Callinf action in controller via jquery -

I am new to MVC and I am continuing to learn more each day. I am converting and webform application to MVC for practice and wanted to know is there a way to call GET on a action and return json, array or whatever I want on document.ready function? I can do this using webapi, but I would rather do it using an action in the controller. I like the helpers that they Microsoft provides but they are for forms and action links, etc. Thanks for any help.
$.ajax(Somehow call controller action here with data), success(function that returns json data)

I think this article has a great explanation with examples


MVC Pagination in .Net

I need to implement pagination. In controller, I ma just returning json data. View is purely client side development, MVC helpers are not implemented. View is done fully with jquery. Parameters are passed to controller through Ajax call and I am returning json data based on parameters by filtering data. How to implement pagination in this case?
As example
you have specific problems? MVC redirect Url to another controller view

I am very new to MVC and trying to migrate application to MVC. Basically I am trying to reuse the code where ever possible. In one case I was trying to use Redirect("SomeUrl") and it works pretty well with the view under same controller.
For eg., I added below piece of code in HomeController.cs
public ActionResult Login()
return Redirect("HomeMgr?Section=home&Type=Mgr");
Well, could someone suggest me if I can use Redirect(Url) to redirect to a view in another Controller? is there any format for Url something like
(I've read in other posts that I can achieve this using RedirectToAction, but I am trying not to change existing code which uses querystring values. )
Don't use Redirect to redirect to Actions in your app. There are several reasons for this. First, it's just simpler to user RedirectToAction as Alundra's answer provides. However, simpler is only part of the answer.
There's a problem with using Redirect. And that has to do with the way Routing works in MVC. In MVC, you can reach the same action via multiple different URL's. For instance, in a default MVC template, the following are all valid URL's.
Now, what happens when you use Redirect? If you use the last url, it will work fine. You'll end up with the following url.
But if you're at any of the others, you have a problem...
Oops... that won't work... That will be looking for a controller named HomeMgrController.
You get the same at the root as well.
Using RedirectToAction solves this problem, as it takes your routing into account and will figure out the correct url to redirect you to based on the Controller and Action you specify.
return RedirectToAction("ActionName", "ControllerName", new { Section=home,Type=Mgr ......Anythingelse you want to pass });

MVC partial render

if renderpartial in MVC is not like Update panel in than how does it works, and what about the efficiency. I heard that update panel was so inefficient in use. But how does MVC handles postbacks, I need to undestand this before I can dive into MVC
Any suggestions
thank you
ASP.MVC Partial views are just reusable HTML fragments that can be populated by View Models. They don't have any special built in functionality like update panels do.
In general terms, with ASP.MVC you control post backs. In fact, you have to code it all yourself in HTML and JavaScript.
I suggest you start here.
Assuming that you want to update part of your page, the method I use is as follows:
Link a JavaScript function to the event you want to use to update the 'panel'
Make a jQuery AJAX call to an action in your controller
from the controller return a call to the partial view
this will cause the resulting HTML from the partial view to be returned as HTML to your AJAX call
use jQuery to add the HTML to an existing empty div
The AJAX call looks something like
url: yourControllerAction URL,
data: { CodeTypeID: codeTypeID }, // optional data
type: "POST",
success: function (returnedHtml) {
The rest is standard MVC
Hope that helps

Pass javascript parameter to partial view in mvc

lets say I want to a partial view like the following sample
#Html.RenderAction("ListDocuments", "MultiFileAttachments", new { id = jsparameter });
in the jsparameter I want to pass as a parameter that is the result of a javascript function. Maybe this is not logical because javascript runs on the client, but how can I achieve a similar functionality ? thank you in advance
If you need to call a part of a page based on some actions or values determined by actions on the client side, then you should think to use JavaScript (preferably jQuery) and Ajax.
Through jQuery-Ajax, you could easily call a Partial view through the Contoler and since it's a regular HTTP request, you would be able to pass all the parameters you need.
Using code as :
#Html.RenderAction("ListDocuments", "MultiFileAttachments", new { id = jsparameter });
is not possible since it is rendered by the server before it's sent to the client browser.

Can ASP.NET MVC return a javascript response like Ruby on Rails can?

I'm diving into ASP.NET MVC and I'm coming from a Ruby on Rails background. I'm trying to understand how ASP MVC handles AJAX functionality and, after reading some of the tutorials on the ASP website, it appears they implement AJAX functionality very differently. One of the ways that RoR handles AJAX functionality is by returning ruby-embedded javascript code that is executed as soon as it is received by the browser. This makes implementing AJAX really simple and quite fun. Can ASP.NET MVC return a javascript response?
just user
return JavaScript(script)
You would have to execute the java script manually on the View
To be more specific you can make the controller action return type JavaScriptResult
What you are talking about is called javascript generators in the RoR world and there's no equivalent in the ASP.NET MVC world. Here's a blog post that illustrates the basics of implementing a Rails-like RJS for ASP.NET MVC (the blog post uses prototypejs but could be easily adapted to work with jquery).
Here's another approach using jquery:
public ActionResult Foo()
return Json(new { prop1 = "value1", prop2 = "value2" });
and to consume:
$.getJSON('/home/foo', function(result) {
// TODO: use javascript and work with the result here,
// the same way you would work in a RJS like template
// but using plain javascript
if (result.prop1 === 'value1') {
Also worth taking a look at is JsonResult which extends ActionResult. I usually use this when making AJAX requests for data of some sort.
