Attempt as assembly on iOS - ios

Please note: I'm just trying to learn. Please do not yell at me for toying with assembly.
I have the following method:
uint32 test(int16 a, int16 b)
return ( a + b ) & 0xffff;
I created a .s file based on details I found here.
My .s file contains the following:
.align 2 // Align the function code to a 4-byte (2^n) word boundary.
.arm // Use ARM instructions instead of Thumb.
.globl _$0 // Make the function globally accessible.
.no_dead_strip _$0 // Stop the optimizer from ignoring this function!
.private_extern _$0
_$0: // Declare the function.
bx lr // Jump back to the caller.
add r0, r0, r1 // Return the sum of the first 2 function parameters
add r0, r0, r1 // Return the sum of the first 2 function parameters
ands r0, r0, r2 // Ands the result of r0 and the third parameter passed
So if I call the following:
I get what I would expect. But then if I try
int addOne = addFunction(0xffff,0xffff); // Result = -2
int addTwo = 0xffff + 0xffff; // Result = 131070
My addOne does not end up being the same value as my add two. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong here?

When you pass the int16_t parameter 0xffff to addFunction the compiler sign-extends it to fit in the 32-bit register (as it's a signed integer) making it 0xffffffff. You add two of these together to get 0xfffffffe and return it. When you do 0xffff + 0xffff both constants are already 32-bits and so there's no need to sign extend, the result is 0x0001fffe.
What you need to understand is that when you're using a signed integer and passing the 16-bit value 0xffff you're actually passing in -1, so it's no surprise that -1 + -1 = -2. It's also no suprise that 0xffff + 0xffff = 0xfffffffe.
If you change the (not shown) C declaration of addFunction to take two unsigned ints, then you'll get the result you desire (the compiler won't do the sign extension).

Your assembly code assumes a third passed parameter (in R2) but when you call the
function you are only passing 2 parameters. I think the contents of R2 could be anything in your addFunction.


SSE/AVX: Choose from two __m256 float vectors based on per-element min and max absolute value

