I want to make an application in JavaFX-2 based on two pages as "main" page and "extras" page. In the main page, I have added a Hbox function which includes a button named "extras". How do I define a second page and how can I set a hyperlink to the button (onMouseClicked event?), to refer to extras page? I could not find any examples on Mouse events related to this question. Thanks for help!
Take a look at the JFX Flow framework - it seems to have the functionality you are requesting, with back and forward navigation and transitions between scenes.
I created a simple wizard implementation in response to a forum post which helps perform some of this scene to scene style navigation. I also created a small sample of animating sliding panes of in and out of the screen which I also created earlier. The code for the two concepts is not linked together, but the code is pretty simple so, it wouldn't be hard to link it.
There is a large source of Canned animations in the FXExperience project as well as plently of inbuilt Transitions in JavaFX.
I'm a kindergarten teacher trying to post a set of Google slides to support online learning. I have a very modest understanding of HTML. I want students to move to new slides by clicking hyperlinks, not by scrolling through like a presentation, so I made each slide (10-12 total) its own presentation. It works, but every time you navigate from one to the other, it opens it in a new tab, which quickly turns into too many tabs. I don't see a way to create links that open in the same window.
campus (only READING link is set up at the moment)
There is code you could add to a SINGLE presentation slide that would open in a 'preview' tab which is a little different than present mode. You would have to put all slides back into 1 slide presentation(file). Replaced everything at the end including the word edit.
Then I would replace the above with--look at the end of the code.
Now clicking the links would keep the user on the same slide deck throughout all their clicks. They can advance or go back depending on your links inside the presentation
I implemented simple application according of example simple login view. Where we have login-view and main-view. But now, how I can implement on main-view MenuBar where every Items when clicked open different views. And those views are under MenuBar in same place (center on the page under MenuBar, on sample) in main-view. I tried with additional navigator(which name can be subNavigator) in main-view but we must register navigator in UI(I have got appropriate error). Second solution is that I create UI and in init method ManuBar and under it change every views(login-view, view1, view2 etc). But login-view have ManuBar and it is do not looks good. Is there any other way or are other ways to achieve something similar?
Your question is not at all clear. I suggest re-writing it. Perhaps with a sketch image.
Are you aware of the TabSheet widget? An easy way to switch between panes of content.
See the Book Of Vaadin, the class doc, and the live demo.
Also, look at TabSheet in the Reindeer theme as shown in this demo.
I'm developing a web application that is making use of tabs. I've run one issue that seems small, but I haven't been able to locate a solution and I'm worried it is indicative of larger problems with my code.
My application has one main page that includes a tab container with several content panes then inserted as children. I figured that having each content pane load an external HTML file and loading it that way was a good solution - it seemed to provide modular design and allow for easy changing of the contents of an individual tab. The issue I am running into now is that while everything loads correctly, I'm unable to provide anchor links in inside a tab or between tabs. Here is some sample code:
var tabs = new TabContainer({
style: "height: 100%; width: 100%;"
}, "tab-container");
var metadata = new ContentPane({
title: "Metadata",
id: "Metadata"
/* repeat for the non-metadata content panes */
request.get("/js/viewer/templates/splash.html").then(function (results) {
splash.set("content", results);
/* repeat for each pane */
For my metadata page I want it to contain information about the datasets I am providing to users. Ideally, it would have a table of contents with anchor links to the proper entries. However, when I implement an anchor link, like so:
Click me to jump down the page!
<!-- some content here -->
<div id="test">We made it!</div>
The link is clickable and it does in fact bring you to the proper location, but it seems to invariably load this in a new frame that requires a user to reload the page if they wish to do anything else. I've tried playing with tag properties but it's been to no avail. I'm also hoping to be able to link between tabs (say, if a user is querying on one of the query pages I have presented them and then wants to know where a dataset came from or other information).
Here is a simple imgur album showing what happens: http://imgur.com/a/JCnlH
After clicking the link in the first image, you're sent down the page. However, the tab bar and the navigation bar of the page disappear completely, even when you scroll back up. I don't know why this is.
So, this has been a long question, but here is the core of it:
What am I doing wrong with anchor links?
To answer your first question:
You should put all JavaScript inside your main page, not inside partials. This is not considered a best practice with JavaScript because it means you will have to eval() the content and usually when you start doing that when you don't need to, then you're doing something wrong.
