Google Docs upload works on some accounts but not others - google-docs-api

I have written a client in C to upload files to Google Docs, I get an authentication token, and use it for the upload. However, I have 4 Google accounts, the upload worked on 2 accounts, but not the other 2. And now, it only works on one account.
On authentication, all accounts behave the same, and ClientLogin issues an "Auth=xxx" token. I use the token 100% successfully on one Google account, it used to work on another, and has never worked on the other 2.
The only error is "HTTP/1.1 401 Token invalid".
One account used to work, and now does not, which does not make much sense. The ClientLogin calls never seem to ask for a CAPTCHA.
Currently I can't invest the time to move to the Drive API, and that may present the same issues anyway.
Any thoughts?
Thank you

Try them individually first, if this works you can start combining untill all 4 works,
doing it step by step is the way to succes, I can't help you with programming code, according to the fact that I'm just a noobie :) tho I thought myself PHP by just doing it step by step, if you got 1 done, then it's just copy/paste and change abit :)
Goodluck tho :)

You should move your code away from ClientLogin and use OAuth 2.0 instead. You didn't mention what language your script uses but Google has some samples for performing OAuth 2.0 at:


Use Tweepy to extract Twitter follower information (API incompatibility issues)?

I was following this tutorial,, which was written in 2021. It should've worked fine, however, they have to 'fix' the things that just work.
Specifically, running this line
for fid in Cursor(api.followers_ids, screen_name=screen_name, count=5000).items():
gives the error:
"tweepy.error.TweepError: [{'message': 'You currently have Essential access which includes access to Twitter API v2 endpoints only. If you need access to this endpoint, you’ll need to apply for Elevated access via the Developer Portal. You can learn more here:', 'code': 453}]"
I could have pulled the data in five minutes. Now debugging this already cost one hour+ because they just break the things that work. Is there anyway to make this old code snippet work? The application to use API 1.1 takes weeks, and I don't have time to watch their bad documents of how to migrate from API 1.1 to 2.0 and then the documents of migrating from Tweepy 3.9.0 to 4.0.0. Five minutes' task would just become half a day. Thanks in advance for any help.
First of all, have you at least tried to apply for the Elevated access?
It can take some time, it's true, but it can also be instantaneous.
The other solution would be to use the Twitter API V2.
You don't need any tutorial, just read the documentation:
Here for the authentication ;
Here for the retrieval of the followers ;
Here for the pagination.
And you should get something like that:
import tweepy
client = tweepy.Client("Bearer Token here")
paginator = tweepy.Paginator(
id=..., # ID only, no screename
for follower in paginator:
Finally, even if I understand your frustration (and developing Twitter applications can be very frustrating), I think that you should try to keep it out your SO questions. Good luck!

Google YOLO stop working : The client origin is not permitted to use this API

I assume it has something to do with this:
For me Google one Tap stopped working on all my sites that previously worked. I added API HTTP refer to restriction in, but I still get a warning message "The client origin is not permitted to use this API." any thoughts? If you go to the page you can see that Google one tap still works...
but Google YOLO stop working for everyone. I use it like many people for login and it just stop work.
My domain are obviously added on
Any ETA for fix this? Some information would be great for people who rely on it.
Google YOLO is not disabled. It is open to a small list of Google Partners.
The reason you were able to access it earlier was because it was open for a short period of time but the whitelist is now readded/enabled.
Google YOLO was put on whitelist after a client-side exploit became clear to google.
People could cover the login button of the prompt with something like a cookie consent (which we all know people automatically accept).
Therefor people could easily steal their gmail or other details due to this google decided to put it on whitelist and review the sites that are using this technology in order to ensure that they are using it as they should.
Google retroactively labeled One-Tap as a "closed beta".
The beta test program for this API is currently closed. We are improving the API's cross-browser functionality and will provide updates here in the coming months.
The link for the entire project is currently 404, but the beta statement is visible on the wayback machine.

