TF30279: Plug-in with ID "Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build" of type "Project Creation Plugins" could not be loaded - tfs

When attempting to create a new TFS Team Project from VS2012 I received the following error after pressing finish.
TF30279: Plug-in with ID "Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build" of type "Project Creation Plugins" could not be loaded
TFS and VS were both installed on a Windows 7 laptop for evaluation. When setting up TFS I configured the build server without error.
In attempting to get round the problem I uninstalled all 2012 components VS, TFS and Sql Server, then reinstalled them. I tried both TFS express and VS2012 for web express and full TFS trial and VS2012 premium trial (to rule out that it wasn't an issue with the express versions)
Each time the error would persist across re-installs.

Although I could not find why the problem has occurred I did eventually manage to fix the issue after reading up on process templates and understanding where the plugin models were sourced from.
1) I opened VS2012 command prompt and ran as admin
2) changed dir to %programfiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer
3) ran gacutil /i for each dll in the folder that looked like it was anything to do with build.


Checkin Policy not working after upgrading to VS 2015

We are running VS2013, along with VSTS for source control. We have a checkin policy that enforces a checkin Comment and for the user to assign a Work Item(s) to the checkin. This has been working fine as expected for a while.
Recently, I got one of the developers to test VS2015 Update 1. He is now reporting to me that the checkin policy doesn't seem to work properly; even though he correctly adds a Comment and assigns a Work Item for the checkin, the system doesn't seem to recognise them and it gives a 'policy failure' warning like this:
Is this a known bug with VS2015? Or some sort of compatibility issue upgrading from 2013 to 2105?
Install 2015 Power Tools on the client PC. Your Power Tools version has to match your Visual Studio Client.
In the past years, we also had to update our check in policies, from 2013 to 2015.
Here is somethings you may check.
Recompile your CheckInPolicy project updating Visual Studio Assemblies references:
Register your Policies:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0_Config\TeamFoundation\SourceControl\Checkin Policies]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\TeamFoundation\SourceControl\Checkin Policies]
Hope it helps.
The company I'm working at changed our PCs and we had the same problem when we needed to install VS.NET 2015 for some old projects.
I simply copied the below directory's content (from an old PC where policies worked) and placed it in the same directory, in the new PC.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer
If the directory Team Explorer doesn't exists, create it manually and put the content into it.
OBS: When I did it, I already had VS.NET 2015 Power Tools installed.
So, try to solve it with these two steps:
Install Power Tools to VS.NET 2015 as mentioned in the other answers.
Copy necessary DLLs files to Team Explorer directory. I made a copy of them here.
This was my registry after installed Powetools, and because of that I tried to paste files manually... I got lucky. It worked.

What am I doing wrong - problems building using TFS 2012

I am trying to get the most basic configuration of TFS 2012 up and running.
So far I installed the TFS server using the simplest option (the 1st option in the installer - the one that comes with a bundled SQL express),
I configured the build service (1 controller, 1 agent, both on the TFS machine).
My project consists of 2 parts: a C#/silverlight part, and a C++ part.
After adding the silverlight prerequisites the C# project builds correctly.
However I can't get the C++ project to build.
I guess I am missing a prerequisite since I am getting the following errors:
C:\Builds\1\proj1\Client\src\Code\Client\proj\main (VC11).vcxproj
(19): The imported project "C:\Program Files
(x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\v110\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" was
not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is
correct, and that the file exists on disk.
Indeed, the TFS server does not have a "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp" folder (while my dev machine has one).
I installed the windows SDK, but that didn't help.
I saw on some posts that I need to install VS 2012 on the build machine. Is that correct? will VS express do?
I have been banging my head on this for the last 2 days, and any help would be appreciated.
Installing Visual Studio on your build server seems like a strange thing to do, but having been around the TFS block a bit, I have found it to be the simplest way to manage build servers.
You can copy the files manually from your dev machine to your build server, but if an update to visual studio comes out, you will need to figure out what has changed and make sure you update all those files too. These files typically include Targets files and associated dlls.
Also with all the extensions and packages that are available now, it is just easier to load Visual Studio on your build server and install the required packages than try to work out what is needed to replicate the functionality.
This was made very clear to me recently when Microsoft released ASP.Net and Web Tools 2012.2. This altered the publishing pipeline for Web Sites and Web Projects and I needed to use this in my TFS build. It was so much easier to just be able to log onto my build server, load Visual Studio and download the new update.
I would definitely support installing Visual Studio on your build server.