I am looking for efficient AVX (AVX512) implementation of
// Given
float u[8];
float v[8];
// Compute
float a[8];
float b[8];
// Such that
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
a[i] = fabs(u[i]) >= fabs(v[i]) ? u[i] : v[i];
b[i] = fabs(u[i]) < fabs(v[i]) ? u[i] : v[i];
I.e., I need to select element-wise into a from u and v based on mask, and into b based on !mask, where mask = (fabs(u) >= fabs(v)) element-wise.
I had this exact same problem just the other day. The solution I came up with (using AVX only) was:
// take the absolute value of u and v
__m256 sign_bit = _mm256_set1_ps(-0.0f);
__m256 u_abs = _mm256_andnot_ps(sign_bit, u);
__m256 v_abs = _mm256_andnot_ps(sign_bit, v);
// get a mask indicating the indices for which abs(u[i]) >= abs(v[i])
__m256 u_ge_v = _mm256_cmp_ps(u_abs, v_abs, _CMP_GE_OS);
// use the mask to select the appropriate elements into a and b, flipping the argument
// order for b to invert the sense of the mask
__m256 a = _mm256_blendv_ps(u, v, u_ge_v);
__m256 b = _mm256_blendv_ps(v, u, u_ge_v);
The AVX512 equivalent would be:
// take the absolute value of u and v
__m512 sign_bit = _mm512_set1_ps(-0.0f);
__m512 u_abs = _mm512_andnot_ps(sign_bit, u);
__m512 v_abs = _mm512_andnot_ps(sign_bit, v);
// get a mask indicating the indices for which abs(u[i]) >= abs(v[i])
__mmask16 u_ge_v = _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(u_abs, v_abs, _CMP_GE_OS);
// use the mask to select the appropriate elements into a and b, flipping the argument
// order for b to invert the sense of the mask
__m512 a = _mm512_mask_blend_ps(u_ge_v, u, v);
__m512 b = _mm512_mask_blend_ps(u_ge_v, v, u);
As Peter Cordes suggested in the comments above, there are other approaches as well like taking the absolute value followed by a min/max and then reinserting the sign bit, but I couldn't find anything that was shorter/lower latency than this sequence of instructions.
Actually, there is another approach using AVX512DQ's VRANGEPS via the _mm512_range_ps() intrinsic. Intel's intrinsic guide describes it as follows:
Calculate the max, min, absolute max, or absolute min (depending on control in imm8) for packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in a and b, and store the results in dst. imm8[1:0] specifies the operation control: 00 = min, 01 = max, 10 = absolute max, 11 = absolute min. imm8[3:2] specifies the sign control: 00 = sign from a, 01 = sign from compare result, 10 = clear sign bit, 11 = set sign bit.
Note that there appears to be a typo in the above; actually imm8[3:2] == 10 is "absolute min" and imm8[3:2] == 11 is "absolute max" if you look at the details of the per-element operation:
CASE opCtl[1:0] OF
0: tmp[31:0] := (src1[31:0] <= src2[31:0]) ? src1[31:0] : src2[31:0]
1: tmp[31:0] := (src1[31:0] <= src2[31:0]) ? src2[31:0] : src1[31:0]
2: tmp[31:0] := (ABS(src1[31:0]) <= ABS(src2[31:0])) ? src1[31:0] : src2[31:0]
3: tmp[31:0] := (ABS(src1[31:0]) <= ABS(src2[31:0])) ? src2[31:0] : src1[31:0]
CASE signSelCtl[1:0] OF
0: dst[31:0] := (src1[31] << 31) OR (tmp[30:0])
1: dst[31:0] := tmp[63:0]
2: dst[31:0] := (0 << 31) OR (tmp[30:0])
3: dst[31:0] := (1 << 31) OR (tmp[30:0])
So you can get the same result with just two instructions:
auto a = _mm512_range_ps(v, u, 0x7); // 0b0111 = sign from compare result, absolute max
auto b = _mm512_range_ps(v, u, 0x6); // 0b0110 = sign from compare result, absolute min
The argument order (v, u) is a bit unintuitive, but it's needed in order to get the same behavior that you described in the OP in the event that the elements have equal absolute value (namely, that the value from u is passed through to a, and v goes to b).
On Skylake and Ice Lake Xeon platforms (probably any of the Xeons that have dual FMA units, probably?), VRANGEPS has throughput 2, so the two checks can issue and execute simultaneously, with latency of 4 cycles. This is only a modest latency improvement on the original approach, but the throughput is better and it requires fewer instructions/uops/instruction cache space.
clang does a pretty reasonable job of auto-vectorizing it with -ffast-math and the necessary __restrict qualifiers: and both inputs to ABS them, compare once, vblendvps twice on the original inputs with the same mask but the other sources in the opposite order to get min and max.
That's pretty much what I was thinking before checking what compilers did, and looking at their output to firm up the details I hadn't thought through yet. I don't see anything more clever than that. I don't think we can avoid abs()ing both a and b separately; there's no cmpps compare predicate that compares magnitudes and ignores the sign bit.
// untested: I *might* have reversed min/max, but I think this is right.
#include <immintrin.h>
// returns min_abs
__m256 minmax_abs(__m256 u, __m256 v, __m256 *max_result) {
const __m256 signbits = _mm256_set1_ps(-0.0f);
__m256 abs_u = _mm256_andnot_ps(signbits, u);
__m256 abs_v = _mm256_andnot_ps(signbits, v); // strip the sign bit
__m256 maxabs_is_v = _mm256_cmp_ps(abs_u, abs_v, _CMP_LT_OS); // u < v
*max_result = _mm256_blendv_ps(v, u, maxabs_is_v);
return _mm256_blendv_ps(u, v, maxabs_is_v);
You'd do the same thing with AVX512 except you compare into a mask instead of another vector.
// returns min_abs
__m512 minmax_abs512(__m512 u, __m512 v, __m512 *max_result) {
const __m512 absmask = _mm512_castsi512_ps(_mm512_set1_epi32(0x7fffffff));
__m512 abs_u = _mm512_and_ps(absmask, u);
__m512 abs_v = _mm512_and_ps(absmask, v); // strip the sign bit
__mmask16 maxabs_is_v = _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(abs_u, abs_v, _CMP_LT_OS); // u < v
*max_result = _mm512_mask_blend_ps(maxabs_is_v, v, u);
return _mm512_mask_blend_ps(maxabs_is_v, u, v);
Clang compiles the return statement in an interesting way (Godbolt):
.long 2147483647 # 0x7fffffff
minmax_abs512(float __vector(16), float __vector(16), float __vector(16)*): # #minmax_abs512(float __vector(16), float __vector(16), float __vector(16)*)
vbroadcastss zmm2, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI2_0]
vandps zmm3, zmm0, zmm2
vandps zmm2, zmm1, zmm2
vcmpltps k1, zmm3, zmm2
vblendmps zmm2 {k1}, zmm1, zmm0
vmovaps zmmword ptr [rdi], zmm2 ## store the blend result
vmovaps zmm0 {k1}, zmm1 ## interesting choice: blend merge-masking
Instead of using another vblendmps, clang notices that zmm0 already has one of the blend inputs, and uses merge-masking with a regular vector vmovaps. This has zero advantage of Skylake-AVX512 for 512-bit vblendmps (both single-uop instructions for port 0 or 5), but if Agner Fog's instruction tables are right, vblendmps x/y/zmm only ever runs on port 0 or 5, but a masked 256-bit or 128-bit vmovaps x/ymm{k}, x/ymm can run on any of p0/p1/p5.
Both are single-uop / single-cycle latency, unlike AVX2 vblendvps based on a mask vector which is 2 uops. (So AVX512 is an advantage even for 256-bit vectors). Unfortunately, none of gcc, clang, or ICC turn the _mm256_cmp_ps into _mm256_cmp_ps_mask and optimize the AVX2 intrinsics to AVX512 instructions when compiling with -march=skylake-avx512.)
s/512/256/ to make a version of minmax_abs512 that uses AVX512 for 256-bit vectors.
Gcc goes even further, and does the questionable "optimization" of
vmovaps zmm2, zmm1 # tmp118, v
vmovaps zmm2{k1}, zmm0 # tmp118, tmp114, tmp118, u
instead of using one blend instruction. (I keep thinking I'm seeing a store followed by a masked store, but no, neither compiler is blending that way).

