Major factors for memory leaks in Rails - ruby-on-rails

I am tryin to resolve a memory leak problem with Rails. I can see through New Relic that the usage of memory is increasing without ever decreasing.
This is a spinoff question from a large thread ( Memory constantly increasing in Rails app ) where I am trouble shooting the problem. What I need to know now is just:
What are major reasons/factors when it comes to memory leaks in Rails?
As far as I understand:
Global variables (such as ##variable) - I have none of these
Symbols (I have not created any specifically)
Sessions - What should one avoid here? Let's say I have a session keeping track of the last query one particular user used when to text-search the site. How should I kill it off?
"Leaving references" - What does this really mean? Could you give an example?
Any other bad coding examples you can give that will typically create memory leaks?
I want to use this information to look through my code so please provide examples!
Lastly, would this be "memory leaking code"?
#last_products << Product.order("ASC").limit(5)
will that make #last_products bloat?

The following will destroy applications.
Foo.each do |bar|
If you have a lot of Foos that will pull them all into memory. I have seen apps blow up because they have a bunch of "Foos" and they have a rake task that runs through all the foos, and this rake task takes forever, lets say Y seconds, but is run every X seconds, where X < Y. So what happens is they now have all Foos in memory, more than once because they just keep pulling stuff into memory, over and over again.
While this can't exactly happen inside an front facing web app in the same way it isn't exactly efficient or wanted.
Instead of the above do the following
Foo.find_each do |bar|
Which retrieves things and batches and doesn't put a whole bunch of stuff into your memory all at once.
And right as I finished typing this I realized this question was asked in September of last year... oh boy...


Understanding race_condition_ttl in Rails

I am trying to understand the race_condition_ttl directive in Rails when using Rails.cache.fetch.
I have a controller action that looks like this:
def foo
#foo = Rails.cache.fetch("foo-testing", expires_in: 30.seconds, race_condition_ttl: 60.seconds) do
#foo # this gets used in a view down the line...
Based on what I'm reading in the Rails docs, this value should expire after 30 seconds, but the stale value is allowed to be served for another 60 seconds. However, I can't figure out how to reproduce conditions that will show me this behavior working. Here is how I'm trying to test it. do
t = { RestClient.get("http://myenvironment/foo") }
t {|t| t.join.value }.uniq
I have my Rails app running on a VM behind a standard nginx/unicorn setup. I am trying to spawn 100 threads hitting the site simultaneously to simulate the "dog pile effect". However, when I run my test code, all the threads report the same value back. What I would expect to see is that one thread gets the fresh value, while at least one other thread gets served some stale content.
Any pointers are welcome! Thanks so much.
You are setting race_condition_ttl to 60 seconds which means your threads will only start getting the new value after this time expires, even not taking into account the initial 30 seconds.
Your test doesn't look like it would take 1.5 minutes to run which would be required in order for the threads to start getting the new value. From the Rails Cache docs:
Yes, this process is extending the time for a stale value by another few seconds. Because of extended life of the previous cache, other processes will continue to use slightly stale data for a just a bit longer.
The text implies using a small race_condition_ttl and it makes sense both for its purpose and your test.
Also note that the life of stale cache is extended only if it expired recently. Otherwise a new value is generated and :race_condition_ttl does not play any role.
Without reading source it is not particularly clear how Rails decides when its server is getting hammered or what exactly recently means in the quote above. It seems clear though that the first process (of many) of those waiting to access the cache gets to set the new value while extending life of the previous one. The presence of waiting processes might be the condition Rails looks for. In any case the expected behaviour should be observed after both initial timeout and ttl expire and cache starts serving the updated value. The delay between initial timeout and the time new value starts showing up should be similar to the ttl. Of course the precondition is the server should be hammered around the moment of initial timeout expiration.

Should PG::Result#clear be called after you've executed raw SQL?

When you use ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql_string), should you call clear on the result in order to free memory?
At 19:09 in this podcast, the speaker (a Rails committer who has done a lot of work on Active Record) says that if we use ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute, we should call clear on the result, or we should use the method ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute_and_clear, which takes a block.
(He’s a bit unclear on the method names. The method for the MySQL adapter is free and the method for the Postgres adapter is clear. He also mentions release, but that method doesn't exist.)
My understanding is that he's saying we should change
result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql_string).to_a
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute_and_clear(sql_string, "SCHEMA", []) do |result|
result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql_string)
That podcast was the only place I've heard this claim, and I couldn't find any other information about it. The Rails app I'm working on uses execute without clear in a number of instances, and we don't know of any problems caused by it. Are there certain circumstances under which failing to call clear is more likely to cause memory problems?
It depends on the adapter. Keep in mind that Rails doesn't control the object that is returned by execute. If you're using PostgreSQL, you'll get back a PG::Result, and using the mysql2 adapter, you'll get back a Mysql2::Result.
For PG (documented here), you need to call clear unless autoclear? returns true or you'll get a memory leak. You may also want to call clear manually if you've got a large enough result set to ensure it doesn't cause memory issues before it gets cleaned up.
Mysql2 doesn't appear to expose its free through the Ruby API, and appears to always clean itself up during GC.

