ROC curves cross validation - image-processing

How to generate a ROC curve for a cross validation?
For a single test I think I should threshold the classification scores of SVM to generate the ROC curve.
But I am unclear about how to generate it for a cross validation?

After a complete round of cross validation all observations have been classified once (although by different models) and have been give an estimated probability of belonging to the class of interest, or a similar statistic. These probabilities can be used to generate a ROC curve in exactly the same way as probabilities obtained on an external test set. Just calculate the classwise error rates as you vary the classification threshold from 0 to 1 and your are all set.
However, typically you would like to perform more than one round of crossvalidation, as the performance varies depending on how the folds are divided. It is not obvious to me how to calculate the mean ROC curve of all rounds. I suggest plotting them all and calculate the mean AUC.

As follow-up to Backlin:
The variation in the results for different runs of k-fold or leave-n-out cross validation show instability of the models. This is valuable information.
Of course you can pool the results and just generate one ROC.
But you can also plot the set of curves
see e.g. the R package ROCR
or calculate e.g. median and IQR at different thresholds and construct a band depicting these variations.
Here's an example: the shaded areas are the inter quartile ranges observed over 125 iterations of 8-fold cross validation. The thin black areas contain half of the observed specificity-sensitivity pairs for one particular threshold, median marked by x (ignore the + marks).


How to choose the best segmentation model using the area under the precision recall curve, IOU and Dice metrics?

I am using several U-Net variants for a brain tumor segmentation task. I get the following values for the performance measures including Dice, IOU, Area under receiver-operating characteristic (AUC) curves, and Area under Precision-Recall curves (AUPRC), otherwise called the average precision (AP) computed for varying IOU thresholds in the range [0.5:0.95] in intervals of 0.05.
From the above table, I could observe that Model-2 gave better values for the IOU and Dice metrics. I could understand that Dice coefficient gives more weightage for the TPs. However, Model - 1 gives superior values for the AUC, and AP#[0.5:0.95] metrics. What parameters need to be given higher importance in model selection under these circumstances?

Logistic Regression is sensitive to outliers? Using on synthetic 2D dataset

I am currently using sklearn's Logistic Regression function to work on a synthetic 2d problem. The dataset is shown as below:
I'm basic plugging the data into sklearn's model, and this is what I'm getting (the light green; disregard the dark green):
The code for this is only two lines; model = LogisticRegression();,tr_labels). I've checked the plotting function; that's fine as well. I'm using no regularizer (should that affect it?)
It seems really strange to me that the boundaries behave in this way. Intuitively I feel they should be more diagonal, as the data is (mostly) located top-right and bottom-left, and from testing some things out it seems a few stray datapoints are what's causing the boundaries to behave in this manner.
For example here's another dataset and its boundaries
Would anyone know what might be causing this? From my understanding Logistic Regression shouldn't be this sensitive to outliers.
Your model is overfitting the data (The decision regions it found perform indeed better on the training set than the diagonal line you would expect).
The loss is optimal when all the data is classified correctly with probability 1. The distances to the decision boundary enter in the probability computation. The unregularized algorithm can use large weights to make the decision region very sharp, so in your example it finds an optimal solution, where (some of) the outliers are classified correctly.
By a stronger regularization you prevent that and the distances play a bigger role. Try different values for the inverse regularization strength C, e.g.
model = LogisticRegression(C=0.1),tr_labels)
Note: the default value C=1.0 corresponds already to a regularized version of logistic regression.
Let us further qualify why logistic regression overfits here: After all, there's just a few outliers, but hundreds of other data points. To see why it helps to note that
logistic loss is kind of a smoothed version of hinge loss (used in SVM).
SVM does not 'care' about samples on the correct side of the margin at all - as long as they do not cross the margin they inflict zero cost. Since logistic regression is a smoothed version of SVM, the far-away samples do inflict a cost but it is negligible compared to the cost inflicted by samples near the decision boundary.
So, unlike e.g. Linear Discriminant Analysis, samples close to the decision boundary have disproportionately more impact on the solution than far-away samples.