Unable to login to TFS 2010 through jenkins

Was able to connect to TFS 2008. After the upgrade to TFS 2010, I am unable to connect.
I reconfigured jenkins to use the new VS2010 tf.exe.
I reconfigured my job to point ot the new URL.
Verified my password is correct...
Within visual studio I can connect and use TFS 2010 without any problems.
However I am getting permissions problesm when trying to use Jenkins.
I have updated to version 1.20 of the TFS plugin and the problem still persists.
I have restarted the service before and after configuration changes...
Any ideas on what might be wrong? I changed the group/account in the log for safety.
Log is:
[workspace] $ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf" workspaces -format:brief -server:http://sbn01p-tfs1001v:8080/tfs ********
TF50309: The following account does not have sufficient permissions to complete the operation: <group>\<my account>. The following permissions are needed to perform this operation: View collection-level information.
FATAL: Executable returned an unexpected result code [100]
ERROR: null
Team Foundation Server, beginning with TFS 2010, adds a new concept called Team Project Collections. Your Team Project Collection needs to be specified in the URI, for example:

TFS Build is failing Because of Missing Programs

I am trying to build a project using TFS2010 Build.TFS resides on its own server, and i am trying to build to a directory on the same machine. The Server does not have VS2010 installed on it.
When the build runs it fails and gives me this error:
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets (1558): Task failed because "AxImp.exe" was not found, or the correct Microsoft Windows SDK is not installed. The task is looking for "AxImp.exe" in the "bin" subdirectory beneath the location specified in the InstallationFolder value of the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A. You may be able to solve the problem by doing one of the following: 1) Install the Microsoft Windows SDK. 2) Install Visual Studio 2010. 3) Manually set the above registry key to the correct location. 4) Pass the correct location into the "ToolPath" parameter of the task.
Then I get a whole bunch of errors saying the namespaces of the project I am building cannot be found. I am not sure if that is all linked to the above mentioned error however.
Thank You!
It is recommended to have Visual Studio 2010 installed on your build machine but it is not a requirement. Since the error message indicates that it didn't find AxImp.exe, can you verify if this file exists on the build machine? The location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin (if you're on a 64-bit Windows).
If the file doesn't exist, installing .NET Framework SDK will probably help to resolve that specific error.
Regarding installing Visual Studio on the build machine, Visual Studio is licensed per user, not per machine, so as long as the build machine owner is licensed, you should not need extra license for Visual Studio. But you probably should look at the licensing papers for your edition of Visual Studio 2010 to make sure.
Here's a table in the white paper on licensing:
You need to have the same software running on the build server as you would if building locally. This means you need Visual Studio 2010, and possibly even the same edition of Visual Studio 2010, depending on what you're trying to build.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Visual Studio is licensed PER USER. This means that as long as you as a user have a license, you can use that SAME LICENSE on your build Machine.
The only "problem" would be if you actually had "No licenses" - meaning you do not own a copy of Visual Studio at all, but have a legal copy of TFS.

TFS Shell Integration - TF Power Tools requires Visual Studio 2010

I just started using Team Foundation 2010, but I'm connecting to the server with Visual Studio 2008 SP1. It's working alright, except I can't install Power Tools to include shell integration because for some reason it requires Visual Studio 2010.
1) Is there any way I can get tfpt Shell Integration without having to install VS2010 ?
Second question is... I installed VS2010 in one machine and used the power tools for awhile. But when I changed the server IP, shell extension suddenly stopped working... It tries to reconnect and fails. I tried executing this, with no success:
tf.exe workspaces /remove:*
But I don't know if it has anything to do with my problem.
2) What happened to the shell integration? how can i solve it ?
thanks in advance
In order to use the shell extensions you need to have team explorer 2010 running on your machine. Install team explorer 2010 and then the power tools and you are ready to go.
When you are not able to connect to the tfs server, the removal of the workspaces will also not happen. That action needs a connection to the TFS server. Has your password been changed lately? If so, you might need to update the stored windows credential (available through the control panel). To investigate the connection problems, you could navigate to TWA (http://myserverip:8080/tfs/web)