Mongoid identity_map and memory usage, memory leaks

When I executing query
Mymodel.all.each do |model|
# something
It uses allot of memory and amount of used memory increases at all the time and at the and it crashes. I found out that to fix it I need to disable identity_map but when I adding to my mongoid.yml file identity_map_enabled: false I am getting error
Invalid configuration option: identity_map_enabled.
A invalid configuration option was provided in your mongoid.yml, or a typo is potentially present. The valid configuration options are: :include_root_in_json, :include_type_for_serialization, :preload_models, :raise_not_found_error, :scope_overwrite_exception, :duplicate_fields_exception, :use_activesupport_time_zone, :use_utc.
Remove the invalid option or fix the typo. If you were expecting the option to be there, please consult the following page with repect to Mongoid's configuration:
I am using Rails 4 and Mongoid 4, Mymodel.all.count => 3202400
How can I fix it or maybe some one know other way to reduce amount of memory used during executing query .all.each ..?
Thank you very much for the help!!!!
I started with something just like you by doing loop through millions of record and the memory just keep increasing.
Original code:
#portal.listings.each do |listing|
I've gone through many forum answers and I tried them out.
1st attempt: I try to use the combination of WeakRef and GC.start but no luck, I fail.
2nd attempt: Adding listing = nil to the first attempt, and still fail.
Success Attempt:
#start_date = 10.years.ago
#end_date =
while #start_date < #end_date
#portal.listings.where(created_at: #start_date..#start_date.next_month).each do |listing|
#start_date = #start_date.next_month
All the memory allocated for the record will never be released during
the query request. Therefore, trying with small number of record every
request does the job, and memory is in good condition since it will be
released after each request.
Your problem isn't the identity map, I don't think Mongoid4 even has an identity map built in, hence the configuration error when you try to turn it off. Your problem is that you're using all. When you do this:
Mongoid will attempt to instantiate every single document in the db.mymodels collection as a Mymodel instance before it starts iterating. You say that you have about 3.2 million documents in the collection, that means that Mongoid will try to create 3.2 million model instances before it tries to iterate. Presumably you don't have enough memory to handle that many objects.
Your Mymodel.all.count works fine because that just sends a simple count call into the database and returns a number, it won't instantiate any models at all.
The solution is to not use all (and preferably forget that it exists). Depending on what "do something" does, you could:
Page through all the models so that you're only working with a reasonable number of them at a time.
Push the logic into the database using mapReduce or the aggregation framework.
Whenever you're working with real data (i.e. something other than a trivially small database), you should push as much work as possible into the database because databases are built to manage and manipulate big piles of data.

Rails 4 Multithreaded App - ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError

I have a simple rails app that scrapes JSON from a remote URL for each instance of a model (let's call it A). The app then creates a new data-point under an associated model of the 1st. Let's call this middle model B and the data point model C. There's also a front end that let's users browse this data graphically/visually.
Thus the hierarchy is A has many -> B which has many -> C. I scrape a URL for each A which returns a few instances of B with new Cs that have data for the respective B.
While attempting to test/scale this app I have encountered a problem where rails will stop processing, hang for a while, and finally throw a "ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError could not obtain a database connection within 5.000 seconds" Obviously the 5 is just the default.
I can't understand why this is happening when 1) there are no DB calls being made explicitly, 2) the log doesn't show any under the hood DB calls happening when it does work 3) it works sometimes and not others.
What's going on with rails 4 AR and the connection pool?!
A couple of notes:
The general algorithm is to spawn a thread for each model A, scrape the data, create in memory new instances of model C, save all the C's in one transaction at the end.
Sometimes this works, other times it doesn't, i can't figure out what causes it to fail. However, once it fails it seems to fail more and more.
I eager load all the model A's and B's to begin with.
I use a transaction at the end to insert all the newly created C instances.
I currently use resque and resque scheduler to do this work but I highly doubt they are the source of the problem as it persists even if I just do "rails runner Class.do_work"
Any suggestions and or thoughts greatly appreciated!
I believe I have found the cause of this problem. When you loop through an association via
model.association.each do |a|
#work here
Rails does some behind the scenes work that "uses" a DB connection. I put uses in quotes because in my case I think the result is actually returned from memory. I eager loaded the association and thus the DB is never actually hit.
Preliminary testing of wrapping my block in a
ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do
#something me doing?
seems to have resolved the issue.
I uncovered this by adding a backtrace to my thread's error message that was printing out.
-----For those using resque----
I also had to add a bit in my resque.rake file to get this fully working as intended.
task 'resque:setup' => :environment do
Resque.after_fork do |job|
If you are you using
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
... code
to accomplish faster transactions in a thread, note that this locks the database. I had an app that did this for a hugely expensive process, in a thread, and it would lock the DB for over 5 seconds. It is faster, though it will lock your database

Catching errors with Ruby Twitter gem, caching methods using delayed_job: What am I doing wrong?