Linear Regression :: Normalization (Vs) Standardization

I am using Linear regression to predict data. But, I am getting totally contrasting results when I Normalize (Vs) Standardize variables.
Normalization = x -xmin/ xmax – xmin
Zero Score Standardization = x - xmean/ xstd
a) Also, when to Normalize (Vs) Standardize ?
b) How Normalization affects Linear Regression?
c) Is it okay if I don't normalize all the attributes/lables in the linear regression?
Note that the results might not necessarily be so different. You might simply need different hyperparameters for the two options to give similar results.
The ideal thing is to test what works best for your problem. If you can't afford this for some reason, most algorithms will probably benefit from standardization more so than from normalization.
See here for some examples of when one should be preferred over the other:
For example, in clustering analyses, standardization may be especially crucial in order to compare similarities between features based on certain distance measures. Another prominent example is the Principal Component Analysis, where we usually prefer standardization over Min-Max scaling, since we are interested in the components that maximize the variance (depending on the question and if the PCA computes the components via the correlation matrix instead of the covariance matrix; but more about PCA in my previous article).
However, this doesn’t mean that Min-Max scaling is not useful at all! A popular application is image processing, where pixel intensities have to be normalized to fit within a certain range (i.e., 0 to 255 for the RGB color range). Also, typical neural network algorithm require data that on a 0-1 scale.
One disadvantage of normalization over standardization is that it loses some information in the data, especially about outliers.
Also on the linked page, there is this picture:
As you can see, scaling clusters all the data very close together, which may not be what you want. It might cause algorithms such as gradient descent to take longer to converge to the same solution they would on a standardized data set, or it might even make it impossible.
"Normalizing variables" doesn't really make sense. The correct terminology is "normalizing / scaling the features". If you're going to normalize or scale one feature, you should do the same for the rest.
That makes sense because normalization and standardization do different things.
Normalization transforms your data into a range between 0 and 1
Standardization transforms your data such that the resulting distribution has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1
Normalization/standardization are designed to achieve a similar goal, which is to create features that have similar ranges to each other. We want that so we can be sure we are capturing the true information in a feature, and that we dont over weigh a particular feature just because its values are much larger than other features.
If all of your features are within a similar range of each other then theres no real need to standardize/normalize. If, however, some features naturally take on values that are much larger/smaller than others then normalization/standardization is called for
If you're going to be normalizing at least one variable/feature, I would do the same thing to all of the others as well
First question is why we need Normalisation/Standardisation?
=> We take a example of dataset where we have salary variable and age variable.
Age can take range from 0 to 90 where salary can be from 25thousand to 2.5lakh.
We compare difference for 2 person then age difference will be in range of below 100 where salary difference will in range of thousands.
So if we don't want one variable to dominate other then we use either Normalisation or Standardization. Now both age and salary will be in same scale
but when we use standardiztion or normalisation, we lose original values and it is transformed to some values. So loss of interpretation but extremely important when we want to draw inference from our data.
Normalization rescales the values into a range of [0,1]. also called min-max scaled.
Standardization rescales data to have a mean (μ) of 0 and standard deviation (σ) of 1.So it gives a normal graph.
Example below:
Another example:
In above image, you can see that our actual data(in green) is spread b/w 1 to 6, standardised data(in red) is spread around -1 to 3 whereas normalised data(in blue) is spread around 0 to 1.
Normally many algorithm required you to first standardise/normalise data before passing as parameter. Like in PCA, where we do dimension reduction by plotting our 3D data into 1D(say).Here we required standardisation.
But in Image processing, it is required to normalise pixels before processing.
But during normalisation, we lose outliers(extreme datapoints-either too low or too high) which is slight disadvantage.
So it depends on our preference what we chose but standardisation is most recommended as it gives a normal curve.
None of the mentioned transformations shall matter for linear regression as these are all affine transformations.
Found coefficients would change but explained variance will ultimately remain the same. So, from linear regression perspective, Outliers remain as outliers (leverage points).
And these transformations also will not change the distribution. Shape of the distribution remains the same.
lot of people use Normalisation and Standardisation interchangeably. The purpose remains the same is to bring features into the same scale. The approach is to subtract each value from min value or mean and divide by max value minus min value or SD respectively. The difference you can observe that when using min value u will get all value + ve and mean value u will get bot + ve and -ve values. This is also one of the factors to decide which approach to use.