Assign value to specific bit of BitVecExpr in Z3

Here is my verilog statement:
reg[2:0] a; // Create register 'a' which is 3 bit.
assign a[1] = 1'b1; // Assigning value to 1st bit of register 'a'.
I have to implement the statement above in Z3.
For the 1st line of the verilog statement using BitVecExpr:
BitVecExpr a = ctx.mkBVConst("a",3);
I am a facing problem while implementing 2nd line of verilog statement.
Does anyone know how to implement this in Z3?
With Z3 you can't modify variables. In fact Z3 doesn't call this a variable, it's a constant.
You need to make a new constant that is related to the old constant. For example if you want to say y = x + 1 this would be
var y = ctx.MkBVAdd(x, 1);
If you want to say x = x + 1 you need to introduce a new name for the old and for the new x:
var x2 = ctx.MkBVAdd(x1, 1);

code snippet lack of understanding

I am boxing with a C code snippet I need to convert.
One of the functions is as follows:
+(float) calcTemp:(NSData *)data {
char scratchVal[data.length];
[data getBytes:&scratchVal length:data.length];
UInt16 temp;
temp = (scratchVal[0] & 0xff) | ((scratchVal[1] << 8) & 0xff00);
return (float)temp;
This line I just can't seem to grasp:
temp = (scratchVal[0] & 0xff) | ((scratchVal[1] << 8) & 0xff00);
i know its probably a novo question (but I am a noob^), if someone could explain that line to me i would greatly appreciate it. In particular the things with address references and the operator uses.
In the code snippet I don't see why they call getBytes:length method on data, since its not being used. But mainly, Im just trying to understand the line that I pointed out.
The line
temp = (scratchVal[0] & 0xff) | ((scratchVal[1] << 8) & 0xff00);
is creating an unsigned 16-bit integer value from two bytes originating in scratchVal. A single & in this context is not the address operator but bitwise AND. So the lower byte of temp is set from the first byte contained in scratchVal, and the upper byte of temp is set by left-shifting the second byte contained in scratchVal. The two resulting numbers are joined together using bitwise OR |. To avoid sign extension or other unwanted bits the masks 0xff and 0xff00 are used to ensure all undesirables are zero.
Presented visually, if scratchVal contains the bits aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb in the first two bytes then temp will end up as an unsigned integer with the bit pattern bbbbbbbbaaaaaaaa.
The second question asked why they're calling -getBytes:length:. The line
[data getBytes:&scratchVal length:data.length];
reads the bytes from data into the scratchVal temporary buffer.
In response to the question in the comment
why it is needed to left shift the bits to concatenate them
A simple assignment won't work. Assuming again that scratchVal is a char buffer containing the bits aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb, the code
temp = scratchVal[0];
would make temp equal to the UInt16 equivalent of the bits aaaaaaaa. You can't use addition because the result will be whatever value comes from adding the two bytes together (aaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbb).
Using real numbers as an example, suppose the first two bytes of scratchVal are equal to 0x7f 0x7f.
temp = scratchVal[0] + scratchVal[1];
Turns out to be 0x7f + 0x7f = 0xfe which is not the purpose of this code.
Building the value using OR can be better understood by breaking it down into steps.
The first part of the expression is scratchVal[0] & 0xff = 0x7f & 0xff = 0x7f
The second part is (scratchVal[1] << 8) & 0xff00 = (0x7f << 8) & 0xff = 0x7f00 & 0xff = 0x7f00
The final result in this case is 0x7f | 0x7f00 = 0x7f7f.

