Accessing raw image bytes from iPhone to computer - ios

I am doing image processing on the iPhone, but I need to get the raw bytes outside of cocoa so I can optimise the algorithm on a more image friendly platform like Matlab. I am using Brad Larson's excellent GPUIMAGE and can get the raw bytes no problem, but when I use NSData writetofile method the text file obtained (which I get by downloading the app from xcode organiser which gives me access to the file in the documents folder) is in a strange format. I am a Matlab programmer so I'm relatively new to cocoa, so I reckon I'm must be missing something basic as I imagine I may be able to just use c functions to print to a file.
Any discussions I have found only involve reading and writing within cocoa and the app sandbox. I also could probably use the GpuImageMovieWriter but I imagine AVAssetWriter compresses the image data, and I need the uncompressed raw bytes. It doesn't matter what way the bytes are organised as I can parse it easily in matlab.
So basically what is the easiest way to get say an outputted txt or csv file that looks like say 124,255,0,166,255 etc etc (i.e image ints) from the cocoa environment. I had a similar problem before designing an accelerometer algorithm where in the end I just printed the raw data to the console copied to a text file and then parsed in matlab, however given that I'm dealing in images now this is not practical.
Any help in this matter, pointers to relevant text etc, would be greatly appreciated.

For one thing, that's not a text file you're writing out. It's the binary representation of the raw bytes of the image. You can't treat it as a text file.
The structure of the image data is simple, with each pixel represented as one set of four bytes. Each byte is a 0-255 color component value, in the order of blue, green, red, and alpha. The image is scanned from left to right, top to bottom, so you just need to know the width of the image in pixels to figure out how things loop around. From that, it should be easy to import into whatever application you want.


How to remove spot color (s) from an image

Is there a command line tool to remove all spot color channels from a vector input image (type can be ai, eps) and keep only the CMYK or RGB color channels .
What I ve been able to come up with so far is using ghostscript tiffsep device and then recombine the color channel images to one image using imagemagicks -combine option. The drawback of this method is that it is quite compicated and I end up with a tiff image, instead of the original (vector) format.
'Image' has a defined meaning in PostScript, it means a bitmap, a raster. I think, from the context, that you mean something more general.
The simple answer is no, in general you can't do this, and I don't know of any tool which will.
The reason is that to do so would lose information; the marks defined in Separation or DeviceN space would be lost entirely, and its generally regarded as a Bad Idea to discard random parts of the document.
Perhaps you could explain what you are trying to achieve with this (ie why are you doing this), and it might be possible to suggest an alternative method.
If you are a competent C programmer you could produce a Ghostscript subclass device using the existing FILTER device (in gdevflt.c) as a template. That device looks at the type of operation, and either passes it on to the output device, or throws it away. It would be reasonably simple to look at the current colour space and discard Separation or DeviceN space. If you then uses the pdfwrite/ps2write/eps2write outptu device you'd get an EPS, PostScript program or PDF file as the output.
Whether you go down this route, continue with what you have, or find an alternative approach, there are a couple of things you need to think about; how do you plan to tackle Separation inks with process colour names ? Eg /Separation /Black. What about DeviceN spaces where some of the inks are process colours ? Eg a duotone Black and Pantone ink. Should these be preserved or dicarded ?
Your current approach will use the parts of the object which mark process plates, but not those which mark spot colorus, which could give some very peculiar results.
PDF, PostScript and EPS don't have 'layers' (PDF has a feature, Optional Content, which uses the term 'layers' as a description in the specification but that's all).
An application such as Photoshop and Illustrator can have layers, but in general what they export to has to have those 'layers' converted into something else. That 'something else' depends on what you are saving it as.
Part of the problem is that you are apparently trying to deal with 3 different kinds of input, you say Illustrator (PDF, more or less), Photoshop (raster image) and EPS (PostScript). There is little common ground between the 3, is there a reason to support all of them ?
If you are content to stick with just Illustrator you might be able to do something with Optional Content. I'm not terribly familiar with modern versions of Illustrator, but wouldn't it be simpler to save two versions of the file, one with the answer layer and one without ?
Anyway, Ghostscript can honour Optional Content, so if you can save a PDF file (not PostScript or EPS) from Illustrator, it may be that the layers will persist into the PDF as Optional Content. I suspect they will going by a quick Google. In that case you might be able to run the file through Ghostscript, telling it not to honour the Optional Content portion, and get a PDF file without it present.
Another solution (again limited to PDF) would be to open the PDF file with an editing application such as Acrobat Pro, and simply delete the bits you don't want. Deletion of that kind is relatively reliable.
It still feels like rather a long-winded way to get a PDF file with some of the content removed though. I can't help feeling that just saving two versions from the creating application would be easier.