In this case you can easily add all JavaScript code to the main page. If you need to wait for a specific tab to be opened or loaded, you can use the onShow or onLoad events on the dijit/layout/ContentPane widgets.
Also, when you're using ContentPane you should use the proper setters for adding content/HTML to it.
Rather than doing:
request.get("/js/viewer/templates/splash.html").then(function (results) {
dojo.byId("Splash").innerHTML = results;
You should be doing:
request.get("/js/viewer/templates/splash.html").then(function (results) {
splash.set("content", results);
Or if you don't have a reference anymore to the splash variable, you should be using registry.byId("splash").set("content", results).
About the hyperlinks, I have no idea. I'm not getting the same behavior, so could you explain a bit further on that?
Here's a (as far as I can see) working example: http://jsfiddle.net/n4515tsz/
In my case, this behavior seems to be caused by interaction of the overflow: hidden CSS property of my website's body interacting with the height: 100% property of my tab container. I didn't realize that the overflow: hidden property was set because it was part of a framework I was using. By changing the overflow property I have been able to achieve the desired behavior.
Im looking to extend the jquery tabs to add next and previous buttons - which i have done using the show event. The problem is that its a big chunk of code added to that event for each page that needs tabs and these buttons. How i go about making it a reusable component?
Write a jquery plugin to wire your tabs up by convention. Here's a tutorial: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring
Decorate your tab list with something like , then have your plugin pick up on ul's with class "scrollable". Write all your logic in there. You shouldn't need to call any function explicitly for each page.
I have a tPageControl on a form, and have made a nice 'welcome page' as a new ttabsheet at design time for the user to start off with. However, if the user closes this tab, I would like the option to bring it back, as it was in originally (much like the welcome page in the Delphi IDE). This seems like a simple problem...
When the tab closes, the original sheet is freed and set nil. I tried creating the sheet again by name (e.g. tabsheet1 := ttabsheet.create) and assigning it to the pagecontrol, but none of the original components from the sheet are there anymore...
I know designing the welcome page as a separate form, creating it when I need it and slapping it into a new tabsheet would work... but I was just wondering if there was a way to do it with the design time tabsheet.
Thanks all!
As Serg mentioned, you can just set the tabsheet's TabVisible property to false when you want to hide the page. The page control will switch to the next tab if it needs to, the tab will disappear, and the user won't be able to switch back to it until you change TabVisible back.
Re-creating the design-time tab sheet will be quite a challenge because all the information describing its layout is embedded in the DFM resource for your form. It's not like there a separate resource for each tab, so you'd need to read the resource, extract the portion relevant to the tab, and then get ReadComponent to build a new instance; nothing in Delphi is designed to make that very easy, so you should consider other options.
The easiest solution would probably be to design your welcome page on a frame; I've found frames to be a little more cooperative than full-fledged forms when it comes to re-parenting them.
Another option is to create the entire tab in code. GExperts has a tool to make that pretty easy. Select the tab sheet, and then choose DExperts's "components to code" command. That places some code on the clipboard, and you can paste it into a function in your program. The code will contain everything required to re-create the selected components in code instead of building them from the DFM resource. Then, you can use that function to not only re-create the tab after it's been closed, but to create the tab in the first place. That way, you can be assured that you're creating the same thing both times.
The reason your attempt at re-creating the tab didn't work is that the name of the variable used to hold a reference to the form doesn't really define anything. All you did was create a brand new TTabSheet. The fact that you stored a reference to it in the same variable that used to hold a reference to the old tab is irrelevant. (But please feel free to give that variable a more meaningful name; all "TabSheet1" says is that it's the first tab you put on your form, way back when you first started working on this project.)
Rob's right about what's going on, and about using frames to fix it. Bit if you want a simpler solution, you could try just making the tab invisible whan the user closes it, instead of freeing it.
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. A couple notes :
I tried the GEExperts option (pretty nice, I havent used this one before!) : however, it did not preserve many design time settings (font size and color for example)...also there were components with glyphs that didnt get saved....
Changing the visibility of the tabsheet doesnt seem to work either; the pagecontrol doesn't seem to know what to display, even after calling .Refresh ...it shows whatever is underneath your window.
Anyhow, I might investigate the frames option, but likely will just move the components to a new form and call it when needed...
Thanks again!