Accessing iOS Safari Web Inspector from Windows Machine - ios

New iOS 6 Safari comes with Web Inspector feature which allows to connect to it from your desktop Safari via USB cable. It then allows you to debug pages opened in iOS Safari from your desktop. But as far as I seen, this feature curently supported only on Mac Safari, not on Windows? Am I right, or Windows Safari also has the possibility? Or it will become available later maybe?

It appears to require Safari 6, which has not been released for Windows. Regarding the unavailability of Safari 6 on Windows, Apple has stated "Safari 6 is available for Mountain Lion and Lion. Safari 5 continues to be available for Windows."

I regularly use weinre. It basically runs a webserver that in turn acts as an inspector-enhanced proxy to browse webpages and websites. The inspector can be started by adding a script to your page or running a bookmarklet.
weinre is a debugger for web pages, like FireBug (for FireFox) and Web Inspector (for WebKit-based browsers), except it's designed to work remotely, and in particular, to allow you debug web pages on a mobile device such as a phone.
To install it, you will need NodeJS and NPM (included with NodeJS). You will also need a WebKit-based browser on the desktop/receiver end (Safari, Google Chrome, or Chromium). It should work on Windows, OSX, and Linux.
Official page:
Documentation & Getting Started:
NPM Package:
If you already have NodeJS and NPM installed, you can install and run it with:
npm i -g weinre
# Go to the URL that it outputs for instructions to use it
#EvAlex has pointed out another tool very similar to Weinre called Vorlon.js. It is pluggable and supports viewing/switching between the inspector of multiple devices simultaneously.

Setup Vorlon on Windows
npm i -g vorlon
Verify Vorlon is Running
Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:1337
Setup Ngrok
Download Ngrok:
Unzip it
Open a command prompt: Start -> Search -> cmd
Navigate to ngrok.exe: cd <ngrok_path_where_ngrok.exe is stored>/
Run it: ngrok.exe http <port> e.g. ngrok.exe http 1337
Ngrok provides a url e.g. -> localhost:1337
Copy and paste the ngrok url into your webpage.
<script src=""></script>
Navigate to the page under test on your device(s):
Vorlon Reference:
Ngrok Reference:

Stumbled upon this blog which shows how to debug iOS web app on Windows using a stndalone app by Telerik called AppBuilder. You're supposed to create an account on their platform before using it and it has a 30 day trial.
I've used this on windows 7 64 bit for both vanilla web apps and Phonegap apps both on iPad with iOS 7.1, and it works. You get web development tools very similar to those in Chrome.

I have found a great tool called GapDebug
that's was the right solution for me :)

After trying to get Weinre installed on my Windows 10 machine which is running IIS and a localhost client and never being able to get it to work, I looked for an alternate solution.
Turns out Safari for Windows was discontinued by Apple but I was able to fine a copy after discovering the following link. Oh, the Web Inspector in Safari was able to help me find the problem in my application once it was installed.
Once Safari was installed, I needed to turn on the developer tools. This required going into Preferences > Advanced > check "Show Develop menu in menu bar" > (click on page icon next to sprocket icon hover over Develop) Start Debugging in JavaScript. From here on it felt very much like Chrome...:-)

Use iOS WebKit debug proxy
It allows you to debug directly in Chrome with live preview.


How to connect flutter to Bluestacks emulator?

I'm setting up an Android device for flutter development and need to have a lightweight emulator. How do I connect bluestacks to flutter? Since the android studio is too slow for my machine and I only have an iPhone.
Yes, You can connect Flutter to Bluestacks.
You have to enable adb on Bluestacks' configurations, by following:
gear icon > Advanced configs > (marks as true: enable ADB connection)
after that, you must to restart your bluestacks, then open a terminal and go to your Android SDK folder:
then type the follow commands:
adb connect localhost:5555
So, by now if you type flutter devices you will get the emulator device name on the list, then you can run your apps on it
In this case what I would like to suggest you is to download GenyMotion.
Is a very lightweight emulator and it has its own plugin for Android Studio.
I was on a similar situation with an AMD processor and this was a really helpful way for me to test my apps.
Here is the URL for download:
Install the latest version( of bluestack
Open the bluestack
Enable the adb by setting>preferences>tick "Enable Android Debug Bridge"
Open the cmd
Create a flutter project by typing "flutter create [projectName]"
Access to your project folder by typing "cd projectName"
Run flutter app by typing "flutter run"
How to enable adb over bluestack
Step1 - Click the setting(gear)
Step2- Click the preference
Step3 - Scroll Down to Enable Android Debug Bridge
Hello, I hope it's not too late for you - but:
You can use sublime text as editor and for running your app.
You can use command prompt (cmd) on windows and as an emulator, you can use Genymotion.
It will fit for you if you need a light editor along with a good emulator that does not take too much RAM space.
I have tested it, and it was running perfectly.
However, the problem were flutter packages for sublime text(coding helper).
I couldn't find any packages for sublime text, only dart. You can update the question for further information.
I hope you understand this and it will help you.

