Weka library for iOS - ios

can you please tell me if there is a weka (machine learning algorithm) for iOS ?
and if yes then provide me with a download link to download it.

iOS Agreement says:
"3.3.2 — An Application may not itself install or launch other executable code by any means, including without limitation through the use of a plug-in architecture, calling other frameworks, other APIs or otherwise. No interpreted code may be downloaded or used in an Application except for code that is interpreted and run by Apple’s Documented APIs and built-in interpreter(s)."
So you cannot lanch a java interpreter to use WEKA libraries.
BUT... Google released a "Java to iOS Objective C translator" a few days ago. And WEKA is an "Open Source" project. So, maybe, you could try to download WEKA's (java) code and translate it from java to Objective-C in order to run WEKA's algorithms in iOS.
If you get it, please, let me know ;-)

Weka is written in Java. This means the likelihood of it being adapted to iOS is quite small.


Reliability of using FFMPEG in IOS application?

What i am trying to do:
Trying to develop an Enterprise level IOS application with FFMPEG for video Processing.
What i have done so far:
Created a Linux based sample program with FFMPEG and made it work. Learnt how to use FFMPEG. I have already found the build instructions to build the FFMPEG packages
for IOS.
What help i need:
Does apple allow to place the FFMPEG based application in IOS Application Store?
As there is no official support from ffmpeg community for IOS, how reliable the "FFMPEG-IOS" is, as i don't want to get into any problems in future especially when apple releases a new version of os or the problem of ffmpeg only with IOS?
I believe several users here have apps in the App Store that are compiled and linked with ffmpeg. I personally am going to submit my app within the next month. I anticipate that it will be accepted.
For iOS, you cannot dynamically link. You must statically link. Therefore, the ffmpeg libraries will be part of your app. It would be highly unlikely that a future iOS update would break the code. Your app is more likely to break for some other reason unrelated to ffmpeg, e.g. a UI change, that Apple makes.
The requirement for static linking means that you must understand the ffmpeg licensing situation carefully. I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice. You should consult a lawyer for real legal advice. Some people interpret the LGPL to mean that static linking is OK as long as you do not modify the ffmpeg source code and you distribute the ffmpeg source code (e.g., provide it for download on your server) as well as the static library (.a) files used in building your app. You must also credit the ffmpeg project for your use of their code. More information: http://ffmpeg.org/legal.html

UPnP library for iOS, binary light switch

I'm intermediary at Objective-C and I'm current trying to make an app that control an device using UPnP, the app is a control point and the device is a Binary Light Switch.
For UPnP I have to parse XML and I'm using UPnPx library but it seems a little old, because I don't stop getting those LLVM 5.0 error, and can't use Auto Layout. I've searched a lot for others libraries but the one that seems more easy is UPnPx. Could you guys help me with some example code for binary light switch or other libraries? Thx!
As far as I know, there are few well-known UPnP libraries can be easily integrated into your iOS project.
It is implemented by C, but with Objective-C wrapper.
Here are some examples https://github.com/cybergarage/CyberLink4C/tree/master/examples.
It is implemented by C++, with Objective-C wrapper, too.
Beware, it is a dual license library, GPL or commercial, read http://www.plutinosoft.com/platinum/ for detail information.
It is implemented by Objective-C, but the performance of searching device is poor.

Can Opencv developed in c/cpp - Run in IOS?

I am developing an image processing application in Centos with OpenCV using C/C++ coding. My intension is to have a single development platform for Linux and IOS (IPAD).
So if I start the development in a Linux environment with OpenCV installed ( in C/CPP ),Can I use the same code in IOS without going for Objective-C? I don't want to put dual effort for IOS and Linux, so how to achieve this?
It looks like it's possible. Compiling and running C/C++ on iOS is no problem, but you'll need some Objective-C for the UI. When you pay some attention to the layering/abstraction of your modules, you should be able to share most/all core code between the platforms.
See my detailed answer to this question:
iOS:Retrieve rectangle shaped image from the background image
Basically you can keep most of your CPP code portable between platforms if you keep your user interface code separate. On iOS all of the UI should be pure objective-C, while your openCV image processing can be pure C++ (which would be exactly the same on linux). On iOS you would make a thin ObjC++ wrapper class that mediates between Objective-C side and the C++ side. All it really does is translate image formats between them and send data in and out of C++ for processing.
I have a couple of simple examples on github you might want to take a look at: OpenCVSquares and OpenCVStitch. These are based on C++ samples distributed with openCV - you should compare the C++ in those projects with the original samples to see how much altering was required (hint: not much).

Boost Graph Library, stable on iOS?

The Boost Graph Library is a header-only library and does not need to be built to be used.
it contains some pre-made functions that I want for my iOS application:
However, Boost is not officially supported on iOS (or Android) due to lack of regression testing, and I'm not experienced enough with either Boost or iOS to be comfortable testing it.
Is anyone using Boost.Graph on iOS, and if so is it stable?
Yes, most definitely it's stable.
Apple's LLVM compiler (which is what you should be using for iOS apps) is one of the most C++11 compliant compilers available today, and as such can compile and run boost with absolutely no issues.
Not to mention the fact that iOS is also fully POSIX compliant, which makes most frameworks out there viable for use on iOS. When in doubt, try it and then if it doesn't work, come back and ask a question.
Leverage what is already there, and use it well!
As such boost libraries are stable, but Boost Graph libraries are failing on all darwin flavours (darwin- 4.4_0x intel- darwin- 12.0 intel- darwin- 11.1 darwin- 4.4)
May be you can try other alternatives, like LEDA (http://www.algorithmic-solutions.com/news/archive.htm)

Implementing ASIFT in Android

I am new to both openCV and Android. I have to detect objects in my project. So, I have decided to use ASIFT for the same. However, the code they have given here is very lengthy. It contains lots of C file. It also doesn't have openCV support.
Some search on the SO itself suggested that it is easier to connect the ASIFT code to the openCV library, but I can't figure out how to do that. Can anyone help me by giving some link or by telling the steps that I should use to add ASIFT to my openCv library, which I can further utilize in making my Android application?
Also, I would like to know whether using Android NDK along with JNI to make calls to the C files or using Android SDK along with binary package for my android project(Object Detection) would be a suitable option for me?
Finally , I solved my problem by using the source code given at the website of ASIFT developers. I compacted all the source files together to make my own library using make. I then called the required function from the library using JNI.
It worked for me, but the execution is taking approximate 2 mins on an Android device. Anyone having some idea about ways to reduce the running time ?
They used very simple and slow brute force matching (just for proving of concept). You can use FLANN library and it will help a lot. http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_flann_matcher/feature_flann_matcher.html
