Text file comparison software [closed] - comparison

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any software available to compare two text files for the differences between them. I have two CSS text files with me that i want to compare for the difference.

On Linux or Mac OS, use diff on the command line:
man diff
On windows, try this:

Also check Visual Studio Extension Code Compare

WinMerge works well too for comparing text files and source code as well. And its free!


Memory consumption by Atom text editor [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Why Atom uses more memory and takes more time to start as compare to sublime text editor ?
From Atom's FAQ (Hint: Try searching before asking):
Atom isn't designed to be a tiny native-code editor. If the ultimate in speed is what you're after, Atom probably isn't what you're looking for at least for now ... and possibly not ever depending on what you're expecting.
Atom is an Electron application.
Electron uses Chromium source as base.
Chrome/Chromium are known to be memory hogs.
Why then would anyone use it?
Well, the homepage states it on its headline:
A hackable text editor
for the 21st Century
Some of us like the idea of hacking every aspect of our work environment using common tools as javascript or CSS.

OmniPascal installed in VSCode - Delphi file extensions broken [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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First StackOverflow question ever.
Just installed OmniPascal extension into VSCode. Now ".dproj" and ".dpr" files are no longer associated with Embarcadero Delphi.
This seems non-trivial to fix. Can anyone suggest a fix short of reinstalling Embarcadero?
Thanks in advance.
Right click on any .dproj or .dpr files
Select Open with... and then click Choose default program
Find and choose bds.exe(Embarcadero Rad Studio)
Selec the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box, and then click OK.
See Change the program that opens a type of file

How to open .h and .m file of xcode in Windows? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
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Is there any way that I can view .h and .m files on my Windows machine the same way I can see on a Mac?
I want to have a look at lots of code of iOS Tutorials but I don't have a Mac. I also open it in Microsoft Wordpad, but I only can view plain text all in same color and unorganized lines.
Use notepad++ or ms word. You can use any text editor open those files as they are simple text file like java files.
Or you can use Sublime.

Get current battery level of iOS from command line [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any way to know current battery level of connected iOS device from command line.
Thanks in advance..
Check out libimobiledevice.
It is mainly targeted for linux systems but you can get it to compile for OS X as well if you want to although it is a bit complicated.
I am also in the process of writing an Objective C wrapper around the libraries and you can find some more info here: https://github.com/liamnichols/CocoaMobileDevice but be warned, its a WIP atm. I'm not even sure if it will run on other machines as there might be some hardcoded dependancies that need fixing.

How to make settings in FIBPlus Tools Preferences? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am using FIBPLUS 7.5 with Delphi XE4. I want to make some changes in the settings of FIBPLUS Preferences. I am following this article of Devrace:
But I am unable to find and open the screen whose screenshot is mentioned in the article. From where can I access this FIBPlus Preferences screen?
You should install the Designtime packages for FIB-Tools, there is a install instruction in your FIB-Folder.
