How to track head using Kinect - xna

I want to track the head of a player in order to move the camera inside XNA.
When the player rotates left or right, the camera inside XNA will respond to this action and will also rotate.
I tried using the head joint from Skeleton Data and taking the vector value X,Y but this is not an accurate solution. I need another solution that can rotate the camera inside XNA.
Any suggestions?

You could use the Face Tracking API and see the difference from a certain point on the users face (like their nose) to decide whether or not the user looked in a different direction. The points on a users face are assembled like this:
Then you can see if the X changed and by what amount to see the rotation effects.
(You might want to see Facial Recognition with Kinect)


ARKit plane with real world object above it

Thanks in advance for reading my question. I am really new to ARKit and have followed several tutorials which showed me how to use plane detection and using different textures for the planes. The feature is really amazing but here is my question. Would it be possible for the player to place the plane all over the desired area first and then interact with the new ground? For example, could I use the plane detection to detect and put grass texture over an area and then drive a real RC car over it? Just like driving it on real grass.
I have tried out the plane detection on my iPhone 6s while what I found is when I tried to put anything from real world on the top of plane surface it just simply got covered by the plane. Could you please give me some clue if it is possible to make the plane just stay on the ground without covering the real world object?
I think that's sth what you are searching for:
ARKit hide objects behind walls
Or another way is i think to track the position of the real world object for example with apples turicreate or CoreML or both -> then don't draw your stuff on the affected position.
Tracking moving objects is not supported, that's actually what it would be needed to make a real object interact with the a virtual one.
Said that I would recommend you using 2D image recognition and "read" every camera frame to detect the object while moving in the camera's view space. Look for the AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate protocol in Apple's developer site
Share your code and I could help with some ideas

Can ARCore track moving surfaces?

ARCore can track static surfaces according to its documentation, but doesn't mention anything about moving surfaces, so I'm wondering if ARCore can track flat surfaces (of course, with enough feature points) that can move around.
Yes, you definitely can track moving surfaces and moving objects in ARCore.
If you track static surface using ARCore – the resulted features are mainly suitable for so-called Camera Tracking. If you track moving object/surface – the resulted features are mostly suitable for Object Tracking.
You also can mask moving/not-moving parts of the image and, of course, inverse Six-Degrees-Of-Freedom (translate xyz and rotate xyz) camera transform.
Watch this video to find out how they succeeded.
Yes, ARCore tracks feature points, estimates surfaces, and also allows access to the image data from the camera, so custom computer vision algorithms can be written as well.
I guess it should be possible theoretically.
However, Ive tested it with some stuff in my HOUSE (running S8 and an app with unity and arcore)
and the problem is more or less that it refuses to even start tracking movable things like books and plates etc:
due to the feature points of the surrounding floor etc it always picks up on those first.
Edit: did some more testing and i Managed to get it to track a bed sheet, it does However not adjust to any movement. Meaning as of now the plane stays fixed allthough i saw some wobbling but i guess that Was because it tried to adjust the Positioning of the plane once it's original Feature points where moved.

iOS Track movement of ball shaped object in video

I am wondering if there are any good frameworks available that would allow me to:
Identify a "ball" object in a video. There will ALWAYS be a ball object, usually an identifiable color, but not always the same darkness, etc
Track the movement of that ball object over time. For example, I need to know how far it moves (x, y coordinates) in a 5 second period.
Take into consideration camera movement. If the user backs up, twitches, etc, I still need my x,y calculations to be accurate based on the new scale factor of the video frame.
Can anyone point me to a library that would get me started down this path?
You should look at the OpenCV library. You might be asking too much, but that's probably your best bet.

How to "translate" the movement of the camera to the image?

I'm doing some work with a camera and video stabilization with OpenCV.
Let's suppose I know exactly (in meters) how much my camera has moved from one frame to another and I want to use this to return the second frame where it should be.
I'm sure I have to do some math with this number before I make the translation matrix, but i'm a little lost with that... Any help?
EDIT:Ok I'll try to explain it better:
I want to remove from a video the movement (shaking) of the camera and I know how much the camera has moved (and the direction) from one frame to another.
So what I want to do is to move back the second frame where it should be using that information I have.
I have to make a traslation matrix for each two frames and apply it to the second frame.
But here is when I doubt: As the info I have is en meters and is the movement of the camera, and now I'm working with a image and pixels, I think I have to do some operations so the traslation is correct, but I'm not sure what they are exactly
Knowing how much the camera has moved is not enough for creating a synthesized frame. For that you'll need the 3D model of the world as well, which I assume you don't have.
To demonstrate that assume the camera movement is pure translation and you are looking at two objects, one is very far - a few kilometers away and the other is very close - a few centimeters away. The very far object will hardly move in the new frame, while the very close one can move dramatically or even disappear from the field of view of the second frame, you need to know how much the viewing angle has changed for each point and for that you need the 3D model.
Having sensor information may help in the case of rotation but it is not as useful for translations.

How to make plane which cover 360angle in Unity3d

I want to make a plan which cover 360angle, and my device camera remain inside of this 360 angle plan. I can also able to show some textures on it. When user move camera toward right then plan should move toward left and vice versa. Actually what I want to achieve I am making Geocaching app in Unity. I will have to show 2d and 3d objects with help of compass. So how can i achieve this in unity, if someone have any idea lets share with me. Thanks in advance?
You will need to flip the direction of the face normals of your cylinder to make the texture appearing from inside the cylinder. Have a look at this Blender model to get an idea. In Blender (the only modelling software I know) you have to select all faces in edit mode and then click Flip Direction in tool shelf. Then you can proceed with UV mapping as usual.
