MVC selectable GridView -

I am designing a webpage using MVC. One of the pages has the following controls and functions:
2 GridViews (gvItems, gvSelectedItems)
3 buttons (btnTransferSingle, btnTransferAll, submit)
gvItems will be populated with a set of items that contains: Name, points
gvSelectedItems will contain items that is transferred from gvItems. Hence it will also contain: Name, points
both GirdViews supports multiple selection
btnTransferSingle will transfer all selected items from gvItems to gvSelectedItems.
btnTransferAll will transfer all remaining items from gvItems to gvSelectedItems.
btnSubmit will send all the items from gvSelectedItems to the Controller.
I am not sure how to the following:
1) How to create a gridview that supports multiselection and displaying of multiple model attribute.
2) How to transfer the items from one gridview (gvItems) to another (gvSelectedItems)?
3) How to pass back all the items from gvSelectedItems to the controller?
I am able to do the stuff that was mentioned using listBox but listBox only allows displaying of only one attribute and doesn't have a header.
I used Matt Kruse Javascript's Toolbox to aid the moving of items between listboxes.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

I think that listboxes are the correct approach here.
If you want to display both attributes try to concatenate them when loading the data.
Headers can be somewhat added with html/css


Umbraco, how to add onChange functionality on dropdown content backoffice?

I am having one document type which contains a dropdown list, I need to add a couple of things in it:
I need to display the Database table names in drop-down dynamically.
On the change of dropdown option, i need to display the selected table columns names in another drop-down.
Are above things possible by using only existing data types or it will require creating a custom template using razor syntaxes (if it is so then how the template will display directly in the back office content node?)
Can you please provide your views and any links for code/tutorials?
screen shot of content form
If this is for the back office, you will need to do it in HTML and Angular, with an API controller to handle the DB lookup stuff.
As far as I'm aware, there's nothing built in to do dropdowns that depend on each other, so you'd have to create a new DataType to do it.
The process is to long to detail here, but here are some useful links on creating custom DocTypes in Umbraco 7.

Partial Page Postback'ish MVC 4

First, I apologize if this is a dumb question, but I'm new to MVC and am trying to get up to speed as quickly as possible. I have spent hours searching for answers and even went and bought a book on MVC 4, but it still didn't answer my question.
I have a form I'd like a user to fill out to add a new product to the catalog. They choose the category, enter the name, a description, etc.. On the same page I'd like them to be able to add sizes or product options such as Small, Medium, Large, etc.. The problem is I'm not sure how to go about this.
I need to temporarily store the size options for example in some sort of collection until the user actually 'saves' the product, then I need to be able to read the collection. What I'm trying to avoid is to have the user add the basic product info, then save it, then select it, then choose to add options to it. I'm trying to just do it all on one form. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
There is nothing preventing you creating a view model with its own collections for the detail items and have those mapped to some sort of javascript control for selecting multiple items such as one that writes to an mvc hidden form control.
The controller handling the postback will simply create the master model from the postback data (the updated view model) and then create the child records. The whole thing could be achieved with ajax calling a controller action that returns a partial view of the updated ui.
Similar to this but have the list as a property of the master model
A little more advanced on how to manage your own bindings
Sounds like u need to roll your sleeves up and get a control written in javascript that allows child items to be added client side whist serializing e.g. Into json when they save and saving it to an mvc hidden control ready for postback. Use to hydrate these values into your pocos.

Create a View of type List in ASP.NET MVC 2

I am practicing MVC 2 (I'll do MVC 4 in just a bit) after almost 2 years, just to revise before I jump to MVC 4.
I am creating a strongly typed view of one of my data objects called Category. I want to create a list type view, i.e. a view that displays all records from the Category table.
I recall there used to be T4 templates of each type of view -- Index, List, Create, etc. that you could choose from.
But I can't find them. When I create the View, the Add View dialog shows a disabled input field for View content.
I don't think you can have Visual Studio generate the list for you. After all, you need some lookup logic to get all the objects you want to display in the list.
You might want to check out this blog post for a nice way to pass a list of objects into your drop down list. You will, however, need to supply the objects yourself.

Telerik Grid MVC and check all checkbox on all pages

On Telerik demo site we can see an example of how to implement kind of functionality: "check all checkbox in a grid's column". But in my case it has 2 disadvantages:
It didn't check all checkbox on all pages.
It didn't save a state of checkboxes on different pages.
Is anybody know how to resolve these issues? Thanks in advance.
As long as I know there's no built-in functionality to do so. The same problem happens when you select records on page one and change to page two, you loose whatever you selected before.
To achieve that functionality you have 2 options (I've used both on previous projects)
1) On each check make an Ajax call to one of your controllers and store whatever you selected on a Session Variable (This can be inefficient if you have a lot of records)
2) Create a javascript variable and store your selections there, and send back to the controller using a json variable or a comma separated values string
As I said, I've used both approachs so it depends on if this works for you or not
Hope it helps
I can't test this, so I'm not 100% sure, but looking at Telerik's example, one reason it's not persisted is because every "page" of the grid requires a postback, and in the controller action result method, they aren't passing in the model (or view model) for the items that are bound to the grid, they're only returning that list of items back to the view, so it will never "save" which items are checked/selected and which ones aren't. You should be able to get around this by making your view model a parameter into the HttpPost action result method and then passing that list back to the view after the post so that it retains which items are selected instead of creating a new one. This won't solve the issue with not selecting all the items, but it should at least retain which ones are selected throughout the pages. I think the reason for it not working with all items is it can only select the ones that are actually being displayed at the time. You may want to do a post (or ajax) to select "all" items.
One of the major reasons for using paging in grids is so that you don't have to retrieve all of the data from the data store and generate a lot of HTML to push to the client.
It's been my experience that most users understand that a "select all" check box only checks the items on the current page. I've not seen a site where checking such a check box would actually check all records, even those I can't see.
If you have an action which will affect more than the current page of records, I would suggest that you add a button which clearly indicates that the action will affect all records, then send a command to your data layer which will perform that action. This will perform better (you don't have to send a potentially long list of ids across the wire) and allow users to understand the repercussions of their action.

pass multiple values present in ListBoxFor to controller, while postback

I am using mvc 2.0 in my application and the application requires to get multiple values from a ListBox, from view to controller.
The scenerio is like that, I have two listbox say ListBox1 and ListBox2 and on the load of a page, I initally load Listbox1 with some data.
Now a user can transfer some of the data from one Listbox1 to Listbox2 and then want to select multiple data present in ListBox2 in the controller.
I have used two "ListBoxFor" for this purpose and provide "IEnumerable" to the ListBox control in view as a property of a class.
Now when I post back the data to controller, I don't get the the data correspond to "ListBox2" in my class object.
In short, I want to select multiple data which is present in ListBox2, in my controller on postback of form.
Please help and provide sample for this.
An http post will not contain all values in a select box, only the one(s) selected. You could use javascript to select all values (make sure select is set to multiple), but that's not my preferred way since it changes the way the page looks to the user.
I would recommend using javascript to add the selected values to hidden fields. It would work something like this:
Your model has a List selections
on select, javascript is used to move from ListBox1 to ListBox2
in addition, a new and the second
On unselect, you would remove the input and update all inputs with a higher index to index - 1 in order to retain sequential-ness
Then when you post, the data will be automatically bound to your model's selections list.
