iphone app never runs on device - ios

I'm testing on an older iPhone 3G, I just updated it to 4.2.1, it's in my apple profile as a test device. iTunes sees it fine, but I try to install the app and it never runs on the device. XCode says no issues, but when I try to install from an ad-hoc archive it says that the iphone is not compatible. I have the build settings on the target set to iOS Deployment Target 4.0 and SDK 5.1. I'm also using Phonegap 2.0.0

iPhone 3G has armv6 architecture, check if that is supported with the build.


Can I publish an app to the AppStore while having iOS 9 beta installed on my iPhone and using Xcode 6?

Prior to submit an app to the AppStore we must generate an Archive, and have an iPhone or an iPad connected to Xcode during that time.
If I upgrade to the iOS 9 beta, will I still be able to do this (generate the archive from Xcode 6)? Or will I encounter any issues if I upgrade?
Thank you!
You can install two (or more) versions of Xcode on your Mac, beta versions of Xcode for testing, and the official released version for App Store build and submission purposes. Currently, for instance, install Xcode-beta 7.x to directly run and debug test builds on an iPhone running an iOS 9 beta, and install Xcode 6.x to build with the iOS 8 SDK and submit to the App Store. You can (and should) also still test the latter build using Ad Hoc deployment.
Dont do that ! It is risky.
XCode cannot run an app into your iPhone/iPad, if the iPhone OS version is greater than the higher iOS version in XCode.
It is risky. If you install iOS 9 bêta on iPhone, and XCode has only iOS 8.3, you wont be able to run an app from XCode--to-->iPhone
Ok running is not publishing.
But you know Apple/XCode... So strict, minimize the risk. Dont do that.
Beta is NOT for publishing & public releases.

Running an iOS application in a device with iOS 5.1.1, using Xcode 5

I am trying to install an iOS application in my iPad running in iOS 5.1.1. When i launch it with Xcode with the development profile, i am getting the following errors :
Xcode cannot install or launch applications supporting the 64-bit
architecture on devices running iOS versions prior to 6.0. This
configuration is supported for distribution through the iOS App Store,
but cannot be used during development with Xcode. To continue, edit
the Run scheme action and select a build configuration that does not
include the 64-bit architecture.
I have tried to change the building architecture by removing the arm64 but i have the same error.
I have tried to install it with testflight by building an ipa with an adhoc provision profile but the same error repeats.
How i can test my application in real device running iOS 5.1.1, building with Xcode 5
You need to make a test target that has no arm64 within valid architectures.
See screenshot, check that you don't have arm64.
Changing the Build Active Architecture Only to Yes for the Debug scheme fixed this for me. This is shown in the screen shot of the accepted answer and it's possible that is the real solution, rather than what the accepted answer describes.

Trying to get my app to run on armv6 devices, having no luck

I am trying to build a version of my app that runs on older, armv6 iOS devices like it used to. For this,I am using my old Mac Mini running Snow Leopard and Xcode 4.2, rather than my normal dev machine, my MacBook running Lion and Xcode 4.6.3. I set my deployment target to 4.2 for both the project and the target. The app builds fine, but it won't run on an old iPod Touch 2G running 4.2.1 that I am using as a test device. It crashes almost instantly on start up. I made sure it had the proper permissions, but it still doesn't run. I'm not using any 3rd party libraries, only the Apple reachability library. There is no "Required device capabilities" in the info.plist.
Here is the architectures for the project:
And the target architectures:

iOS app exits before launch

I am new to iOS development and as a newbie I’ve created a very simple Hello World application using Xcode 4.3.3 against iOS 5.0 SDK on my MacBook air. I have set Deployment Target to 3.2 and Base SDK (in build settings) has been set to iOS 5.1
The output build runs fine on iPhone 4.3 simulator but when I copy output HelloWorld.app to my jailbroken iPod using a SSH client the app icon appears however when I run it, the app exits before launch.
My iPod OS version is 4.2.1 and I can run a lot of app from cydia however it sounds like I’m missing something when I build my own app.
Valid Architecture is set to armv6 armv7
Is there anybody help me with that?
The executable that is deployed to the Simulator cannot be just copied to a device. Xcode should do it for you and it needs a development certificate. There is a way, however, to patch Xcode to do it without certificate, but you have to search how to do it.

How to test iOS applications for iOS v 3.1 compatibility with Xcode 4.2?

I have Xcode Version 4.2 ,Build 4D199. I need to test an application for iOS 3.1 compatibility. How to load iOS 3.1 simulator?
I also have iPhone 2 with os 3.1.3 (7E18). I set the deployment target has 3.1 and added armv6 in architecture section of both target and project build settings. When I use this device for debugging, build will be successful, but application wont run.
What are the proper project settings to use iOS device v 3.1.3 in Xcode 4.2 for development?
Is your iPhone 2 device properly provisioned for development? You won't be allowed to run it on that device unless you've added the device in the provisioning portal and that device has been added to your development certificate.
