How to update iframe page tab content using a form? - post

I am trying to pass data using a form to a Facebook iFrame page tab but can't seem to figure how to do it.
I have a page tab on my Facebook page with several elements such as links and images directing users to various pages on the main website. This is updated every week, so rather than update the HTML file and upload via FTP everyweek i would like to see if i can create a form to pass the new data to the iframe.
In addition the Facebook page tab cannot be created in PHP as the server is running ASP.NET
I am trying to do this without the use of a database table if possible, using POST or GET would be preferable.
If anyone knows of any tutorials or has any tips i would be very grateful.

You can only pass content or interact with iframe content if it's on the same domain as the parent webpage that has the iframe. All browsers have a "same origin policy" that prevent you from being able to do that - sorry :(


Using history.back() in UIWebView but loaded pre page contains very old data

IOS 8.0+
My app use UIWebview to visit a forum site.
The forum front page contains two tag: default one is 'Recommend', another one is 'Newest'. Using ajax to load post data When user switch to 'Newest' tag, at the same time the page runs the follow codes to save state:
window.history.pushState(null, title, url);
After that if user is interesting with some post, he/she would click link and jump to a new page to view detail of the post. In this page, I use follow code to let user have a way to go back to 'Newest':
Now interesting thing happened, go back to 'Newest' tag but post data is old.
After some tests, I found the data is always be the first time loaded after installed the app. This bug will not happen in Safari or Android app.
I believe it should have some relationship with webView cache.But why UIWebview does't use new cache? And how to
solve this problem?
Oh no...nobody meet this problem?
My current solution is:
use js code to auto refresh the page when go back.

Display external website page in asp .net mvc 5

I am building a website for a class project using ASP NET MVC 5, wherein I need a section of the website to display a page from a different website. The goal is to somehow embed that page in my view, so UI interactions are still possible with the embedded page, as if the page was visited directly in the browser (the end effect is that the page is rendered and allows interaction but my website theme always stays around it)
I know one way to do it is to just put it inside an iframe in my View. But I want to know if there is a different solution. My instructor suggested using partial views, but I can't figure out how to achieve the same result. Can anyone suggest a different way to achieve this ? Also, what would be the right way to do this in terms of security (I believe iframe is), but I want to know other's opinion ?
I suggest you use a sandboxed IFrame e.g.
<iframe sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms"
style="border: 0; width:130px; height:20px;">
You can tweak how much power the content in the Iframe has (i.e. can it run scripts).
I guess you could also look at using a partial view. My guess is you'd need to use a WebClient instance to download the HTML source of the target webpage, and then pass that HTML into a partial view. But I don't see how any script tags would render correctly for you, which means the page would not be interactive.

Backbone and jQuery Mobile App resetting after browser back button

I am building an app using Backbone.js and jQuery Mobile. On some pages in my app I have external href links and I'm running into an issue.
When a user clicks and external href link, get taken to the external site and then hits the back button. My app does not load from the proper page where the user originally left the app from.
In fact my entire DOM is reset so it looks like my site gets a complete refresh and doesn't keep any of its former state.
I have been trying to search for a solution but this issue is kind of hard to word out. I hope it makes sense.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Stupid error on my part.. I had a bad id set on the page and it didn't load the data I had saved in the session for it when a user returns to the page.. Changed the id and all is well. Thanks!
Make you external links open up new tabs.
If you have used one html with multiple pages solution then there's an explanation for this.
rel="external" will cause a full page refresh so last page location will not be remebered. When you return to the last location it will trigger new refresh and the first page will be shown again.
This can be prevented with a multiple html page solution.

VAADIN page navigaion and validation

In VAADIN, i tried many options for page navigation. Only Link component option is working. Creating new windows all the times won't be useful for building a large enterprise application. The problem with link component is when the user gives that link directly in the browser the page is coming. Is there any option for filtering the pages using filters and any xml's for checking and forwarding to correct page like struts-config or faces-config.xml?
Is there any option for cookie hanling, tampering and maintaining session between different tabs and windows?
Have you tried Navigator7 addon for navigation? link to navigator7 addon
You can create pages using #Page annotation and place components on it and navigate using page names and ids.

Umbraco - different behaviour for usual and ajax requests

I'm developing an Umbraco site that is a "single page" - no reload, only ajax calls.
The site will have nice urls and use html5 push state history.
The problem here is that every time a request is made to the server I need to handle it differently depending on the type of the request: normal or ajax.
For usual requests I need to display the content along with it's master page.
For ajax requests I need to display only the content.
I don't know how to accomplish this - routing and master page magic.
Can anyone help?
You could use alternate templates. For more information see here. Basically, have the alternate template just render out the content in whatever format you want, without the full html template, and then make sure that all your AJAX requests call the pages using the alternate template.
One word of warning though, if you're doing all the site navigation with AJAX and no page reloads, then Google (or most other search engine spiders for that matter) won't be able to index your site properly (as they don't process javascript) and your site won't rank very well.
