Change application's name - ios

How can I change the application's name without changing it's bundle identifier?
I've tried changing the bundle identifier in the .plist file so it will remain the same, but when trying to run the application i get an error in xcode stating:
No such file or directory (/Users/myUserName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OLD_APPLICATION_NAME-hhknzcpmarwfwldirezkiexvenqp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
This only happends when running on device. On simulator it works fine.
Found answer to my own question. See answer below as I can't accept it for another couple of days.
So I had to change the app's name after having changed the provisioning profile to one that didn't match my application's name.
So I only needed to change the name of the application that's being displayed on the device home-screen.
This can be done by only changing the Bundle Display Name, found in the .plist file. Thanks for your quick responses anyway.

You should change the CFBundleDisplayName in the apps Info plist file. This value is what the iOS spring board uses underneath each app. This can also be localised.

Change the bundle name .bundle identifier is for the provisioning profile.


Multiple bundle ids for one firebase analytics project

I have an app in the app store where I have a bundle id per territory. I need to have data for all territories in one Firebase Analytics project. This works well in both Flurry and Google Analytics. I am having troubles with Firebase though.
I am currently testing it out in debug mode and events only come in for the bundle id i specified in the plist file. I get an error in the log too:
"The project's Bundle ID is inconsistent with either the Bundle ID in
'GoogleService-Info.plist', or the Bundle ID in the options if you are
using a customized options. To ensure that everything can be
configured correctly, you may need to make the Bundle IDs consistent.
To continue with this plist file, you may change your app's bundle
identifier to ''. Or you can download a new
configuration file that matches your bundle identifier from and replace the current one."
Does anyone know if it can be done?
Thanks in advance.
Well, it turns out it's pretty simple.
For the given project I could just add another app of the same type. This means I can add an app per target and handle the plist files using target membership. This is giving me all the bundle id's in one project.
Unfortunately there is no way to merge the data from the two app's into one report, but that will have to do.

Changing my app name after uploading on the App Store?

When I first created my app I've made a silly name.. i thought that the name of the app is the name I put on the App Store.
I was wrong. So when I change my Product Name in the Target>Build Settings>Packaging it changes my Bundle Identifier and make me unable to upload the new update for the app.
Any solutions?
you don't need to change your app bundle name (never do it), you have to change the bundle display name field on your project info
All you need to do is change the value of "Bundle Name" in your Info.plist to change the name of the app under your home screen icon.
You should change Bundle display name instead of Product name. This will change name of the app in the device. To change the name of app in the AppStore you should send an update

Changed app name, now can't run it on device (A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.)

I've uploaded my app to the app store with a name long name, when i realised that you couldn't see the full name on my ipod touch homescreen i wanted to change it, so i've decided to change my whole project name too.
After that i changed the bundle display name to a shorter name i could see the whole name on my device. Now here's the problem. When i try to run it on the simulator, it works fine and the name changed BUT when i run it on my ipod i get this error:
A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.
I've deleted the old app with the long name on my ipod but now, i can't even open the new one. I don't know if it has something to do with the manage scheme (since i had to use it to change the project name or what)
Seems like, that your Bundle Identifier (e.g.: com.Your-Company.Your-App) changed after renaming your project. The provisioning profile is bound to this ID.
I recommend to never change the Bundle Identifier.
In order to change the App's name on the Homescreen i recommend to edit the value of the Bundle Name inside your Info.plist

Bundle identifier changed after changing application name

a little stuck here,
I changed the name of my application, the bit that will show under the icon on a device, bundle identifier right ? I want to submit an update to my app, but now my bundle identifier is different, and there is no code signing identity profile to select to validate/distribute. How do I go about submitting my app if the identifiers are different?
Really confused
any help would be much appreciated
By default your bundle identifier is com.yourcompany.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} in your Info.plist (Bundle identifier key), if you change PRODUCT_NAME you change also your bundle identifier. You can specify other bundle identifier in Info.plist which you can find in Project Navigator. To change the name of application in Spring Board (under icon) you have to change Bundle display name in Info.plist. For more details about Info.plist read apple documentation:

Xcode Bundle identifier issue

I am trying to install 2 apps that i made in Xcode onto a device and have only been able to successfully build one.
on the one that successfully built the bundle identifier was where "Project" is the project name in grey un-editable text.
for the one that failed the bundle identifier does not have any non-editable text in it and I don't understand why one has un-editable grey text and the other doesn't.
This is the error description The identity '...' does not match any valiad non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychains
I tried the following bundle identifiers to no success.
123456789A.* (project is in editable text)
Note: I tried deleting and reinstall provisioning profiles and key-chains. I would be surprised if anything is wrong with my keychain or provisioning profiles since one app built successfully.
the gray text is uneditable because it uses a rfc1034identifier version of your bundle's project name
if you look at the target info you will see bundle identifier looks like this.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}
project name is the value next to the icon in the "Targets" section of your Project Property editor.
you can change the name of the target by clicking on the name once while it is already selected. or selecting it and pressing enter.
Changing the name of the target will change the grayed out value in your Bundle identifier.
Sometimes your provision file does not include all of the UDID's that it is supposed to.
You may try making sure they are selected in the itunes connect portal. then downloading a new copy.
You may also try connecting the ios device to xcode and setting it up for development in the "Organizer"
if that does not work. you may want to remove all the provision files from your xcode and from the hard disk where they are stored and re download them from xcode.
Occasionally it is temperamental
Try completing this way your Bundle identifier:
In your organizer/Provisioning profiles you can find the App identifier*
In your Bundle identifier use only after the numbers(dot) and instead (*) your app name, should be this way:
This way the The identity '...' does not match any valiad non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychains error should be gone, at least it was for me. Good luck.
I found out what was wrong. My Code signing identity for the debug phase was for the wrong certificate. It was a pretty simple and embarrassing mistake.
Also thanks to those who answered!