Google Assistant SDK refusing authenticated channel as "UNAUTHENTICATED"

I am trying to create a Google Assistant for my Raspberry Pi in Kotlin. I implemented a OAuth flow using the so called "device flow" proposed in this IETF draft, since my Raspberry shall later just expose a web interface and does not have any input devices or graphical interfaces.
Google does support this flow (of course) and I obtain a valid access token with user consent in the end. For testing purpose I also tried a default authorization flow that will just forward the user to localhost, as it is normally done but it did not solve the problem.
I tested the access token using this tool and it confirmed validity of scope and token. So the token itself should work.
Scope is: as documented here
This actually does not point to any valid web resource but is referenced in every documentation.
Then I tried to stream audio data to the assistant SDK endpoint using the gRPC provided java stubs. As took a third party reference implementation as a guide how to authenticate the rpc stub. But neither the reference implementation nor my own one works. They both report
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNAUTHENTICATED: Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See
The stub is authenticated this way:
and the authenticated request is performed like this:
val observer = authenticatedEmbeddedAssistantStub.converse(myStreamObserverImplementation)
while(more audio data frames available) {
(I prefixed pseudo variables with "my" for clarity, they can consist of more code in the actual implementation.)
I even contacted the author of this demo implementation. He told me, last time he checked (several months ago) it was working perfectly fine. So I finally ran out of options.
Since the client implementation I took as reference used to work and I do actually authenticate the stub (although the error message suggests the opposite) Probably, either my valid access token with correct scope is not suitable chosen for the assistant API (though I followed the suggestions of google) or the API servers had a change not properly documented in the getting started articles by google.
So: Did anyone ran in the same problem and know how to fix it? I have the project on github. So if anyone needs the broken source code, I can do a temporary commit that produces the error.
Note, to save some works for mods: This issue referres to this and this question, both unresolved and using different languages but describing a similar problem.
Well, seems I was right about my second assumption: The error is server side. Here is the github issue, let's just wait for the fix.

OAuth2.0 "No Flow" server on Restlet

Man, what a nightmare!
Can anybody PLEASE point me in the direction of any kind of a proper tutorial or example of how to implement an OAuth2.0 server on Restlet (2.2 or 2.1.1). The only thing resembling a tutorial that I managed to find is this one here, but don't get too excited just yet, because it seems that the code in the framework is being changed more frequently than this tutorial is being updated.
Aside from the above mentioned article, there seems to be a near complete absence of any useful search results on this matter on Google. Surely someone out there must have got this right and is using OAuth2.0 on Restlet?
I did in fact manage to get my OAuth2.0 server as far as to return an access token to me (after spending hours analyzing the source code of the file), but it seems that it is only validating the client id and not the client secret. Assuming I can sort that out, I am still faced with the task of actually protecting the resources (which should be the job of the OAuthAuthorizer, but that appears to no longer even be present after 2.1.1).
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
This extension is a work in progress. Please note that OAuth 2.0 has only recently been finalized.
We are currently updating the 2.2 branch to a very recent draft (31). The code has been updated and the documentation indeed needs to follow.
2.2 is still under development and isn't ready for production. We are looking for testers and contributors (code and doc) at this point.
In 2.2 OAuthAuthorizer has been split.
See this issue for additional details:

Twitter Oauth Delphi 7 home_timeline getting 401 unauthorized

I am using Oauth for Delphi from
I am able to get a request token, then call with my callback url and put in my credentials.
I then get redirected correctly to my callback url in a TEmbeddedWB component.
I then get an access token (at least I believe I am) since screen_name and user_id come back in the response.
When I try and pull my home_timeline it gives me a 401 unauthorized as a response.
What can I be doing wrong?
try my implementation, it doesn't use the OAuth library, but my own from scratch
You're also welcome to use my open-source Twitter component (TTwitter for Delphi) which is being developed as part of a "complete" suite of Social Networking components (if there is such a thing as "Complete" in terms of social networking). You can find it at:
It's using the ChuckBeasley OAuth library, only I have fixed it (so it ACTUALLY WORKS). In the very least you'll be able to reverse engineer my component to suit your needs. It's an open beta (far from complete at its current released stage) but it handles timelines perfectly (including unicode characters).
Enjoy and good luck!
