force cmake to compile openCV with llvm - ios

My goal is to compile OpenCV for ios with support for the armv7s (the s is the hard part) architecture but have been unable to make any progress. My most recent theory is that the problem is that the cmake files that come with the library use gcc as a compiler which I do not think supports armv7s (if I am wrong please tell me). I am completely new to cmake however and have not been able to change the compiler.
The reason I suspect the compiler is because of the line
set (CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT)" CACHE string "Build architecture for iOS")
which as far as I know should include armv7s. Changing that line to
set (CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "armv6;armv7;armv7s;i386" CACHE string "Build architecture for iOS")
had no effect.
I know there are explanations of how to set the compiler here, here, and here. My problem is that I am trying to change an existing cmake system and don't know what ramifications my changes could have. The code in question can be downloaded here. To build the framework I run the python script in OpenCV-2.4.2/ios
python ~/Desktop
from what I can tell the relevant cmake files are located in OpenCV-2.4.2/ios/cmake. There are only 3 and all are fairly short. My most recent attempt was to change two lines in the toolchains
SET (DEVROOT "/Applications/")
SET (CC "${DEVROOT}/usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2")
SET (CXX "${DEVROOT}/usr/bin/llvm-g++-4.2")
in an attempt to copy this SO question.
My first and most important question is if this is out of my depth. I have been assuming that changing the compiler/target architecture would be a simple flag set somewhere but I am becoming less convinced that is true. Also, there is an entire directory OpenCV-2.4.2/cmake filled with much larger cmake files that I have been avoiding in the hopes I don't need to worry about their contents. Is this a problem I am going to be able to solve in less than 10 hours?
If you answered yes to the previous question, can you give me any direction? Suggested reading? Am I justified in ignoring the contents of OpenCV-2.4.2/cmake? I have been shooting in the dark for quite a while now without success.
If it turns out this is as simple as I originally hoped, how do I do it?
I never did figure out how to do this, but there is an xcode version of the library here from which the compiling settings can be changed easily.

Edit: this supposes you already had success with building this for armv7.
Edit2: this will just change the compiler.

I see a lot of links in your question, but didn't find original link with information how to cross compile with CMake.
You should not change anything in existing build system.
In general you need to create toolchain file for your target architecture and run cmake with it.
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=< your toolchain file > < path to CMakeLists.txt from opencv >


How to get bitcode llvm after linking?

I am trying to get LLVM IR for a file which is linked with some static libararies.
I tried to link using llvm-link . It just copy the .bc files in one file ( not like native linking).
clang -L$(T_LIB_PATH) -lpthread -emit-llvm gives an error: emit-llvm can not be used with linking. When passing -c option, it gives warning that the linking options were not used.
My main goal is to get .bc file with all resolved symbols and references. How can I achieve that with clang version 3.4.?
You may have a look at wllvm. It is a wrapper on the compiler, which enable to build a project and extract the LLVM bitcode of the whole program.
You need to use wllvm and wllvm++ for C and C++, respectively (after setting some environment variables).
Some symbols come from source code via LLVM IR. IR is short for intermediate representation. Those symbols are easy to handle, just stop in the middle of the build process.
Some others come from a library and probably were generated by some other compiler, one that never makes any IR, and in any case the compiler was run by some other people at some other location. You can't go back in time and make those people build IR for you, even if their compiler has the right options. All you can do is obtain the source code for the libraries and build your entire application from source.

