Select Multiple, get selected values and non-selected values - grails

I have a select multiple on my page. The user can add elements to the list and remove them selecting one or more.
When I get the select's value through params.selectName, I receive only the selected ones. I
understand that this is the default behavior, but I need all of them, not only selected elements.
I don't really want to select all elements each time I send data to server. Does anyone have a better solution? Thanks.

The approach taken by the <g:checkBox> tag is to create a hidden field with the same name as the checkbox but with an underscore prepended. You could use a similar trick here, i.e. whenever you add a new <option> to the <select> you also add a hidden field named (say) selectName_options with the same value. Then in the controller you can take the difference between params.list('selectName') and params.list('selectName_options') to get the un-selected options from the list.

This is a bit of a complex solution to what should be a simple problem, but in my current project we just had the same problem and solved it as #cdeszaq describes.
Assuming an object of class Foo with a collection (bars) of Bar items, where each Bar has a String name and outputs it as its toString() representation, we do this in the FooController:
def removedItems = fooInstance.bars.findAll {
!params.bars.collect { it.key }.contains(
removedItems.each {


Save multiple selected dropdown values into a single column in Grails

How to save multiple selected dropdown values into a single column in Grails?
Input will look like
<g:select name="item1Price" from="${1..10}"/>
<g:select name="item2Price" from="${1..10}"/>
<g:select name="item3Price" from="${1..10}"/>
And Output Should be stored in one field
ItemPrice: 2,8,6
Your question is a bit vague, so hopefully a somewhat vague answer will be helpful too!
If you have a domain object Foo:
class Foo {
String itemPrice
Then in your controller action, you can just do something like:
def save() {
Foo f = new Foo()
f.itemPrice = [params.item1Price, params.item2Price, params.item3Price].join(",")
Really all you're trying to do is join your parameters from your page into one string, right?
Now this actually seems like bad design to me. What happens if the order changes, or if nothing is selected for item 2? Or what happens if somebody wants to edit your object and you need to parse the values back out? Obviously you could split on commas...until one of the values contains a comma!
You're better off storing one value for each field that means something different, or storing a single field as a structured value. You might want to look at encoding a Map into JSON and storing that, for example, if you really just want to have one field in your domain object.

grails: how to properly edit/update a collection?

I just wasted half a day trying to figure this out, reading about some workarounds, and thinking "it can't be that bad - there must be a straightforward to do edit a collection in Grails, whethere using scaffolded views or my own."
Let's say I have this domain object:
class TreeGroup {
String name
List<Tree> trees
static hasMany = ['trees': MyTree]
Just to explain the choice of data structure - I need my records to be unique, but in the order I set. That's why I chose List, AFAIK one cannot rely on order in a Set. So there are 2 pieces to this question - 1) how to remove from any Collection, for example a Set, 2) is List the best replacement for Set in this context (preserving order).
I want to be able to create a group record with no trees in it and make 4 updates:
edit the group record to reference 2 trees A and B
add another tree C
remove A
remove B and C
And obviously, I want the desired state after every step. Currently though, I can only add records, and if I even edit/save to list, the list elements are added to it again.
I am using the multiple select tag for this. It looks like this:
<g:select name="trees" from="${allTrees}" optionKey="id"
multiple="true" class="many-to-many"
value="${trees ? trees*.id : treeGroupInstance?.trees*.id}" />
and that's fine, in the sense that it generates an HTTP header with these variables on update:
But the data binder only adds new elements, it never lets you edit a list.
What is the cleanest way to do it ? Is it me, not reading something obvious, or is this a design flaw of grails data binding (and of so, when/how will it be fixed) ?
Is there a way perhaps via a hidden HTTP parameter to clear the list before (re)adding elements ?
I ended up doing this:
private repopulate(def domainObject, String propertyName, Class domainKlaz) {
if (params[propertyName] != null) {
params[propertyName].collect { domainKlaz.get(it) }
and I am calling it in update controller method before save(), for every collection. OMG how ugly.