Unknown register name 'q0' in asm

I'm trying to build ios project for $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) architecture - armv7 for the latest iOS (iOS 7.0) and I've got the following error:
Unknown register name 'q0' in asm
in function
static void neon_asm_mat4_vec4_mul(const float* __restrict m, const int* __restrict v, int* __restrict output)
asm volatile
// Store m & v - avoiding q4-q7 which need to be preserved - q0 = result
"vldmia %1, { q8-q11 } \n\t" // q8-q11 = m
"vldmia %2, { q1 } \n\t" // q1 = v
// Convert v to floats
"vcvt.f32.s32 q1, q1 \n\t"
// result = first column of A x V.x
"vmul.f32 q0, q8, d2[0] \n\t"
// result += second column of A x V.y
"vmla.f32 q0, q9, d2[1] \n\t"
// result += third column of A x V.z
"vmla.f32 q0, q10, d3[0] \n\t"
// result += last column of A x V.w
"vmla.f32 q0, q11, d3[1] \n\t"
// convert to integer
"vcvt.s32.f32 q0, q0 \n\t"
// output = result registers
"vstmia %0, { q0 } \n\t"
: // no output
: "r" (output), "r" (m), "r" (v) // input - note *value* of pointer doesn't change
: "memory", "q0", "q1", "q2", "q3", "q8", "q9", "q10", "q11" //clobber
Could you please help me to either update my code so it can be built for the latest hardware or simply configure build settings differently. I'm new to iOS development, so I'm kind of lost...
try changing in neon_matrix_impl.c and mat4.c
#if defined(ARM_NEON)
#if defined(_ARM_ARCH_7)
Those who are using Cocos2d 2.1 , modification(#if defined(ARM_NEON) ->#if defined(_ARM_ARCH_7)) is needed in two macros
neon_matrix_impl.c and
mat4.c at line number 218
Actually ARM NEON was used as multimedia rendering engine in iOS devices but now with iOS 7.0 and onwards new rendering engines(ARM ARCH 64 bit) are used.
More details can be obtained from here.
But it was really confusing for me that my Xcode project was perfectly compiled and successfully executed on my iPod Touch (5th generation) with out these modifications.Modification was needed only when i tried to archive my project to submit it on AppStore.

SET A, 0x1E vs SET A, 0x1F

This is my first attempt at dpcu, I'm checking machine code generated by dpcu-16 assembly
I am using this emulator :
I am trying to compare code generated by
SET A, 0x1E
SET A, 0x1F
code generated is as follow :
7c01 001f
I don't get why operand size changes between those two values
That emulator appears to be using the next version of the DCPU-16 spec, which specifies that the same-word literal value for a permits values from 0xFFFF (-1) to 0x1E (30). This means that to get any literal value outside this range the assembler has to use the next-word literal syntax, which makes the operand one byte bigger.
0x1F (dec:31) is no longer a short literal (values -1 to 30), so it has to be read as a "next word" argument.
The opcodes are thus:
SET A, 0x1E
SET = 00001
A = 00000
1E = 111111
op = 1111110000000001 = fc01
SET A, 0x1F
SET = 00001
A = 00000
NW = 011111
op = 0111110000000001 = 7c01 + 001f