receiver operating characteristic (ROC) on a test set

The following image definitely makes sense to me.
Say you have a few trained binary classifiers A, B (B not much better than random guessing etc. ...) and a test set composed of n test samples to go with all those classifiers. Since Precision and Recall are computed for all n samples, those dots corresponding to classifiers make sense.
Now sometimes people talk about ROC curves and I understand that precision is expressed as a function of recall or simply plotted Precision(Recall).
I don't understand where does this variability come from, since you have a fixed number of test samples. Do you just pick some subsets of the test set and find precision and recall in order to plot them and hence many discrete values (or an interpolated line) ?
The ROC curve is well-defined for a binary classifier that expresses its output as a "score." The score can be, for example, the probability of being in the positive class, or it could also be the probability difference (or even the log-odds ratio) between probability distributions over each of the two possible outcomes.
The curve is obtained by setting the decision threshold for this score at different levels and measuring the true-positive and false-positive rates, given that threshold.
There's a good example of this process in Wikipedia's "Receiver Operating Characteristic" page:
For example, imagine that the blood protein levels in diseased people and healthy people are normally distributed with means of 2 g/dL and 1 g/dL respectively. A medical test might measure the level of a certain protein in a blood sample and classify any number above a certain threshold as indicating disease. The experimenter can adjust the threshold (black vertical line in the figure), which will in turn change the false positive rate. Increasing the threshold would result in fewer false positives (and more false negatives), corresponding to a leftward movement on the curve. The actual shape of the curve is determined by how much overlap the two distributions have.
If code speaks more clearly to you, here's the code in scikit-learn that computes an ROC curve given a set of predictions for each item in a dataset. The fundamental operation seems to be (direct link):
desc_score_indices = np.argsort(y_score, kind="mergesort")[::-1]
y_score = y_score[desc_score_indices]
y_true = y_true[desc_score_indices]
# accumulate the true positives with decreasing threshold
tps = y_true.cumsum()
fps = 1 + list(range(len(y_true))) - tps
return fps, tps, y_score
(I've omitted a bunch of code in there that deals with (common) cases of having weighted samples and when the classifier gives near-identical scores to multiple samples.) Basically the true labels are sorted in descending order by the score assigned to them by the classifier, and then their cumulative sum is computed, giving the true positive rate as a function of the score assigned by the classifier.
And here's an example showing how this gets used:
ROC curve just shows "How much sensitivity you will obtain if you increase FPR by some amount". Tradeoff between TPR and FPR. Variability comes from varying some parameter of classifier (For logistic regression case below - it is threshold value).
For example logistic regression gives you probability that object belongs to positive class (values in [0..1]), but it's just probability. It's not a class. So in general case you have to specify threshold for probability, above which you will classify object as positive. You can learn logistic regression, obtain from it probabilities of positive class for each object of your set, and then you just vary this threshold parameter, with some step from 0 to 1, by thresholding your probabilities (computed on previous step) with this threshold you will get class labels for every object, and compute TPR and FPR from this labels. Thus you will get TPR and FPR for every threshold. You can mark them on plot and eventually, after you compute (TPR,FPR) pairs for all thresholds - draw a line through them.
Also for linear binary classifiers you can think about this varying process as a process of choosing distance between decision line and positive (or negative, if you want) class cluster. If you move decision line far from positive class - you will classify more objects as a positive (because you increased positive class space), and at the same time you increased FPR by some value (because space of negative class decreased).

How many learning curves should I plot for a multi-class logistic regression classifier?

If we have K classes, do I have to plot K learning curves?
Because it seems impossible to me to calculate the train/validation error against all K theta vectors at once.
To clarify, the learning curve is a plot of the training & cross validation/test set error/cost vs training set size. This plot should allow you to see if increasing the training set size improves performance. More generally, the learning curve allows you to identify whether your algorithm suffers from a bias (under fitting) or variance (over fitting) problem.
It depends. Learning curves do not concern themselves with the number of classes. Like you said, it is a plot of training set and test set error, where that error is a numerical value. This is all learning curves are.
That error can be anything you want: accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score etc. (even MAE, MSE and others for regression).
However, the error you choose to use is the one that does or does not apply to your specific problem, which in turn indirectly affects how you should use learning curves.
Accuracy is well defined for any number of classes, so if you use this, a single plot should suffice.
Precision and recall, however, are defined only for binary problems. You can somewhat generalize them (see here for example) by considering the binary problem with classes x and not x for each class x. In that case, you will probably want to plot learning curves for each class. This will also help you identify problems relating to certain classes better.
If you want to read more about performance metrics, I like this paper a lot.