HDR images through Core Image?

Is it possible to process(filter) HDR images through Core Image? I couldn't find much documentation on this, so I was wondering if someone possibly had an answer to it. I do know that it is possible to do the working space computations with RGBAh when you initialize a CIContext, so I figured that if we could do computations with floating point image formats, that it should be possible..
What, if it is not possible, are alternatives if you want to produce HDR effects on iOS?
EDIT: I thought I'd try to be a bit more concise. It is to my understanding that HDR images can be clamped and saved as .jpg, .png, and other image formats by clamping the pixel values. However, I'm more interested in doing tone mapping through Core Image on a HDR image that has not been converted yet. The issue is encoding a CIImage with a HDR image, supposedly with the .hdr extention.
EDIT2: Maybe it would be useful to useful to use CGImageCreate , along with CGDataProviderCreateWithFilename ?
I hope you have basic understanding of how HDR works. An HDR file is generated by capturing 2 or more images at different exposures and combining it. So even if there's something like .HDR file, it would be a container format with more than one jpg in it. Technically you can not give two image files at once as an input to a generic CIFilter.
And in iOS, as I remember, it's not possible to access original set of photos of an HDR but the processed final output. Even if you could, you'd have to manually do the HDR process and generate a single HDR png/jpg anyway before feeding it to a CIFilter.
Since there are people who ask for a CI HDR Algorithm, I decided to share my code on github. See:
It is the Robertson HDR algorithm, so you cannot use RAW images. Please see the unit tests if you want to know how to get the camera response and obtain the hdr image. CoreImage saturates pixel values outside [0.0 ... 1.0], so the HDR is scaled into said interval.
Coding with metal always causes messy code for me, so I decided to use MetalKitPlus which you have to include in your project. You can find it here:
I think you have to check out the dev/v2.0.0 branch. I will merge this into master in the future.
edit: Just clone the master branch of MetalKitPlus. Also, I added a more detailed description to my CI-HDR project.
You can now(iOS 10+) capture Raw images(coded on 12 bits) and then filter them the way you like using CIFilter. You might not get a dynamic range as wide as the one you get by using bracketed captures; nevertheless, it is still wider than capturing 8-bits images.
Check Apple's documentation for capturing and processing RAW images.
I also recommend you watch wwdc2016 video by Apple(move to the raw processing part).

How to convert or manipulate JPEG stored as blob without image library

I have a JPEG image stored in memory as a blob and am looking to apply some basic transformations to it (e.g. resize, convert to greyscale, rotate etc.)
I am currently using Google Scripts which doesn't have a native image library as far as I can tell.
Are there standard algorithms or similar which would allow me to work with the raw binary array, knowing it represents a JPEG image, to achieve such a transformation?
Not the answer you are looking for I guess, but...
To be able to do image processing using JPEG files as input, you need to decode the images. Well, actually, 90/180/270 degree rotation, flipping and cropping is possible as lossless operations, and thus without decoding the image data. But for anything more advanced, like resizing, you need to work with a decoded image.
Both the file structure (JIF/JFIF) and algorithms used to compress the image data in standard JPEG format are well defined and properly documented. But at the same time, the specification is quite complex. It's certainly doable if you have the time and know what you are doing. And if you are lucky, and your JPEG blobs are all written the same way, you might get away with implementing only some of the spec. But even then, you will need to (re-)implement large parts of the spec, and it might just not be worth it.
Using a 3rd party service to convert it for you, or create your own using a known library, like libjpeg or Java's ImageIO, etc. might be your best bets, if you need a quick solution, and don't have too strict requirements for performance.
There are no straightfoward image processing capabilities available in Apps Script. You'll have either expose your Python as a web service and call it from Apps Script or use the Drive REST API to access the files from your Python app or use any api webservices.
GAE Python has Image processing capabilities check the below url:
Available image transformations
The Images service can resize, rotate, flip, and crop images, and enhance photographs. It can also composite multiple images into a single image.

