Firemonkey dragging image not showing on screen - delphi

The following first image is taken from a Virtual Machine and second is taken from a real pc. Why don't I see the dragging image on the real PC?
Virtual Machine
Real PC


Delphi 11 - scaling and font size problems

I have a VCL application that works fine with D10.4. Created with D11, all elements of the form are displayed greatly enlarged at runtime.
Depending on the project settings (Project/Options/Manifest) you can make the program run on the development computer with a 4K monitor in the specified font (everything set to 8 points).
If you start the same program on an HD monitor, all elements except the main menu (!) are displayed in a larger font.
Windows settings on the 4K: 200% scaling, on the HD: 100%
The Delphi has all patches up to 2/22.
The exe, created with 10.4, runs perfectly on both test computers.
Is there a solution for this or do I actually have to build an own environment for VCL apps?
Is there maybe a hidden option to disable all this scaling stuff?
Thanks for every hint!
Many greetings

How do you fix scaling issues with MPLABXIDE (with MCC) in Windows 10 when using a HiDef display?

MPLAB X IDE (Ver 5.30) starts scaled to a proper resolution reflecting the scaling settings in Windows; but, when the MCC plugin is started it results in the refresh of the Window and the window shrinking back to 100% scaling with MCC parts alone scaled to the system settings. This makes the IDE unusable on those displays.
Fixing this is a multi step process.
Set the underlying Netbeans IDE to be DPI aware, by adding -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=true to end of the default_options line in mplab config file at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLABX\v5.xx\mplab_platform\etc\mplab_ide.conf.
Then change the system settings for scaling MPLAB to be correct
Right click on MPLAB icon on desktop.
Choose Properties.
Go to Compatibility tab.
Click on the Change high DPI settings button
Tick Overide high DPI scaling and choose System or System (Enhanced) in the dropbox.
Click OK then Apply
This worked on Windows 10 19.05 on a Surface Book

Delphi TImageList bitmaps spontaneously convert themselves from color to black & white

I have an issue where the 16x16 bitmaps in an imagelist get corrupted and are displayed as monochrome black and white images. This tends to happen between sessions in the IDE, so that after saving the project to disk, exiting the IDE, and opening up the project once again, lo and behold the images have transformed! This requires rebuilding the imagelist and is very annoying. A before and after example image is attached.
This project is being developed (and shuttled between) WindowsXP and Windows 7 x64 using Delphi 4, which is installed on both operating systems. The problem occurs rarely in XP and frequently in Windows 7. Does anyone have a clue as to what is going on here?

Flex 4.5 for mobile : Zooming on high resolution image

I am trying to integrate a zoom/pan capability into an image gallery for iPad (implemented with Flash builder 4.5 and Air mobile sdk), which is pretty simple on the paper, using gesturezoom handling and scale on the displayed image.
My problem is that I have some medium & high resolution images (about 4096*3072, 5Mo photo), and that zoom/unzoom seems to freeze a lot on the iPad upon the first initial gestures. After a while, everything goes smooth (or kind of smooth :-).
Does anybody know what is the reason of these freezes, and how to solve this?
Thanks a lot,
I would suggest working with the BitmapData of the image and blit to a container the size of the screen. The Matrix class can help you to scale the BitmapData you are drawing to your container and you can change the size of a Rectangle as your scaling gesture events occur to bring in more pixels from the source image. That way you're never displaying more than the amount of pixels that fit into your container at any given time.

Captureing Image And Printing dat in desired Size

I want to capture a image from a web cam and i want to print dat captured image in desired size.
consider taking a screenshot programatically and cropping it. if this is not possible, you should talk to the hardware directly by using the driver.
also please provide more info on os, webcam make and programming platform,
