Exclude some Roles from list - asp.net-mvc

Seems quite simple idea, but I'm having doubts so if possible to help me clear it up.
There's a list of Roles in my application, and for certain Roles (different kinds of admins) I'd like to show or hide certain Roles.
For example, if there are superadmin, admin, and user. super admin can manage all roles but he shouldn't be able to mess with the three i mentioned. So I want them out of the list.
List in view is generated with foreach loop, so I though of changing class of the container if the value that will be presented is one of the three (superadmin, admin, or user). Will that work?

I don't know if I understood you correctly but it would be better not to show the container directly (don't print it to the output) from the server instead of relying on CSS to hide them.


Changing a lot to config new permission

What is the best way of dynamic authorizing users with their roles. Indeed I have some roles that changes overtimes and currently I have this code for some of my actions or contorllers:
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin,MainFedration,FederationUser")]
public string ConfirmAccident(int? id)
{ .... }
Then if a role add or change it's permission i should search and change most of actions and roles to config new permission.
What is the best way to remove this redundant work?
The only other way would be to configure the permissions each role has in a database and then subclass AuthorizeAttribute and overload the logic for how it determines which roles are allowed by utilizing the database-stored permissions.
However, it should be noted, that this is a problem mostly because you're using roles improperly. I see this all over, even in official Microsoft documentation, which is part of the problem. Something like "Admin" is a group; roles are different and should be things like "CanEdit". A group or a user can be assigned roles, so any user in the "Admin" group, would have the role "CanEdit". Then, you don't have to change the roles config on the action because the ability to edit is the ability to edit, no matter which users or groups have it.
Maybe you should take a look at how Access Control is organized: https://nsecurity.codeplex.com/. Here's a simple solution which outlines the principles of Access Control Entries, Access Control Lists, and how access to items, subject to security restrictions is set up. This way of (dis-)allowing users' access to certain items is much like the way it is organized in, say, Windows file system.
The idea is really simple: instead of giving user permissions (not) to do this or that, the items are guarded and access is granted/denied once a simple condition is satisfied. In other words, security is not geared towards users, but towards "securables". Or, keys are used to lock/unlock doors, but not to prevent users from moving around.

what is the advantage in creating user profiles?

I noticed that many people create associated profiles to the main users of their site. What is the advantage of doing this?
Right now my app is set up to deal directly with the user for ALL of their attributes. Before I move forward I want to get some perspective on what the ideal path would be.
From my perspective it really depends on what kind of application this and who the users are. Some use cases where you need a profile that does not have ALL the attributes
The app administrator has control over items such as roles
One user may want to be able to look at another users profie, but that may not want to have things such as salary, employee ID, email address exposed, and should not be able to change attributes.
So really depends on the app, its users, and what yoou are trying to do

Rails superuser resource context

The app I'm working on revolves around users belonging to organisations, and only being able to access resources in those organisations. That much is fine, and pretty straight forward.
The system also has users outside of any organisation, who are able to view anything within the system. When one of these users logs in, they get given a list of organisations that they would like to view. Selecting one should then give them a view of the system as if they were logged in as a standard user, but retain their superuser privileges.
Is there a nice way I can have the system know that a particular organisations has been selected and not have to have a nested resource for every path?
So for example, I want to login as superuser, and view organisationA. I want to be able to select the organisation, and simply to go
rather than having to go to
Is there any nice way of doing this?
If you don't pass the context through the url, you could store the selected organisation in the session. The problem with the session approach is, that you lose the ability to link to these pages directly since you rely on data stored in the session.

Two different logins and usernames from the same table

I need two kinds login if they refer to different controllers, example:
site.com/consumers login is to make comments and site.com/panel is for the administrative part of advertisers and users.
I'm all consumers and advertisers in the same table users in the database.
Could anyone help me to make two logins do validation on the same table and after login, sends to different views and controllers?
In my route I was trying to use:
devise_for :panel, :class_name => "User"
But the layout of the login is the same, and would need to be different.
== UPDATE ==
I have three classes of people.
1) Consumer
2) advertiser
3) Administrator
The records are in the same table. But each record has a column "type" arrow you like (consumer, advertiser or administrator) So far I've managed to solve.
The problem is this:
When the user accesses via: www.site.com/comment
This user can login to make a comment on the site.
When the user accesses via: www.site.com/panel
This user can login to access the panel from him, he may be, (consumer, advertiser or administrator).
I would like to make two types of logins, one for / comment with the layout of the site and one for the / panel with the panel layout, but doing validation on the same table, in this case (Users).
Your question is a little hard to understand. It looks like your using devise. I am not sure if you are trying to use two different models, and have two different kinds of devise users, perhapse with different permissions? Or if you are trying to direct people to different pages depending on who they are after they login?
I would recommend you checkout after_sign_in_path in devise. You can define it in your application controller. If you are trying to send someone back to a different section of the site depending on where they signed in you could set a session variable and then use it in that function to decide where to send someone.
If you rewrite your question I will try and give a better answer.

User profile/account URLs

I'm required to provide functions for both users and administrators to edit account and profile details in a web application. An example of a URL for the public side of these profiles is:
I'm still torn between two ways to design these URLs. I've thought of either this:
Or something non-specific and separate to the profiles:
The benefit of the first one is that it allows administrators to do their job through the same functions. This avoids building a whole different backend specifically for administrators. I suppose the negative here is that I'd have to be careful with authorization and make sure nobody can edit what they are not supposed to edit.
The second is a more standard way of doing things, it'd turn out to be simpler and easier to secure, though it means a separate interface for administrative users.
What is SO's opinions on this? Are there any more pros/cons for either way? Which method would you recommend to use?
I would have a different view for the administrator with such a security sensitive area. It makes things much more explicit having a separate view. It is likely even an administrator would only be able to edit certain user information and thus have a different view to the user editing themselves.
It makes the authorization much clearer even if the two views shared a common edit form
If you are using an MVC approach, then my suggestion would be:
Where user is the controller, edit the controller method and 1234 or joe the user id or username respectively.
But as Gumbo commented, administrators should not be allowed to edit user information. They should have some mecanism to disable the account in case of a profile has offensive content or false info. Forcing the user to update it to get the account active again.
The way we do it is the admin and the user share the same view. Items which are admin-only are protected from editing or viewing by the user.
The reason for the single view is:
It reduces the number of 'moving parts' - when a new field is added to the user screen, it only needs to be added once,
It is easier to move items to/from the user's purview. If all of a sudden, management decides to allow a user to manage their "FizzBar" then we only need make the change in one place, and
It is easier to segregate the roles and the functions at the controller level.
I think that you should go with the second approach. It's more secure and flexible, and shouldn't be harder to code than profile editing the profile inline.
