Can Neo4j be effectively used to show a collection of nodes in a sortable and filterable table? - neo4j

I realise this may not be ideal usage, but apart from all the graphy goodness of Neo4j, I'd like to show a collection of nodes, say, People, in a tabular format that has indexed properties for sorting and filtering
I'm guessing the Type of a node can be stored as a Link, say Bob -> type -> Person, which would allow us to retrieve all People
Are the following possible to do efficiently (indexed?) and in a scalable manner?
Retrieve all People nodes and display all of their names, ages, cities of birth, etc (NOTE: some of this data will be properties, some Links to other nodes (which could be denormalised as properties for table display's and simplicity's sake)
Show me all People sorted by Age
Show me all People with Age < 30
Also a quick how to do the above (or a link to some place in the docs describing how) would be lovely
Thanks very much!
Oh and if the above isn't a good idea, please suggest a storage solution which allows both graph-like retrieval and relational-like retrieval

if you want to operate on these person nodes, you can put them into an index (default is Lucene) and then retrieve and sort the nodes using Lucene (see for instance How do I sort Lucene results by field value using a HitCollector? on how to do a custom sort in java). This will get you for instance People sorted by Age etc. The code in Neo4j could look like
Transaction tx = neo4j.beginTx();
idxManager = neo4j.index()
personIndex = idxManager.forNodes('persons')
'*** Prepare a custom Lucene query context with Neo4j API ***'
query = new QueryContext( 'name:*' ).sort( new Sort(new SortField( 'name',SortField.STRING, true ) ) )
results = personIndex.query( query )
For combining index lookups and graph traversals, Cypher is a good choice, e.g.
START people = node:people_index(name="E*") MATCH people-[r]->() return, r.age order by r.age asc
in order to return data on both the node and the relationships.

Sure, that's easily possible with the Neo4j query language Cypher.
For example:
start cat=node:Types(name='Person')
match cat<-[:IS_A]-person-[born:BORN]->city
where person.age > 30
return, person.age,,
order by person.age asc
limit 10
You can experiment with it in our cypher console.


Correct order of operations in neo4j - LOAD, MERGE, MATCH, WITH, SET

I am loading simple csv data into neo4j. The data is simple as follows :-
uniqueId compound value category
ACT12_M_609 mesulfen 21 carbon
ACT12_M_609 MNAF 23 carbon
ACT12_M_609 nifluridide 20 suphate
ACT12_M_609 sulfur 23 carbon
I am loading the data from the URL using the following query -
FROM "url"
AS row
MERGE( t: Transaction { transactionId: row.uniqueId })
MERGE(c:Compound {name: row.compound})
MERGE (t)-[r:CONTAINS]->(c)
ON CREATE SET c.category= row.category
ON CREATE SET r.price =row.value
Next I do the aggregation to count total orders for a compound and create property for a node in the following way -
MATCH (c:Compound) <-[:CONTAINS]- (t:Transaction)
with as name, count( distinct t.transactionId) as ord
set c.orders = ord
So far so good. I can accomplish what I want but I have the following 2 questions -
How can I create the orders property for compound node in the first step itself? .i.e. when I am loading the data I would like to perform the aggregation straight away.
For a compound node I am also setting the property for category. Theoretically, it can also be modelled as category -contains-> compound by creating Categorynode. But what advantage will I have if I do it? Because I can execute the queries and get the expected output without creating this additional node.
Thank you for your answer.
I don't think that's possible, LOAD CSV goes over one row at a time, so at row 1, it doesn't know how many more rows will follow.
I guess you could create virtual nodes and relationships, aggregate those and then use those to create the real nodes, but that would be way more complicated. Virtual Nodes/Rels
That depends on the questions/queries you want to ask.
A graph database is optimised for following relationships, so if you often do a query where the category is a criteria (e.g. MATCH (c: Category {category_id: 12})-[r]-(:Compound) ), it might be more performant to create a label for it.
If you just want to get the category in the results (e.g. RETURN compound.category), then it's fine as a property.

