snapshots of these content objects. Typically I will back up the prior version of all the document packet objects as part of each content release, and store that backup in TFS.
2) There were other areas where I still need to maintain SQL scripts, such as reusable queries within the application. (I didn't want to use stored procedures for configuration flexibility reasons) I found an approach for making these SQL queries part of a .NET assembly via Resource Files and that addressed the need. One example of the type of approach I used is here:
3) My company upgraded our TFS Server to TFS 2012 and we started using Visual Studio 2012 and 2013. The things that had been problems in SSMS started working when using newer known compatible configurations.

Visual Studio Online migration (VSO to VSO)

We are attempting to migrate from one Visual Studio Online account to another Visual Studio Online account. This is different from an on-premise TFS to Visual Studio Online migration. Most articles explain a migration using the on-premise to VSO approach, only.
For TFS to VSO, we found a solution by using OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility.
We also tried to use the same tool to point to another Visual Studio Online account as a source, but it fails stating that we can only point to a TFS instance.
Can this be done via scripting? If so, how? If there is a tool available, that would be great also. This should be a one time migration.
We need code only, including changesets, no work items. The project is using TFVC.
You can consider using TFS Integration Platform
For others that stumble across this thread, I have found this - the Visual Studio Team Services Sync & Migration Engine an open source project that appears to do TFS-TFS, TFS-VSTS, VSTS-TFS and VSTS-VSTS migration. It is an open source project initiated with the same purpose as the TFS Integration Platform, but to address some of the complexities (and the fact that it is now deprecated).
From the web site:
Visual Studio Team Services Sync & Migration Engine allows you to bulk edit data in Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). Supports both migration and bulk update scenarios.

I want to use TFS 2008 (using MSF for Agile 4.2) for Test Case and Defect management, pls. tell how

We are using TFS 2008 for source code. The process template chosen was Agile 4.2.
I have installed VSTS 2010 to access TFS 2008 server.
Can someone please guide me on how to enable TFS 2008 with the ability to add Workitems - Test Case and Scenario into it.
You cannot use Microsoft Test Manager (also known as Visual Studio Test Professional 2010) with Team Foundation Server 2008. It requires implementation on the server which is not available in TFS 2008.
See Software Requirements for Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management Features on MSDN:
To use Visual Studio Test Professional 2010, you must also install
Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010.
You can however create a Test Case and Scenario work item type in TFS 2008. This would just be a plain old work item form, no different to a Task or Bug like you already have.
