I'm writing a set of tests for routes for our api controller. I'm curious whether there is a faster way. We have a bunch of urls like this:
post '/api/unfollow' => 'api#unfollow', :as => :unfollow
require "spec_helper"
describe "route to api unfollow" do
it "should route correctly" do
{:post => unfollow_path }.should route_to(:controller => "api", :action => "unfollow")
Does this look like a reasonable strategy? Is it advised to put only a single route per file? I'd rather put all the routes for a single controller in a single file. On the route definition with named routes, is there a way to leave it blank and rails can infer that it is unfollow_path ?
thx in advance
This question has probably been asked a dozen times on Stack Overflow (e.g. (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)) but every time the answer seems to be different and none of them have helped me. I'm working on a Rails Engine and I'm finding that Rspec2 gets route errors, but I can reach the routes in the browser. Here's the situation:
In the engine's routes.rb:
resources :mw_interactives, :controller => 'mw_interactives', :constraints => { :id => /\d+/ }, :except => :show
# This is so we can build the InteractiveItem at the same time as the Interactive
resources :pages, :controller => 'interactive_pages', :constraints => { :id => /\d+/ }, :only => [:show] do
resources :mw_interactives, :controller => 'mw_interactives', :constraints => { :id => /\d+/ }, :except => :show
Excerpted output of rake routes:
new_mw_interactive GET /mw_interactives/new(.:format) lightweight/mw_interactives#new {:id=>/\d+/}
new_page_mw_interactive GET /pages/:page_id/mw_interactives/new(.:format) lightweight/mw_interactives#new {:id=>/\d+/, :page_id=>/\d+/}
And my test, from one of the controller specs (describe Lightweight::MwInteractivesController do):
it 'shows a form for a new interactive' do
get :new
...which gets this result:
Failure/Error: get :new
No route matches {:controller=>"lightweight/mw_interactives", :action=>"new"}
...and yet when I go to that route in the browser, it works exactly as intended.
What am I missing here?
ETA: To clarify a point Andreas raises: this is a Rails Engine, so rspec runs in a dummy application which includes the engine's routes in a namespace:
mount Lightweight::Engine => "/lightweight"
...so the routes shown in rake routes are prefaced with /lightweight/. That's why the route shown in the Rspec error doesn't seem to match what's in rake routes. But it does make the debugging an extra step wonkier.
ETA2: Answering Ryan Clark's comment, this is the action I'm testing:
module Lightweight
class MwInteractivesController < ApplicationController
def new
...and that's it.
I found a workaround for this. Right at the top of the spec, I added this code:
before do
# work around bug in routing testing
#routes = Lightweight::Engine.routes
...and now the spec runs without the routing error. But I don't know why this works, so if someone can post an answer which explains it, I'll accept that.
I think the might be something wrong higher up in you specs
how did the "lightweight" get into this line :controller=>"lightweight/mw_interactives"
the route says
new_mw_interactive GET /mw_interactives/new(.:format)
new_mw_interactive GET /lightweight/mw_interactives/new(.:format)
add a file spec/routing/root_routing_spec.rb
require "spec_helper"
describe "routes for Widgets" do
it "routes /widgets to the widgets controller" do
{ :get => "/" }.should route_to(:controller => "home", :action => "index")
then add a file spec/controllers/home_controller_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe HomeController do
context "GET index" do
before(:each) do
get :index
it {should respond_with :success }
it {should render_template(:index) }
How do I unit test a controller method that is called via a custom route?
The relevant route is:
/auth/:provider/callback(.:format) {:controller=>"sessions", :action=>"create"}
On the spec for the SessionsController I can't just use get :create since that route doesn't exist. If I also use get /auth/facebook/callback/ it'll tell me that No route matches {:controller=>"sessions", :action=>"/auth/facebook/callback"}.
It also seems like I can't just use controller.create since #create accesses some keys from the request hash and it also redirects to another path, even if I set request.env['something'] in the spec file.
A functional test should test the function of each action
(given a set of parameters)
Crucially, you should keep your functional tests decoupled from your routes.
(else what's the point in the routing abstraction anyway)
In test::unit a functional test looks something like this
test "#{action_name} - does something" do
#{http_verb} :#{action_name}, :params => {:their => "values"}
assert_response :#{expected_response}
Note, we don't mention routing anywhere.
So a real example for your create
test "create - creates a session" do
get :create, :provider => "your provider"
assert_response :success
Rails will choke if it can't match a route to this request.
If this doesn't work I suggest you check two things
"get" is the correct http verb
there are no other required parameters in your route (I can see :provider is one)
If I'm doing anything wacky with routing,
I normally add a separate test.
test "create - routing" do
:controller => "sessions",
:action => "create",
:provider => "yourProvider"
}, "/auth/yourProvider/callback")
As long as this matches up with your action test
all should be well.
Rails routes are great for matching RESTful style '/' separated bits of a URL, but can I match query parameters in a map.connect config. I want different controllers/actions to be invoked depending on the presence of a parameter after the '?'.
