mvvm viewmodel vs mvc viewmodel -

NO this is not a duplicate!
In MVVM viewModel a PersonViewModel wraps a Person model.
In MVC viewModel a PersonViewModel does/should not wrap a Person.
Instead Automapper is used else it would be a hybrid PersonViewModel.
So the mvc alpha geeks on SO say
What is the reason that it is not allowed/wanted for mvc that a viewmodel wraps a model?
The context of my question is this:
When I dont wrap my models inside the viewmodel then I have to assign all model properties to the viewmodel properties in the controller. Thats a mess. Then people tell to use AutoMapper which is partly fine and partly terrible because now I have viewModel logic in the AutoMapper profile classes and I have viewModel logic in the viewmodels which belong there.
Now I have to test automapper AND viewModels. I would like to have a consistent architecture where I test only viewModels but then I have to wrap my models.
Thats the origion of my question.

It's perfectly allowed, but it's not part of the structure of MVC. If you start wrapping data models with view models, then you're beginning to adhere to MVVM.
Which pattern you use depends on many factors, and is often largely down to your personal preference. Hence, there's nothing inherently wrong in using one pattern over another, but the point of doing so is to adhere to that certain set of principles to achieve a consistent architecture.


Benefits of using ViewModel vs DataContracts in ASP.Net MVC5

What are the benefits of using ViewModel vs DataContracts when you are building a product? I am looking for pros and cons for both.
Few benefits I can think of using Viewmodel is it can have presentation Logic,
If I need to display the full user name, my viewmodel can have full
name which is concatenation of First Name and Last Name from
I can mention Data Annotations Like Required and
DisplayName which are view specific.
In Visual Studio I can simply click Add View in controller action and generate view using scaffolding.
Any other benefits? The Guideline in my team is to use DataContracts instead. So I need more details to convince.
They aren't really used for the same thing. ViewModels are used to structure how members in the class are presented on the View. DataContracts are used to pass data between things like Services and websites. View Models are a way of separating the entity model from a display model, that way you can model data from a database and not have it coupled to your view layer.
when your data contract separate from your viewmodel your product has more flexibility to change presentation layer to another .for example you use datacontract as viewmodel in a wpf application .if you want use mvvm you have to change your datacontract struct and implement INotifypropertyChange for call RaisePropertyChanged method in properties you want have a web application too .do you need to call RaisePropertyChanged in web application?!!(it's just a sample).when you use viewmodels you don't worry about datacontracts when change your presentation layer .

Intermediate layer between DataEntities and Controller

I was reading this tutorial for MVC3 with Linq to Entities using Model First.
A quote from the article states
Our controllers will use the BlogDataEntities to retrieve data for us.
In a more advanced application, you should separate logic further and
would not be working with the BlogDataEntities directly from the
What is the general structure of this other layer between the entities and Controller in an MVC application? What is the purpose?
I usually have a bastardized ViewModel (see which contains the business logic, can fetch/save from EF and is what the view is bound to. The controller doesn't do much but instantiate the viewmodel and depending on the controller action, call a method within the view model.
Some people might break that up even further and have a full blown ViewModel which has no logic in it,just data. A business layer with all of the logic and the ability to move data from EF to the ViewModel and vice-versa.
In the article "BlogDataEntities" is not the name for some specific entity classes (what the name suggests) but the name of the DbContext.
I guess it means that you would try to hide that you work with EF by not instantiating the DbContext, but by using a repository-implementation like this

Developing ASP.NET MVC web applications the right way

I'm starting to develop a new ASP.NET MVC application, and I'd like to make sure that my understanding about the way of developing applications under MVC pattern is correct.
Question 1: Suppose that I have some main views (MainView1, MainView2, ...) with some partial views in it (PartialView1, PartialView2, PartialView3, ...). From what I have understood about MVC, I should define a Model for each view. e.g. I have to define PartialModel, PartialModel2, ... and also define my main models which are containers of the partial models which have been used in them:
public class MainModel1
public PartialModel1 Partial1 {get;set}
public PartialModel2 Partial2 {get;set}
public PartialModel3 Partial3 {get;set}
This way when I want to redirect to MainView, I can initialize the models used in that view by using this Model. Is my understanding of MVC correct? Or should communication between Views and Models be in another form in MVC?
Question 2: If the above is correct, Then suppose I have a partial view in some of my main view pages. This partial view has a submit button which calls an action method. This action method should somehow return the main page's view with the right viewmodels for views. Is there any recommendation about how to get/set viewmodels of other views in a partial view's action?
You understanding is correct. Each view (no matter whether it is main or partial) should have a corresponding view model (unless in the very rare case where this view contains only static html of course). And following this logic a main view that has to render other partial views will have a view model which itself will have reference (maybe as properties) to view models that are required by those partial views.
There is another technique which is using the Html.Action helper. In this case the partial is rendered through another controller/action than the main one. So you don't need to reference the partial view model in the main view model. They will be completely distinct. Take a look at the following blog post to learn more about Html.Action.
Your understanding is perfectly fine. This is what you can also refer to ViewModel in MVC.
So, What basically is an MVC ViewModel ?
In ASP.NET MVC, ViewModels allow you to shape multiple entities from one or more data models or sources into a single object, optimized for consumption and rendering by the view. The below image illustrates the concept of a ViewModel:
The purpose of a ViewModel is for the view to have a single object to render, alleviating the need for UI logic code in the view that would otherwise be necessary. This means the only responsibility, or concern, of the view is to render that single ViewModel object, aiding in a cleaner separation of concerns (SoC). Concerns are distinct aspects of the application that have a particular purpose (i.e., concern), and keeping these aspects apart means your application is more organized, and the code more focused. Putting data manipulation code in its own location away from the view and controller, enforces SoC.
Using ViewModels in MVC for finer granularity and better SoC leads to more easily maintainable and testable code. Remember, unit testing is about testing small units.
Along with better coding practices, there are many business reasons demonstrating why you might consider using ViewModels:
Incorporating dropdown lists of lookup data into a related entity
Master-detail records view
Pagination: combining actual data and paging information
Components like a shopping cart or user profile widget
Dashboards, with multiple sources of disparate data
Reports, often with aggregate data