Not able to inspect element in IOS webview on real devices

I am using appium 1.8.0 with and launching webview from my app. For that webview In IOS I am not able to get the page source and not able to do any operation.
The same thing is working on android.
Do I have to do any steps to enable the IOS webview to get the page source?
The best suggestion could be to use something you are already familiar i.e. chrome dev tools which you have used for android webview inspection, same thing can be used for ios webview also
Install node module
npm install remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter -g
Start the adapter at port 9000 - This will auto start "ios-webkit-debug-proxy" (Make sure this should be installed as a prerequisite on mac machine)
remotedebug_ios_webkit_adapter --port=9000
Open chrome and navigate to chrome://inspect and iOS targets will show up
More details here on the tools github readme file

How to access to Windows localhost on iOS 10.3.3

We are developing a Progressive Web Application and we would like to preview changes on Safari on my phone before building it. However, we have issues accessing our localhost website (on Windows 10) on my iPhone 6.
It worked on an iPhone connected to the same Wifi with iOS 11.X doing :
ng serve --open --host=
and then writing in safari :
But with iOS 10.3.3, this method seems to be blocked by Apple because we can only see the background-color, and the website's name.
We have tried to this method :
We have also tried localtunnel, works fine with Android and Windows but still not on iOS 10.3.3 iPhone.
It seems to be iOS and not Safari because it doesn't work with Chrome neither.
Hope we will find a solution because we have to build everytime to check if changes work.
Did you try
ng serve --host -port 4200 --disable-host-check
The disable host check flag should only be used for development.

Build and run iOS app using Apache Cordova on VS 2015 without Mac

I have Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2015 Community version and created one "hello world" using Apache Cordova.
I want to build and run that app without using Mac pc remotely.
I have my iphone 6 but don't know how to run that app in my phone like run apk in android.
I have my developer account but don't have Mac system so Is it possible to run and get the ".ipa" file from windows and run in my phone by debugging or release it, any tutorial any help would be appreciate.
I have come across these links but every link suggest to have Mac Mini / Mac to build the app, even on a Microsoft's official site in Link 4 they say it is not possible but still is there any way to do it please suggest me thanks in advance.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4

Blackberry Simulator Network issue on Windows7/64bit/32bit(on vmfusion), what to do?

i have Windows 7 64bit on my PC and i have Windows 7 32bit on my vmfusion on mac.
The problem is as follows, if i run early version of blackberry simulators (not touchscreen, but with scroll ball), i do not get network access. I try to run MDS as i have read on forums, but it looks like MDS quits, and i still have no network acess.
The new simulators, let me just run them, and i dont even need to lunch mds, i get access to network with no problem. But the project i am working on, requires me to test mobile site again older blackberry devices.
So here is what i have done so far:
Made sure i have following for java: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.5.0_22" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.5.0_22", do i need anything else?
set up environment path variable to bin folders: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.5.0_22\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.5.0_22\bin;
installed everything at separate location as administrator (D:\Programs\Research In Motion), so not to have any write/read issues.
installed MDS and then BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators 4.5.0 - (8100)
now i try to run MDS first, and i see two cmd/three windows popping up one after another, and closing right away. I start up simulator and everything starst great, but when i go to browser and try to navigate to web resource i get an error "Unable to connect to the selected Mobile Data Service, please try again later".
Little edit:
I have moved my effort to XP, which solved MDS start up issue, but simulator still cant establish network connection. See screen shot.
To start MDS you will have to start a console with "Run as administrator" then go to the path where you installed mds and start the .bat file from your elevated console.
Here the console command to start MDS.
When MDS is running you can connect to it with your browser to see what is not working
goto : http://localhost:8080/
