(DOORS/DXL) Get highlighted/selected objects? - ibm-doors

Is it possible to use dxl to obtain the currently selected objects?
thanks Jaambageek for all your help



How to get the Artwork of the current track in iTunes using Swift/ScriptingBridge?

I'm currently trying my hardest but can't get anywhere. I can get the current track using iTunes.currentTrack but the .artworks() SBElementArray doesn't really get me anywhere since I don't know what to do with it. There is also #objc public protocol iTunesArtwork: iTunesItem { but I don't know how to get there either.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can get the raw data out of one of the items and make an NSImage out of it. This is Objective-C, but it should directly translate over.
[[NSImage alloc] initWithData:[[[currentTrack artworks] firstObject] rawData]];

How to get all DataTypes including custom created data types in UMBRACO?

I would like to access all Data Types of UMBRACO through C# code including custom created Data Types. I can get all predefined data types from UMBRACO through ApplicationContext.Services.DataTypeService but not custom created data types.
Can anyone help me over here??
Thanks in advance.
Harshil Shukla
You can use
var allDataTypeDefinitions = ApplicationContext.Services.DataTypeService.GetAllDataTypeDefinitions();
This will return you a IEnumerable with all the information of your data types.
More information here. Hope it helps.
umbraco.cms.businesslogic.datatype.DataTypeDefinition[] dataTypes
= umbraco.cms.businesslogic.datatype.DataTypeDefinition.GetAll();

Update/Modify values in a property list

Is it possible to update values in a existing property list programatically? If so, how?
I did bit of a search on this but didn't find anything useful.
Thank you.
you can read the list with
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:file]
[NSMutableArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:file]
Afterwards you can modify the Array or Dictionary and write it out again with:
[array writeToFile:file atomically:YES]
If you want to update yourapp.infoplist runtime. then answer is NO.
But if you are using custom plist then you will able to modified as #Bernhard Harrer told.

how to get data form NSMutablearray in to NSString

in my apps, i have problem with xml parising .i have same tags differentiate with integer value.each tag has different value.
now the problem me facing is accessing this value for that particular tag only.
plz anybody have idea abat this.
let me know.
mean's the problem is that i have one MutableArray and all record in it. and i want to show some values in one view and reaming some value show in another view and reaming in another view..
But the MutableArray is same..
and one more thing is that i want to get tag value
the output is subject i want.
i do not need of XYZ i need only subject..
sorry i can not show what i want but please understand my question and give me the answer
Use NSMutableDictionary instead NSMutableArray.
From documentation.
The NSMutableDictionary class declares the programmatic interface to
objects that manage mutable associations of keys and values. It adds
modification operations to the basic operations it inherits from

Request variable in dotcms

Please find my requirement that needs to be done in dotcms-
1) I need to create a Map object for each request.
2) Across different widgets or containers i should be able to add data or get data from the Map object.
Can you please provide me a solution or idea to fulfill the requirement.
Thanks in advance
You can use the standard HTTPServletRequest methods, even from velocity:
$request.setAttribute("foo", "bar")
$request.getAttribute("foo") would print "bar"
$request.getParameter("foo") would get a GET or POST parameter "foo" and
#set($map = ${request.getParameterMap()}) would get the whole map.