ASP.NET MVC View Model pattern - validation and database operation

At the start of the development I faced with problem called "an impedance mismatch between domain model and the view". To solve this problem I decide to use ViewModel pattern - for every view (that is strongly typed) we create viewmodel class. But where is the validation logic is locate - in viewmodel classes or in our domain model objects? And where we need to perform operations to query database - in controller action, and then populate viewmodel or straight in viewmodel?
Thank you.
You should have validation logic for the viewmodel. This is what the view sends and what should be validated. As far as populating the viewmodel is concerned here's how to proceed: write a repository which queries the database and returns models. Then map those models to viewmodels (AutoMapper can help you here). Finally return viewmodels to the view. This also works the other way around: the users POSTs some data to a controller action as the form of a viewmodel which once validated is mapped back to a model and passed to the repository for update.
As an alternative to Data Annotations you may take a look at FluentValidation for validating your view models. It integrates nicely with ASP.NET MVC.

ASP.NET MVC Model vs ViewModel

OK, I have been hearing discussion about "ViewModels" in regards to MS's ASP.NET MVC.
Now, that is intended to be a specific kind of Model, correct? Not a specific kind of View.
To my understanding, it's a kind of Model that has a specific purpose of interacting with the View? Or something like that?
Some clarification would be appreciated.
Essentially Model and View Model are both simple classes with attributes.
The main objective of these classes are to describe (to "Model") an object for their respective audiences that are respectively the controller and the view.
So you are completely right when you say
To my understanding, it's a kind of
Model that has a specific purpose of
interacting with the View
So, while Model classes are effectively Domain Entities that your application interact with, View Models are simple classes that your views interact with.
Hope it helps :)
Microsoft has developed a specialized version of the Presentation Pattern by Martin fowler largely based on the Model-View-Controller and called it Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) for PF application. This pattern is targeted at modern UI development platforms where UI developers have different requirements based more on business logic than traditional developers. Have a look here for a bit of theory
In the simplest of terms, I like to think of the following:
Model: Strictly looks and feels like your data model. For all intents and purposes it is only a class representation of your data model. It has no knowledge of your View or any elements within your View. That said, it should not contain any attribute decorators (ie; Required, Length, etc.) that you would use for your View.
View Model: Serves as a data-binder between your View and your Model and in many cases, is also a wrapper for your Model. It would be rendered useless without the View, so it typically isn't reusable across multiple Views and Controllers like a standard Model is.
As an example, your Model may have the following properties, which are direct representations of your data source:
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
Now, since your View Model is tied to your View, it may have the following property - which concatenates the Model's FirstName field and LastName field together as one string:
[Display(Name = "Customer Name")]
public string CustomerFullName { get { return String.Format("{0} {1}", myModel.FirstName, myModel.LastName) }}
I found this article a very useful resource for understanding how the "Domain Model" and "View Model" interact within an MVC application, particularly in regards to binding. Best of all includes examples instead of abstract descriptions.
"Since MVC has been released I have observed much confusion about how best to construct view models. Sometimes this confusion is not without good reason since there does not seem to be a ton of information out there on best practice recommendations. Additionally, there is not a “one size fits all” solution that acts as the silver bullet. In this post, I’ll describe a few of the main patterns that have emerged and the pros/cons of each. It is important to note that many of these patterns have emerged from people solving real-world issues."
WikiPedia has a more complete description of Model vs. ModelView than you'll get in an SO answer:
I quote:
Model: as in the classic MVC pattern, the model refers to either (a) an object model that represents the real state content (an object-oriented approach), or (b) the data access layer that represents that content (a data-centric approach).
View: as in the classic MVC pattern, the view refers to all elements displayed by the GUI such as buttons, windows, graphics, and other controls.
ViewModel: the ViewModel is a “Model of the View” meaning it is an abstraction of the View that also serves in data binding between the View and the Model. It could be seen as a specialized aspect of what would be a Controller (in the MVC pattern) that acts as a data binder/converter that changes Model information into View information and passes commands from the View into the Model. The ViewModel exposes public properties, commands, and abstractions. The ViewModel has been likened to a conceptual state of the data as opposed to the real state of the data in the Model.
There is a notion of a ViewModel, but it is not generally associated with MVC. MVC uses the Model View Controller patter, where the controller handles interactions, builds up data from the Model, and then passes that data to the View for display.
ViewModels (and the Model View ViewModel pattern) is more generally associated with Silverlight and WPF. Xaml is a bit different in that the views can do two-way binding to the ViewModels, so the technology is a little different. For example, if you bind a textbox to a field, as you type into that textbox, the value of the field is updated dynamically. This sort of interaction isn't really possible in web pages since web pages are stateless.
The similarity in the two patterns is that they are both trying to separate the logic from the display. The most common use/reason for this is testing: you want to be able to perform from code (via a testing framework) all the interactions that a user will invoke via the User Interface.