Cannot compile C++ files with boost and odeint

I installed boost using brew install boost in order to use odeint library (the odeint webpage says : odeint is a header-only library, no linking against pre-compiled code is required).
I am on Mac Yosemite 10.10.5 . Now when I cd to /usr/local/include, I can see boost directory there. Inside boost (/usr/local/include/boost) there are all the header files I needed for my project, along with the numeric/odeint directories needed for my specific purposes. At the same time, when I cd to usr\local\lib, I can see a lot of libboost_* .dylib and .a files.
However, when I try to compile a c++ file that I temporarily save in ~/Downloads (the first header is #include <boost/array.hpp>), I got the error fatal error: 'boost/array.hpp' file not found.
I am inexperienced in programming, and I really appreciate your help! Thank you!
Use the following include statements and let us know if it works.
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
If not, some additional info is needed. What is your BOOST version, what is the structure of the /usr/local/include/boost directory, how about including other (non-boost) headers from /usr/local/include (maybe compiler include path is broken).
I asked my professor about this. He gave very detailed explanation, and I think I should share so that everyone can benefit from it:
Your compiler needs to know where these files are. You need to find a way to tell it where the files are.
Depending on how you are doing the compiling there will be different solutions. If you are compiling via the command line, use something like
g++ -I/usr/local/Cellar/boost
The -I stands for "include files". There is a similar g++ "switch" called -L for libraries when you get to that stage.
There is also a whole series of tools to tell the compiler how to search for include files. The directory /usr/local/include is almost certainly on the list of places for it to look.
If you are using "make" and the associated tools for compiling, you can add the include directories to part of the "Makefile". Again, the details are different for every setting.
Bottom line -- you'll need to learn more about your compiler system. Find manuals and examples for your specific tools and system. Learn how those tools work and where to specify the boost libraries. Read the boost manuals and learn where they store files and what all the names are for the different directories where these files are stored.
It's not fun work, but it is worthwhile learning about how all the parts get put together.

NEON assembly fail to build for iOS in Xcode 4.3.2

I have a code base which compiles fine in all other NEON compilers, ndk-build, RVDS, etc, but under Xcode I get the error "bad instruction" for every NEON instruction I call. It basically seems like NEON is not detected.
I am attempting to build a static library, I went to New Project, selected Cocoa Touch Static Library, then added my existing files.
Everything I'm reading indicates that NEON should be already enabled. I removed all references to armv6, and am targeting iOS 5.1
Also the code in question is all contained as routines defined in ".s" files -- pure assembly. I am not using the intrinsics method calls.
It seems like the compiler is barfing on the whole file...
Unknown pseudo-op: .cpu
It lists all of the other settings, like .fpu, etc
Here are my current settings:
After the as tool I mentioned in my last answer turned out to be choking on my syntax as well, I realized there must be something else going on.
I followed the guidelines on the bottom of this post
The changes I needed to make were:
converted my instructions to all lower case
use the naming directives to be compatible with mach-o (solved linker problems)
Try to use GCC4.2. I solved a very similar problem switching to the old, good GCC.
In Build Settings -> Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C, select GCC
Actually, if you check the LLVM ARM status page, you'll see that it cannot yet parse .S files.

Trouble disabling LLVM optimizations via pragma

I have a chunk of code that crashes unless I build with optimizations off. I'm building with LLVM compiler 2.0
I would like to turn off optimizations by wrapping the offending code with a #pragma compiler directive; or turn off optimizations for an entire file.
I've been digging in the clang manual and code; but nothing jumps out at me.
Does anyone know how to change the optimizations for a single CU (as opposed to for the entire app)?
You can set per-file compiler flags in Xcode. In Xcode 4 (which I assume you're using because of the LLVM 2.0 reference), first select the project in the left-hand project browser. Go to the Build Phases tab and expand the Compile Sources build phase.
In there, you can set per-file compiler flags, so you could try going to the offending file and entering in -O0 as a flag to try and disable optimizations for just that file.
GCC has some attributes you can set for this, as pointed out by Johannes in his answer here, but these might not be in LLVM. Also, from the comments there, it appears that these are not even in Apple's customized GCC used for building iOS applications.

How do I get XCode4 to find libgcov.a

I've been building a static library to share between multiple iOS projects, and I want to use gcov (or any code coverage analysis tool) to tell me where I'm missing my tests. However, when I enable gcov by following these directions:
I get this error from Libtool:
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/libtool: can't locate file for: -lgcov
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/libtool: file: -lgcov is not an object file (not allowed in a library)
For some reason XCode4 can't find the libgcov.a file. It is in many places on my system but for some reason it can't be found. I'm fairly new to XCode, and gcc based programming in general, so I'm not sure how I can fix this, my guess is that I just have to tell it specifically where to find libgcov.a but I'm not sure how to go about that.
Looks like I found a solution. Crazy XCode seems to treat static libraries completely different when invoking gcc. And I thought MSBuild was a build system from hell... it's a snap and at least there are books about it.
Anyway, here's how you do it:
Add $(PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_USR_DIR)/lib to your "Library Search Paths" build setting for your static library and tick the "Recursive" check box.
Works for me, let me know if it works for you.
This may help in solving your issue, have a look in to it
