Micro Cloud Foundry microconsole startup - startup

So ive been looking through the init.d scripts and the bashrc file and cannot find where the microconsole binary is started on initial login. Can anyone tell me where it is?
Also, does MCF support running two microconsole instances at a time? My IaaS provider only supports SSH.

I am not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve here. Your trying to host MCF with an IaaS provider? like EC2 for example? If this is the case, I would recommend installing VCAP, MCF is not kept as up to date as the VCAP project.
It's pretty straight forward to install on Ubuntu 10.04, there are instructions on the Github project page, here ... https://github.com/cloudfoundry/vcap


Best Practice for running multiple apps using docker on VPS

I want to run multiple full-stack apps(MEAN) on single VPS using docker for multiple domains with SSL.
I have researched a lot but couldn't find any elegant solution.
What I have tried
I followed this tutorial: https://egghead.io/lessons/node-js-setup-an-nginx-proxy-for-a-node-js-app-with-docker, but it is for running only one app(node.js) using Nginx proxy.
Required Features
CD/CI using git
Easy server migration
I'm a newbie in the docker world.
Looking for Help!!

How to host jenkins for free

I have recently started using jenkins as a CI server. Is there a free jenkins hosting service?
I made a searched on Google, but unfortunately didn't find anything.
Consider a service like travis-ci, which is free for opensource projects. They also offer an enterprise service.
There is also CircleCI, also with an enterprise service.
You can run it locally, especially, it would be easier to run it as a container. Please see this link: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/installing/docker/

Forge AWS Laravel Install

Has anybody encountered any issues using forge with AWS for a laravel project?
I've recently followed instructions but I've encountered various errors too many to comment.
After opening a SSH connection to my AWS EC2 instance I've then run the command provided by Taylor on Forge but I get cannot find folder errors etc?
I got a lot of problems with Forge + AWS.
Some of them were:
You should specify correct snapshot for AWS instance - use ubuntu, not Amazon Linux.
You should open SSH for whole world (or get Forge IP address)
Other, a LOT of problems :)
But in the End, I managed to install it.

Creating a Ruby on Rails environment on Windows, in a VM Vagrant Box

Is Vagrant a good solutions for creating a Rails environment in windows?
I have a powerful Windows 8 64bit desktop. I recently did a project with RoR and fell in love with it. As I found out, installing RoR on windows is just bleh; so I created a dual boot to ubuntu. As a creative developer, I find it rather difficult to get any of the "creative" done in ubuntu because of the lack of my typical creative tools.
I read a bit about a tool called Vagrant; however, I'm still unsure if it meets my requirements: adobe suite, sublime text, git, rails, rails friendly OS(mac?/ubuntu)
Typical duties: edit an image in photoshop(windows), drop it to project assets in VM?
Typical duties: push/pull to git; ssh to VPS server?
Also, I hear you can install mac os in the VM do you think thats a good option? (because I want to try their new OS)
Installing osx in Vagrant is probably possible but it would likely be quite hard, and its not really what vagrant is designed for.
As for your other questions vagrant sounds like the perfect fit.
With Vagrant you could start up an ubuntu vm and get your rails setup going. Then you could just forward a port on your local machine to the vm and load the rails site as if it were running locally on your windows PC. A quick google gets this vagrant box that looks like it might work for you - https://github.com/amaia/rails-starter-box
To work with the site you can just share a folder between the vm and your local machine which will allow you to edit images and code with your windows apps (Photoshop, sublime) so you don't actually need to install these in the ubuntu vm at all, and can pretty much work as normal.
Git is much the same... I prefer to SSH into the vagrant box and use git on the command line in ubuntu but you can just as easily use gitbash or tortoisegit from windows in the repo folder... works just as well.
A good alternative is, https://github.com/fgrehm/ventriloquist
"Ventriloquist combines Vagrant and Docker to give developers the ability to configure portable and disposable development VMs with ease. It lowers the entry barrier of building a sane working environment without the need to learn tools like Puppet or Chef."

Deployment on EC2 using poolparty and Chef server

Does anyone have done the rails application deployment on EC2 using poolpary gems and Chef server(not Chef solo). Please share your experiences if you know some blogs or code links(except poolpartyrb.com and related to it).
The poolparty script must be able to launch an selected AMI instance with two EBS blocks(data and DB) use one elastic ip,fetch code repo and install Chef server on selected instance. Or if you have used Chef server for rails deployment please share your exp.
How far did you get with your pool party script?
launching EC2 instances is explained in this detailed example
the EBS part is explained in this github issue
to deploy an application from git, use chef's deploy resource
installing chef is done using gem install chef
Maybe you can share what you have and where exactly you're currently stuck.
