USSD Application flow... How to design or program? - ussd

How to design and USSD Application flow.
We will be getting just the unique session of the user and user input.

My approach was:
A HashMap<msisdn, Finite State Machine>().
You can use this previous question for more information.


How to programmatically send a text message after the user has given permission?

I'm writing an app where I need to be able to send texts in the background. I saw this very comprehensive answer to a similar question that explains how to send text messages through an interface with the user and the various limitations of sending messages programmatically, but it didn't really address another possibility: is it possible for the user to grant permission to my app to send messages in the background similar to how the user must grant permission to an app to access the user's photos? For example, upon starting up the app for the first time, a prompt appears asking the user for permission to send text messages. If the user grants permission, then the app can send messages in the background. Is that possible?
The answer to this question is that you can't. There are some jailbreak apps that accomplish this but they require just that, a jailbreak (and private APIs). There is no App Store allowed way to do this.

Is it possible, perhaps with Apple's permission, to switch an app to the foreground without user input?

We would like to be able to remotely control an app on an iOS device so that the app can be automatically brought to the foreground WITHOUT the user having to do anything, for example when the app receives a remote push notification. My understanding is that normally there is no way to bring an app to the foreground in iOS unless the user presses a button, because Apple has decided that it knows best, and that it is better for app developers and users not to have this possibility, because it could be abused.
We are working on a security-related app where we believe that there would be strong justification for this type of functionality (in a case where the user is not able to take any actions).
Two questions:
Is there any way to do this in iOS coding that others on similar posts have overlooked?
Does anyone have experience with whether Apple ever grants exceptions to this kind of rule if there is a good justification?
The answer is simple: NO, and there is no chance that Apple will agree to allow you to implement such functionality. The only app that does this is the because that is its purpose.

How to create an unique identifier for an IOS device from a HTML aplication

We are building a web based system where there are money involved and we want to avoid fraud implementing a system that is able to identify the IOS device from where the requests are sent.
The reason of this security is because we offer money for execute actions from a mobile and we only want the user to obtain the money once, if we are not able to identify the device the user can execute the action several times.
This unique identifier can use any HTML, JS, server side technique, but not any native IOS call due the application is web based and it runs in a normal Safari instance.
The unique identifier is not needed to be the official UUID.
The system doesn't need to be bullet-proof just a few more difficult to cheat than a normal cookie.
The system should works in separate sessions, like if the user comes back after one week.
Heuristic based systems are welcome, also any combination of LocalStorage with Cookies, ...
The only ways you can identify a unique user/device in a web application is to use cookies and or track the user's IP address.
Of course, the IP address of a device will change as the owner moves around and cookies can be cleared/disabled or will expire after a set time.
Letting web sites access a device unique identifier such as the UDID would be a huge security risk / privacy invasion. If you were to find such a way, I would say that you found a severe security hole in iOS.
If you are only interested in triggering i.e. an email alert when an account is suspected of being stolen, you could use a heuristic based on device type (user agent string) and geo-ip-lookup to detect if the user has suddenly changed device type and continent and ask the user to confirm that this is really the case. I believe this is what e.g. Google and Facebook does.

Handling call events in windows phone

I just want to know whether has anyone tried to handle incoming calls through the application. Like, rejecting call if it matches a blacklist, answer, hold etc through the application.?
This is a question similar to this one. And from those answers I learn that is not possible to block/reject a phone call as this would interfere with the normal functionality of the phone. The App Certification requirements clearly state that this is not allowed. In short, even if you would succeed on doing this, your app wouldn't make it through validation to the MarketPlace.

How to Add Phone With twitter using Third Party tool

I need a script that will add my phone with Twitter for All latest notification.
I found this page Twitter but i need to create script for my own application.
I goggled but i didn't get any solution For this.Please Help me to find this answer.
Thanks a lot in advance.
First Edit
This is a twitter's new feature Send notification to Phone. Actually I want to create an app that will allow users to register there phone with twitter via my application. Ie I need a script to implement send notification to phone.
The question that others are asking you Pankaj is what platform is your application being written for. You keep saying you want a "script" to do this, but what kind of script?
Giving us more insight to what your application is (a console application written in C#, or an ASP.NET web application) would lend more detail and raise the chances of someone being able to help you. :)
Regardless of your app's platform though, you're probably going to need to look into the Twitter API for setting this up. This is the normal method to interact with Twitter from 3rd party applications. So all the suggestions above, specifically the list of API's available, is probably what you're looking for.
Hey, can you give some more information? What kind of Phone are you developing for?
Maybe that helps solving your Problem.
If you are just searching for a way connecting your Phone to Twitter, here is the Twitter FAQ for Phone connecting:
Maybe it helps, or give you more keywords for your search.
I don't believe there's a way to get or set the notification phone number using the API, however if a phone is already setup on the profile you want to configure, you can do the following to get notification from all user friends.
The user will need to authorize your application to access her account. This flow uses OAuth, and begins here:
Once the user has granted your app access, and your application has all the required OAuth credentials, turn on notifications using account/update_delivery_device:
Next, fetch all the IDs for your user's friends using the friends/ids API call. Be sure to study the documentation; this call uses cursors, so you will have to manage those if the user has over 5,000 friends. Store these IDs for use in the next step. Here's an example call:
Once you have all of the friend IDs, you can call notifications/follow repeatedly to enable notifications on your mobile device whenever your friend makes an update:
This approach will burn one API call for each user that you enable notifications for; there's no way currently to manage notifications en masse.