Auto increment id Neo4j to retrieve elements in insert order

Recently, I am experimenting Neo4j. I like the idea but I am facing a problem that I have never faced with relational databases.
I want to perform these inserts and then return them exactly in the insertion order.
Insert elements:
create(p1:Person {name:"Marc"})
create(p2:Person {name:"John"})
create(p3:Person {name:"Paul"})
create(p4:Person {name:"Steve"})
create(p5:Person {name:"Andrew"})
create(p6:Person {name:"Alice"})
create(p7:Person {name:"Bob"})
While to return them:
match(p:Person) return p order by id(p)
I receive the elements in the following order:
I note that these elements are not returned respecting the query insertion order (through the id function).
In fact the id of my elements are the following:
Marc: 18221
John: 18222
Paul: 18208
Steve: 18223
Andrew: 18209
Alice: 18224
Bob: 18225
How does the Neo4j id function work? I read that it generates an auto incremental id but it seems a little strange his mechanism. How do I return items respecting the query insertion order? I thought about creating a timestamp attribute for each node but I don't think it's the best choice
If you're looking to generate sequence numbers in Neo4j then you need to manage this yourself using a strategy that works best in your application.
In ours we maintain sequence numbers in key/value pair nodes where Scope is the application name given to the sequence number range, and Value is the last sequence number used. When we generate a node of a given type, such as Product, then we increment the sequence number and assign it to our new node.
MERGE (n:Sequence {Scope: 'Product'})
SET n.Value = COALESCE(n.Value, 0) + 1
WITH n.Value AS seq
CREATE (product:Product)
SET product.UniqueId = seq
With this you can create as many sequence numbers you need just by creating sequence nodes with unique scope names.
For more examples and tests see the AutoInc.Neo4j project
The id of Neo4j is maintained internally, which your business code should not depend on.
Generally it's auto incrementally, but if there is delete operation, you may reuse the deleted id according to the Reuse Policy of Neo4j Server.

How to count cypher labels with specific condition?

I have a graph database with information about different companies and their subsidiaries. Now my task is to display the structure of the company. This I have achieved with d3 and vertical tree.
But additionally I have to write summary statistics about the company that is currently displayed. Companies can be chosen from a dropdown list which is fetching this data dynamically via AJAX call.
I have to write in the same HTML a short summary like :
Total amount of subsidiaries for CompanyA: 300
Companies in Corporate Havens : 45%
Companies in Tax havens 5%
My database consists of two nodes: Company and Country, and the country has label like CH and TH.
CREATE (:TH:Country{name:'Nauru', capital:'Yaren', lng:166.920867,lat:-0.5477})
WITH 1 as dummy MATCH (a:Company), (b:Country) WHERE‘CompanyA ' AND'Netherlands' CREATE (a)-[:IS_REGISTERED]->(b)
So how can I find amount of subsidiaries of CompanyA that are registered in corporate and tax havens? And how to pass this info further to html
I found different cypher queries to query all the labels as well as apocalyptic.stats but this does not allow me to filter on mother company. I appreciate help.
The cypher is good because you write a query almost in natural language (the query below may be incorrect - did not check, but the idea is clear):
MATCH (motherCompany:Company {name: 'CompanyA'})-[:HAS_SUBSIDIARY]->(childCompany:Company)
WITH motherCompany,
MATCH (childCompany)-[:IS_REGISTERED]->(country:Country)
WITH motherCompany,
collect(labels(country)) AS countriesLabels
WITH motherCompany,
size([countryLabels IN countriesLabels WHERE 'TH' IN countryLabels ]) AS inTaxHeaven
RETURN motherCompany,
size(countriesLabels) AS total,
size(countriesLabels) - inTaxHeaven AS inCorporateHeaven