How to parse EPS to get a mesh-kind data?

My goal is to import EPS file to the app(language is C++) to create a 3D object. I am looking for some library/tool which will help me to parse EPS to a list of primitives(circles, lines, paths, etc. like in SVG) or even contours array. I've already tried the way to convert EPS to SVG first using pstoedit and uniconverter tools. But sometimes both tools make wrong conversation with data loosing. So I can not say that this way is acceptable.
Does anyone have experience in this area or have any suggestions?
This is a big project. For starters you will need a PostScript interpreter, there is no alternative to this, since the EPS can contain very nearly anything.
Rather than writing your own interpreter I would suggest you use an existing one, in fact I would suggest you use Ghostscript as it is the only GPL PS interpreter I know of.
You can write a Ghostscript containing methods which will be executed whenever the relevant operation is interpreted from the input. There is an existing (very limited, incomplete) SVG output device which would get you started.
You are going to have to handle a lot of different kinds of operations if you want a general purpose solution; For instance PostScript doesn't have a circle primitive, its curves are all Beziers, there are different kinds of line joins. You will need to consider what to do with images and presumably text (possibly discard these) and shading patterns. You will have to at least understand the various colour spaces which can be used, even if you don't plan on utilising them yourself.
Given that PostScript is inherently 2D I don't really see how you are going to construct a 3D object, but that's a different problem.

JPEG built-in checksum / fingerprint?

I'm putting together a script to find remove duplicates in a large library of images. At the moment I'm doing a two pass filter of first finding files of the same size and then doing a sha256 on a 10240 byte piece of the file to get a fingerprint of the files with the same size (code here).
It works well, but I'm guessing there are probably checksums built in to the jpeg format that I could use instead of doing the sha256.
Does anyone know if there are checksums or other components that could act as checksums / fingerprints? If so, is there an efficient way to access them?
I don't think the JPEG specification includes any kind of checksum in the way you're describing.
A JPEG can contain a thumbnail as part of its EXIF metadata, though. It's not a perfect indicator, since it's possible for two different images to have the same thumbnail. There's at least one documented case of a thumbnail not being replaced after the image had undergone substantial modifications, said thumbnail revealing much more than the publisher had intended.
Its been awhile since I've dug into the IJG library, but I don't think there's an easy class member or function call you can use there to check for some type of fingerprint. You could use the built in EXIF tags if you can control the encoding of the images...
I'm just built a very similar script. I don't want to checksum metadata I want to see if the actual images are duplicates even if tags have been modified. Best for that is not to sort by size, but do sort by the checksum istelf. I use jhead to remove metadata and then checksum the whole file (but I also thought about just doing part of it, but actually I don't think it saves much time). jhead doesn't use shared memory (pipes) and does overwrite so I just copy the file to shared memory first. I place the checksum in the ImageDescription field for later faster retrieval. Obviously this also allows to check image integrity later and is part of why I checksum the whole thing. Tip: exiv2 is MUCH faster for reading and writing the metadata than exiftool for one at a time decision based manipulation.
In JPEG standard(ITU-T.81) i believe there isn't any field/syntax element which has a checksum or such, for the whole compressed jpeg image file. Unless a customised application puts such filed in the Application segment, or as meta data for which segments are provided in the standard.
So to serve your purpose, what you are doing is one soln.
Other could be some kind a application wrapper which will call some binary file compare utlitiy (like beyond compare, or even a windows command fc /b) and check the result of that compare utility and take the decision u want to.
One way you could perform is reduce all images to a fixed size and store that as a thumbnail. Then the image comparison would compare similar sized images and give you a chance of being a duplicate - useful if you have cropped (unless cropped heavily) or resized images and want to find those 'duplicates'.
In the XMP specification there are document ID and version ID which should uniquely identify the version of the image.
The problem with these (and with any other metadata-based identification method) is that it might not be respected by some applications that can change the content of the jpeg updating the metadata accordingly.