How to localize selectOptions on the visual force page

I am trying to localize selectOptions on the Visual Force page.
Here is the .class code snippet:
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
List<MyOption__c> dropDownValues = [SELECT Id, Display_Label_Name__c FROM MyOption__c];
for (MyOption__c val : dropDownValues) {
// Display_Label_Name__c field is the label from *.labels that needs to be translated
options.add(new SelectOption(val.Id, val.Display_Label_Name__c));
Here is the .page code snippet:
<apex:selectList value="{!myVal}">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!options}"/>
Right now the dropdown displays the Display_Label_Name__c verbose. I am trying to see how I can display the translated version from the .labels file. Is it possible? If not, what's the work around?
Thank you for your responses!
All localisation of page text can be done with Custom Labels.
Enable the translation workbench with the languages you require.
Create labels for all the localisible text on the page.
Replace the page text with the labels.
Add a translation for each label.
Change your profile langauge to test.
But for your case you pull the select option text from a custom object. If the values of the select list are not expected to change frequently, less than once a week or so, then I would change to using custom labels.
Otherwise, you lose the value of Salesforce automatic language selection and have to implement something yourself.
I would recommend extending the custom object MyOption__c to have columns for all the supported languages. You could use an if/else block or dynamic apex to select the select option text.
Sample using Dynamic Apex
string language = ParseForSupportedLangauges(UserInfo.getLanguage()); // includes __c
list<sobject> dropDownValues = Database.query('SELECT Id, '+language+' FROM MyOption__c');
for (sobject val : dropDownValues) {
options.add(new SelectOption(val.get('Id'), val.get(language)));
ParseForSupportedLangauges() would be a custom method that checks for supported languages and assigns the default when necessary.
Turns out there is a solution: Don't look for something until you need it, right?
Introduced in Spring '12 is the ability dynamicaly select the label to display suing array syntax. Also, the ability to create visualforce components from the controller was added but using the array syntax would be sufficient for your problem. This method would allow you to select the labels you want by using the query results from MyOption__c.
Using a repeat in visualforce to loop over the query results
<apex:repeat value="{!displayResultsValues}" var="labelName">
<apex:outputText value="{!$Label[labelName]}"/>
Here is a good article to show the usage and syntax.

jQuery UI Autocomplete question on label and value

In the label we have item.ID + '-'+ item.Description
the value is item which is the object returned from the service.
When a selection is made 001-MyChoice for ex. from the autocomplete, the value which is the datacontract object is bound to the autocomplete field as [Object object]. How can I get 001-MyChoice to be bound for the selection ???
Pls help..
It's difficult to tell when you haven't posted any code to review. What format is your data returned from the service? JSON, XML?
I'm sure you're already looked at this link, but here it is just in case:
Post some sample code of your js and some sample data of what your service returns for a better answer.
The autocomplete tags returned from your web service need to contain the tag 'term' and I think "ID", then the default call can help pull them out. Although not a perfect example if you look at the Jasonp example in the jQueryUI docs, that may help.
This is from memory but something like
{"term":"dog", "ID": "123"}, {"term":"cat","ID": "2"}
So you have 001-MyChoice as the label and you want it bound as the value?
Then don't specify the object returned as the value. Label and value are not required by the autocomplete. You can specify both if you want one in the dropdown select (label) and the other (value) used as the value of the select.
If you want the select item and the value to be the same, then put the same item in either the label or the value property.
From the jquery autocomplete docs:
The label property is displayed in the suggestion menu. The value will be inserted into the input element after the user selected something from the menu. If just one property is specified, it will be used for both, eg. if you provide only value-properties, the value will also be used as the label.
If you need to use the datacontract object, then just assign it to a variable in the select callback function of the autocomplete and you can use it as that.

Get the display value from a DropDown

I'm trying to access the values in the FormCollection inside of an action. I can get the value field by doing:
var value = formCollection["MyDropDownList"];
But I can't seem to find a way to get the display value. Am I missing something obvious? A cast perhaps?
Getting text from an HTML drop down selection list using JavaScript code
To get the text from each option is slightly trickier. We use the selectedIndex property of the selection list to capture the selected option and then pass this value to the options[].text property.
Here is the code
var w = document.myform.mylist.selectedIndex;
var selected_text = document.myform.mylist.options[w].text;
I don't think there's a way to get the display column from the formcollection. Basically, the formcollection is an easy way to interrogate the Request object (Request.Form, Request.QueryString, etc.) and the only thing that goes into that are values from input fields.
If you really need to get the display text, you would have to get it from whatever collection you bound the list with and access it via the key (your selected value from the formcollection). For example, if it's a dictionary collection that you bound to the list, use that same dictionary to lookup the value based on the key.
I would need to know more information as to how you're binding the dropdown to help you further.
That's the normal behaviour. When a form is posted, only the name-value collection generated from the form fields are sent to the server. And of course the inner text of the option tag doesn't belong to that collection.
you do it ok, dropdown list sended shows value of selected item not displayed text of selected item...if you want(from some reason, because I am asumming you are filling that dropdown on model right? :)) to see send a display text also, maybe you can put it in hidden field with javascript on every change of selection in dropdown...