I was trying something like this...
map.connect "api/my/path?apple=:applecode", :controller => 'apples_controller', :action => 'my_action'
map.connect "api/my/path?banana=:bananacode", :controller => 'bananas_controller', :action => 'my_action'
For routing purposes I don't care about the value of the parameter, as long as it is available to the controller in the params hash
The following solution is based on the "Advanced Constraints" section of the "Rails Routing from the Outside In" rails guide (http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html).
In your config/routes.rb file, include a recognizer class have a matches? method, e.g.:
class FruitRecognizer
def initialize(fruit_type)
#fruit_type = fruit_type.to_sym
def matches?(request)
Then use objects from the class as routing constraints, as in:
map.connect "api/my/path", :contraints => FruitRecognizer.new(:apple), :controller => 'apples_controller', :action => 'my_action'
Unless there is a concrete reason why you can't change this, why not just make it restful?
map.connect "api/my/path/bananas/:id, :controller => "bananas_controller", :action => "my_action"
If you have many parameters, why not use a POST or a PUT so that your parameters don't need to be exposed by the url?
With a standard map.resource routing mechanics and several nested resources the resultant routes are unnecessarily long. Consider the following route:
It's easy to create in routes.rb, and I'm sure it follows some kind of beneficial routing logic. But it's way too long and also seems like it's not intended to be human-readable.
A nice improvement would be to drop controller names, so it looks like:
Clear, simple, short. It may become ambiguous, but in my case I'm not going to name any user "users", for instance.
I tried setting :as => '', but it yields routes like this: site.org//pavelshved//blogging-horror//12345 when generating them by standard helpers.
Is there a way to map resources in such a way, that controller names become optional?
You're looking for the :path_prefix option for resources.
map.resources :users do |user|
user.resources :blogs do |blog|
blog.resources :posts, :path_prefix => '/:user_login/:blog_title/:id'
Will produce restful routes for all blogs of this form: site.org/pavelshved/bogging-horror/posts/1234. You'll need to go to a little extra effort to use the url helpers but nothing a wrapper of your own couldn't quickly fix.
The only way to get rid of the posts part of the url is with named routes, but those require some duplication to make restful. And you'll run into the same problems when trying to use route helpers.
The simplest way to get what you want would be to create a route in addition to your RESTful routes that acts as a shorthand:
map.short_blog ':user_id/:blog_id/:id', :controller => 'posts', :action => 'show'
You'll have to change the URL bits to work with how you're filtering the name of the user and the name of their blog. But then when you want to use the shorter URL you can use all the short_blog_* magic.
Straight out of the default routes.rb:
map.connect 'products/:id', :controller => 'catalog', :action => 'view'
You could write:
map.connect ':user_id/:blog_id/:id', :controller => 'posts', :action => 'show'
But be sure to include that in the very end of the file, or it will try to match every three levels deep url to it.
Try this
map.pavelshved '/pavelshved/', :controller => :users, :action => view or
map.pavelshved '/:id', :controller => :users, :action => show do | blogs|
blogs.bloging '/:id', :controller => :blogs, :action => show do | post|
post.posting '/:id', :controller => :posts, :action => show
I hope it work :)
Google "rails shallow routes" for information about this.
I'm currently following the Shovell tutorial in the Simply Rails 2 book. On page 168, it mentions URL Helpers for the Story Resource:
stories_path /stories
new_story_path /stories/new
story_path(#story) /stories/1
edit_story_path(#story) /stories/1/edit
The above is then used in the controller:
def create
#story = Story.new(params[:story])
redirect_to stories_path
My routes.rb:
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.resources :stories
map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'
map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
It looks like stories_path is the url name to /stories. Is that explicitly defined somewhere within my app, I can't seem to grep for that keyword. If not, is there a way that I can check the mapping above from the Rails console or somewhere else? In Django, url names are usually explicitly defined in urls.py, I just can't figure out how the above is being generated. Any documentation and pointers will help.
To get a list of the mapped routes:
rake routes
What map.resources :stories is doing is mapping your RESTful actions (index, show, edit etc.) from the stories_controller.rb to named routes that you can then use for simplicity.
routes.rb includes helpful tips on defining custom routes and it may be worth spending a little bit of time looking at resources in the API to get a better understanding:
I think checking out the Rails Guides on Routing will help you a lot to understand what's going on
In short, by using the
map.resources :stories
the Router will automatically generate some useful (and RESTful) routes. Their path will take the model name (remember in Rails there is the Convention over Configuration motto), and, by default, will generate routes for all the REST actions.
This routes are available through your controller, views, etc.
If you want to check out which routes are generated from your mappings, you can use the "rake routes" command.
Now, given that, you can also write explicit URLs on your routes.rb file for actions or events that don't quite comply with the REST paradigm.
For that, you can use
map.connect "/some_kind_of_address", :controller => :pages, :action => "something_else"
map.home "/home", :controller => :pages, :action => "home"
The last one will gave you both home_path and home_url routes you can use in your code.