What I'm doing
I'm using the twitter gem (a Ruby wrapper for the Twitter API) in my app, which is run on Heroku. I use Heroku's Scheduler to periodically run caching tasks that use the twitter gem to, for example, update the list of retweets for a particular user. I'm also using delayed_job so scheduler calls a rake task, which calls a method that is 'delayed' (see scheduler.rake below). The method loops through "authentications" (for users who have authenticated twitter through my app) to update each authorized user's retweet cache in the app.
My question
What am I doing wrong? For example, since I'm using Heroku's Scheduler, is delayed_job redundant? Also, you can see I'm not catching (rescuing) any errors. So, if Twitter is unreachable, or if a user's auth token has expired, everything chokes. This is obviously dumb and terrible because if there's an error, the entire thing chokes and ends up creating a failed delayed_job, which causes ripple effects for my app. I can see this is bad, but I'm not sure what the best solution is. How/where should I be catching errors?
I'll put all my code (from the scheduler down to the method being called) for one of my cache methods. I'm really just hoping for a bulleted list (and maybe some code or pseudo-code) berating me for poor coding practice and telling me where I can improve things.
I have seen this SO question, which helps me a little with the begin/rescue block, but I could use more guidance on catching errors, and one the higher-level "is this a good way to do this?" plane.
Heroku Scheduler job:
rake update_retweet_cache
scheduler.rake (in my app)
task :update_retweet_cache => :environment do
Tweet.rb, update_retweet_cache method:
def self.cache_retweets_for_all_auths
#authentications = Authentication.find_all_by_provider("twitter")
#authentications.each do |authentication|
authentication.user.twitter.retweeted_to_me(include_entities: true, count: 200).each do |tweet|
# Actually build the cache - this is good - removing to keep this short
User.rb, twitter method:
def twitter
authentication = Authentication.find_by_user_id_and_provider(, "twitter")
if authentication
#twitter ||= => authentication.oauth_token, :oauth_token_secret => authentication.oauth_secret)
Note: As I was posting this, I noticed that I'm finding all "twitter" authentications in the "cache_retweets_for_all_auths" method, then calling the "User.twitter" method, which specifically limits to "twitter" authentications. This is obviously redundant, and I'll fix it.
First what is the exact error you are getting, and what do you want to happen when there is an error?
If you just want to catch the errors and log them then the following should work.
def self.cache_retweets_for_all_auths
#authentications = Authentication.find_all_by_provider("twitter")
#authentications.each do |authentication|
authentication.user.twitter.retweeted_to_me(include_entities: true, count: 200).each do |tweet|
# Actually build the cache - this is good - removing to keep this short
rescue => e
#Either create an object where the error is log, or output it to what ever log you wish.
This way when it fails it will keep moving on to the next user but will still making a note of the error. Most of the time with twitter its just better to do something like this then try to do with each error on its own. I have seen so many weird things out of the twitter API, and random errors, that trying to track down every error almost always turns into a wild goose chase, though it is still good to keep track just in case.
Next for when you should use what.
You should use a scheduler when you need something to happen based on time only, delayed jobs for when its based on an user action, but the 'action' you are going to delay would take to long for a normal response. Sometimes you can just put the thing plainly in the controller also.
So in other words
The scheduler will be fine as long as the time between updates X is less then the time it will take for the update to happen, time Y.
If X < Y then you might want to look at calling the logic from the controller when each indvidual entry is accessed, isntead of trying to do them all at once. The idea being you would only update it after a certain time as passed so. You could store the last time update either on the model itself in a field like twitter_udpate_time or in a redis or memecache instance at a unquie key for the user/auth.
But if the individual update itself is still too long, then thats when you should do the above, but instead of doing the actually update, call a delayed job.
You could even set it up that it only updates or calls the delayed job after a certain number of views, to further limit stuff.
Possible Fancy Pants
Or if you want to get really fancy you could still do it as a cron job, but have a point system based on views that weights which entries should be updated. The idea being certain actions would add points to certain users, and if their points are over a certain amount you update them, and then remove their points. That way you could target the ones you think are the most important, or have the most traffic or show up in the most search results etc etc.
Next off a nick picky thing.
You should be using
#authentications.find_each do |authentication|
instead of
#authentications.each do |authentication|
find_each pulls in only 1000 entries at a time so if you end up with a lof of Authentications you don't end up pulling a crazy amount of entries into memory.