Low performance of neo4j

I am server engineer in company that provide dating service.
Currently I am building a PoC for our new recommendation engine.
I try to use neo4j. But performance of this database does not meet our needs.
I have strong feeling that I am doing something wrong and neo4j can do much better.
So can someone give me an advice how to improve performance of my Cypher’s query or how to tune neo4j in right way?
I am using neo4j-enterprise-2.3.1 which is running on c4.4xlarge instance with Amazon Linux.
In our dataset each user can have 4 types of relationships with others users - LIKE, DISLIKE, BLOCK and MATCH.
Also he has a properties like countryCode, birthday and gender.
I made import of all our users and relationships from RDBMS to neo4j using neo4j-import tool.
So each user is a node with properties and each reference is a relationship.
The report from neo4j-import tool said that :
2 558 667 nodes,
1 674 714 539 properties and
1 664 532 288 relationships
were imported.
So it’s huge DB :-) In our case some nodes can have up to 30 000 outgoing relationships..
I made 3 indexes in neo4j :
ON :User(userId) ONLINE
ON :User(countryCode) ONLINE
ON :User(birthday) ONLINE
Then I try to build online recommendation engine using this query :
MATCH (me:User {userId: {source_user_id} })-[:LIKE | :MATCH]->()<-[:LIKE | :MATCH]-(similar:User)
USING INDEX me:User(userId)
USING INDEX similar:User(birthday)
WHERE similar.birthday >= {target_age_gte} AND
similar.birthday <= {target_age_lte} AND
similar.countryCode = {target_country_code} AND
similar.gender = {source_gender}
WITH similar, count(*) as weight ORDER BY weight DESC
SKIP {skip_similar_person} LIMIT {limit_similar_person}
MATCH (similar)-[:LIKE | :MATCH]-(recommendation:User)
WITH recommendation, count(*) as sheWeight
WHERE recommendation.birthday >= {recommendation_age_gte} AND
recommendation.birthday <= {recommendation_age_lte} AND
recommendation.gender= {target_gender}
WITH recommendation, sheWeight ORDER BY sheWeight DESC
SKIP {skip_person} LIMIT {limit_person}
MATCH (me:User {userId: {source_user_id} })
WHERE NOT ((me)--(recommendation))
RETURN recommendation
here is the execution plan for one of the user :
When I executed this query for list of users I had the result :
count=2391, min=4565.128849, max=36257.170065, mean=13556.750555555178, stddev=2250.149335254768, median=13405.409811, p75=15361.353029999998, p95=17385.136478, p98=18040.900481, p99=18426.811424, p999=19506.149138, mean_rate=0.9957385490980866, m1=1.2148195797996817, m5=1.1418078036067119, m15=0.9928564378521962, rate_unit=events/second, duration_unit=milliseconds
So even the fastest is too slow for Real-time recommendations..
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
EDIT 1 : plan with the expanded boxes :
I built an unmanaged extension to see if I could do better than Cypher. You can grab it here =>
This is a first shot, there are a couple of things we can do to speed things up. We can pre-calculate/save similar users, cache things here and there, and random other tricks. Give it a shot, let us know how it goes.
If I'm reading this right, it's finding all matches for users by userId and separately finding all matches for users by your various criteria. It's then finding all of the places that they come together.
Since you have a case where you're starting on the left with a single node, my guess is that we'd be better served by following the paths and then filtering what it gotten via relationship traversal.
Let's see how starting like this works for you:
(me:User {userId: {source_user_id} })-[:LIKE | :MATCH]->()
<-[:LIKE | :MATCH]-(similar:User)
WITH similar
WHERE similar.birthday >= {target_age_gte} AND
similar.birthday <= {target_age_lte} AND
similar.countryCode = {target_country_code} AND
similar.gender = {source_gender}
WITH similar, count(*) as weight ORDER BY weight DESC
SKIP {skip_similar_person} LIMIT {limit_similar_person}
MATCH (similar)-[:LIKE | :MATCH]-(recommendation:User)
WITH recommendation, count(*) as sheWeight
WHERE recommendation.birthday >= {recommendation_age_gte} AND
recommendation.birthday <= {recommendation_age_lte} AND
recommendation.gender= {target_gender}
WITH recommendation, sheWeight ORDER BY sheWeight DESC
SKIP {skip_person} LIMIT {limit_person}
MATCH (me:User {userId: {source_user_id} })
WHERE NOT ((me)--(recommendation))
RETURN recommendation
One possible (and nonintuitive) cause of inefficiency in your query is that when you specify the similar:User(birthday) filter, Cypher uses an index seek with the :User(birthday) index (and additional tests for countryCode and gender) to find all possible DB matches for similar. Let's call that large set of similar nodes A.
Only after finding A does the query filter to see which of those nodes are actually connected to me, as specified by your MATCH pattern.
Now, if there are relatively few me to similar paths (as specified by the MATCH pattern, but without considering its WHERE clause) as compared to the size of A -- say, 2 or more orders of magnitude smaller -- then it might be faster to remove the :User label from similar (since I presume they are probably all going to be users anyway, in your data model), and also remove the USING INDEX similar:User(birthday) clause. In this case, not using the index for similar may actually be faster for you, since you will only be using the WHERE clause on a relatively small set of nodes.
The same considerations also apply to the recommendation node.
Of course, this all has to be verified by testing on your actual data.

Neo4j Facet Fields like Solr

I'm using Neo4j in a community e-commerce built in PHP and using the REST interface.
I need to get all categories related to the search results like Amazon. This feature is available in other engines like Solr (another implementation of Lucene) as Faceted Search
How can I do a Faceted Search in Neo4j? or What's the best way (performance grade) to recreate this feature?
All required modules related to this feature are excluded from the core package of neo4j. I want to know if someone try to do something like this without transverse all nodes in the graph, grab some properties, and make a groupCount of this values. If we have 200k nodes, the transverse took 10sec to only get the categories.
This is my Gremlin approach.
(new Neo4jVertexSequence(
new org.neo4j.index.lucene.QueryContext('category:?')
), g
Results in 90 rows and took 54 seconds.
Books = 12002
Movies_Music_Games = 19233
Electronics_Computers = 60540
Home_Garden_Tools = 9123
Grocery_Health_Beauty = 15643
Toys_Kids_Baby = 15099
Clothing_Shoes_Jewelry = 12543
Sports_Outdoors = 10342
Automotive_Industrial = 9638
... (more rows)
Of course, I can't put this results in cache, because, this is for "non input search". If the user makes a query like "Iphone", the query looks like
(new Neo4jVertexSequence(
new org.neo4j.index.lucene.QueryContext('search:"iphone" AND category:?')
), g
What about your domain model? Did you just put everything in the index? Usually you would model your categories as nodes and have your products being related to the category nodes.
In your query you would just traverse this little tree and count the relationships of type :HAS_CATEGORY starting from each category node.
start categories=node(x)
match (product)-[:HAS_CATEGORY]->(category)<-[:IS_CATEGORY]-(categories)
return, count(*)
