iPad / iPhone Offline Webpage - ipad

I need to supply a single page website for a client to view offline on an iPad / iPhone.
The webpage will have Javascript, image and video assets. Reading about Cache Manifest it seems the cache on iPad is limited to 5mb.
Anyone suggest any routes forward, which ideally do not require the use of an additional app, but will allow for the offline storage of video.

You will likely have trouble with Safari to guarantee availability of your web page and videos offline.
The most reliable alternative would be to create an app using PhoneGap, because that would give you control over the video and the web page being stored offline. However that requires you to distribute it as an iOS-app to your client.
If you don't/can't distribute it as an app, you could try to find an app that is designed for offline browsing and supports video on the appstore. If you search for "Offline browser iPhone" on google or appstore you will be presented with some alternatives.


How much data can I store in IndexDB from a mobile phone using a PWA

I have a PWA designed in Ionic and we are using it to take pictures. However the requirements is that it needs to work offline so we are storing these pictures in IndexDB.
However I have been unable to track down how much storage we will have access to in IndexDB and am concerned it will only be around 50MB or so. The the customer potentially wants to store 100 images or more offline and when it gets back to wifi it will start sending up to a remote API.
Is there any information on storage capability for indexDB when a PWA is run on a mobile device either IOS or Android?
I have seen some posts that but mainly talk about storage of the javascript files where this is actual data captured while the app is running.
NOTE: Individual images will be no more than 2-3MB each in size.

Can we support offline Single Page web apps in iOS 10+?

We are developing a Single Page RWD web app which supports all mobile form factors. We would like to
have the webapp support offline browsing capability as well
Once the data is downloaded from server, user should be able to see that data even if there is no internet connection.
Users should be able to fill forms, and later submit it to server, when there is internet connection.
Can we use the AppCache, HTML5 storage to get the offline capabilities? If we are using hash to change the navigation in address bar the whole page refresh problem is also not there.
Was going through some of the older posts in Stackoverflow on this. Offline iOS web app: loads my manifest, but doesn't work offline
This post is dated back in 2011. In 2017, can we support
If you want to open something from an URL to the webView, you need internet. You can do the following thing in the iOS application with certain conditions.
Users should be able to fill forms, and later submit it to the server, when there is an internet connection.
You need to cache all the responses when using the native iOS or any other cross platform. If you are wondering about PWA, it is coming in the 11.3 version of iOS. Refer this link to understand more about the service workers in the WebKit. It is a beta version, so do not expect it to run bug free.

Offline first via browser storage or device storage?

I previously worked on an app that used Couchbase-lite for mobile storage. this app was a native Android app. But I think it would be possible to replicate most of what that app did with a web-view via pouchdb or something similar.
I'm assuming that a webview would act the same as a browser in terms of cookies/data persistence/etc, or at least allow access to webpage that would cache information on the device.
Would there be any drawbacks for creating an offline-first mobile app via browser features instead of using a mobile devices storage? i.e. What would the cons be of creating a webview-based app that used PouchDB, instead of a cordova or native app that used Couchbase-lite?

Record audio in mobile Safari

I need to create an iOS app that just displays a website. The site allows users to record audio. The purpose is to let mobile Safari users to record audio (which is currently not supported). Are there any decent solutions for this or am I going to have to hack my way through? So far I have the following two ideas:
1) Build a native application that contains a WKWebView of the site. If the website detects mobile Safari it will launch some JavaScript that the app can respond to (or it will try to bring the user to the App Store using Universal Links). The native app will then record the audio and send it back to the website somehow (either through an external server, or perhaps through JavaScript, not sure how much data can be passed, but it could be up to 1MB).
2) Use an existing solution using perhaps Cordova/PhoneGap.
Hope to get some tips!
Build an hybrid application based on cordova/PhoneGap seems to be the best in my opinion. In addition you can build for iOS and Android (if you need later).
You can easily use this plugin to achieve your app.

I need adobe flash player on my iOS app

I'm using UIWebView to load URL in my app, so while login into that URL, Home page of my application will come,
in that home page i have another button to call a new URL which needs Adobe Flash Player, so it is showing an error like
"This content requires Adobe Flash Player, which is not supported by your device. This content can be viewed on a desktop computer or on mobile devices that support Flash Player".
Could you please suggest me is there any third party library available to resolve this or i need to open that new URL in Safari Browser of iPad.
Apple famously decided not to allow Flash on iOS devices for a number of reasons back in 2010. As far as I know, that hasn't changed. There are apparently some apps that let you view Flash content, but it doesn't sound like a very good experience.
There's no Flash library that you can build into an app to access Flash. Since you control the web content in question, your best bet by far is to build a version of that content that uses HTML5 instead of Flash.
Even Adobe is making the switch to HTML5; your Flash content has passed it's expiration date.
