tap image in listbox in windows phone 7 - listbox

I have a listBox in a win phone 7 app, and a icon image which in every list item.When I tap the icon image, some download work will be processed.If I don't tap the icon, just tap the selected item, page navigation should be executed.And now, when I tap the icon, the page was navigated to another page.If I want to tap the icon to do download work, but not the navigation, can anybody give me some advice? Thanks.

Instead of the button you could have associated an event Tap with Image inside your item template. I guess that should have worked too. Never the less great for you.


Script to Prevent Google Slides from Opening New Tab When Touched vs. Clicked

I created a digital Pop It in Google Slides with about 120 slides, which is Published to the Web from the File menu. Each slide has a transparent image overlaying it that is linked to Next Slide. When the user clicks with their mouse on the transparent image, it proceeds to the next slide, and works as it is expected to.
However, when the user has a touch screen, and then presses on the screen to advance it to the next slide, it opens up a new tab and stays on the same slide, and does not advance to the next slide.
Does anyone know of a script that can turn this off so that if a user is pressing on the screen to advance the slide, it will actually work? Or is this a bug?
Thanks for your help!
FYI: the slide may take a little while to load.
You can view the slide here.
I tested it out and apparently it might be a bug. I removed the transparent image with the link to the next slide and the issue is the same.
I recommend you to report it on:
And describe the issue.
As a workaround, if you open the Google Slides app, it works as intended.

How to add app icon when user swipes up? (Swift, Xcode)

How do I add an image to the app icon that displays when the user swipes up? This is not the same as the regular app icon (I know how to change those). The icon is blank. Below is a link to an image of what I am talking about:
Link to problem

Blackberry Popup Layer Puzzle

I come from blackberry support forum, and got to solve this soon. any tips will be great.
I wanna a layer overlay in main UI which will not obtain all focus, ie, click volume button to open then click again to close. Just like opera's swipe out menu.
The behaviour you are expecting is not possible using popupscreen. How about using an approach were you do not use the popupScreen.
I would try to do the following.
In the main screen with play/pause, when the user presses on Volume button, add the volume control slider on the screen as a field rather than pushing a popupscreen.
When the user finishes adjusting the volume, and he presses on another button, delete the volume slider field.In this way, you have control for all the buttons on the screen.
On another note, how about just using the volume control buttons on the side?

smartgwt ToolStripButton icon on disabled form

I have used ToolStripButton which is added in ToolStrip. I have set icon on the buttons and by default button is disabled. problem is icon only shown on button when it is enabled. and but I want to show icon in disabled form of button too.
When a ToolStripButton becomes disabled, the URL of the icon gets "_disabled" added to it. So you'll see a 404 in the Net tab of Firebug from the attempt to fetch that icon. Just put the image file for the disabled version of your icon at that URL.
One small clarification. In my case smarGWT is looking for icon with "_Disabled" appended (with first letter in uppercase). Hope this will save someone time :)

delay after clicking blackberry application icon

i can't seem to figure out the following situation:
when i i click on my blackberry app icon (within the simulator), the application pops up quick, no problems. however, when i take that same code and push it to my blackberry, there is a few seconds of wait time after the icon has been clicked.
can someone tell me how to minimize the delay? the first screen is NOTHING but an image inside a image field. i wanted to create a "splash" screen and i just show you a simple image.
after i click on the app icon (on my phone), i notice that there is activity because you see the arrows in the upper right-hand corner moving. but to the regular non-techie user, they won't know that the application has been started and they will just keep clicking the icon over and over again.
again, i click on the app icon and there is about a 3 second delay just to the image contained within the project folder. so we are not fetching the image from a remote site.
the simulator shows the image fast, but the phone creates a delay. any ideas how to minimize the delay after app icon click?
thank you.
I figured it out. i just moved the instantiating and loading of several objects to a different class and later called those lines of code with an invokeLater method. my first screen only contains the image itself and the other class contains the rest of the code.
