Two Page Curl Effect in iPad - ios

I am using the Leaves project to move from one pdf page to another it is working fine. Now the page curl is from left to right and from right to left like a note book. Now the effect was to turn a single page but i want to turn the two pages .one page has to display in left side and another page has to display in right side.

You should probably use UIPageViewController, unless you're trying to support iOS 4. UIPageViewController supports having the spine in the middle of the screen so you can see two pages at once. I don't know if Leaves is relevant anymore since there's a better solution built right into iOS 5 and up.


How to implement the "instagram explore page" top buttons?

If you open the instagram app on your mobile and go to the explorer page you can see couple of buttons on the top of the page like "IGTV", "Travel", ... The interesting part for me is that you can scroll these buttons to the left or right. My question is how do we implement this feature in swift? do we use standard buttons in a specific container or use totally different things. thanks

How to make the iOS bottom-sheet panel of Maps in react-native?

I am developing a react-native app. I'm trying to make a UI element similar to the one on Maps in iOS, in which you can slide a panel from the bottom.
The behavior of the list is quite complicated as:
You can't scroll down the list until the panel is fully open.
Trying to scroll it down makes the panel go up, and then if you continue the sliding movement on the screen the list starts scrolling.
And of course:
You can't slide the panel down until the list is at the beginning.
If you try to slide the panel down and the list isn't fully scrolled up, you end up scrolling the list to the beginning and then pulling the panel down.
The list scrolling up or down and the panel moving up or down has to be made in one movement. The user doesn't have to pull his finger out of the screen to make the second action. This is the actual hard part. Furthermore, it has to work on iOS and Android.
An example GIF of the iOS panel and the expected behavior.
The perfect module would be something like this, but the list is still scrollable even when it has reached the top:
I tried with this module without success:
Something like that in react-native would be perfect:
How can I mimic the bottom sheet from the Maps app?
I already checked this post:
React Native slide out panel and scrollview
Any kind of help is welcomed, thank you!
You can see
It built from scratch with react-native-gesture-handler and react-native-reanimated

UWP horizontal list of subpages

I'm currently working on my first UWP project. I managed to display subpages using <local:ClassName/>. But now I want to make it more dynamically.
I have a small 340*693 page and I want to display 0 up to 4 of them side by side on my mainpage. Furthermore I want to be able to switch to an edit-mod (similar to the 8.1 metro ui) where I can change the order of the subpages, or close them by moving them down.
I thought of a vector with subpages that is bound to a list or grid or something like that to store the subpages.
What container would be the right one for me?

jQuery Mobile panel smooth scrolling

This is not a question about JQM panels scrolling independently of the page, though that is an issue I've had trouble with and almost overcome, this is about making the panel scroll smoothly and ignore the device browser's edge event (or whatever the correct term is, I'll explain below).
Basically, I'm trying to replicate the menu on Google's mobile site, which naturally isn't using JQM like us common folk. I've got it pretty close, but the scrolling animation is very rigid. I need it be momentum-based rather than fixed to your finger.
Also, when you reach the top or bottom of the menu, it's considered the extremes of the document so the browser moves the whole document up or down to indicate the edge of the page. Instead, the page should never move while the panel is open and the menu should take on this behaviour within the panel.
Since I've set the panel height to 100%, this forces the address bar on iOS Safari to come down when the menu is open. This seems to be exactly what happens on Google, but if there's a way around this I'd love to hear it.
Finally, one downside of the way I've emulated independent scrolling is to just set the content wrap as fixed when the panel is open. However, this means the page always scrolls to the top when the panel opens. Any alternatives for this would be appreciated. I suppose I could just set the page top as scrollTop or something.
To summarise:
Panel menu needs to scroll smoothly (momentum rather than direct touch)
Elastic edge on menu rather than window
iOS Safari address bar interfering with height
Page fixed at top when panel open
If any of my descriptions don't make sense, just visit on your phone and check out their menu.
ScrollFix seems to have solved all my issues.

How do you prevent a WebView from cropping the web content?

I thought the content would wrap to fit inside the WebView, but instead the right hand side is clipped off.
Sorry for asking such a noob question (WV should just wrap!).
Wrapping would be done in the HTML5 webpage, as it understands the device(PC or Mobile) and behaves accordingly, for others you need special webpage e.g. ( which acts as interface for mobile and for PCs).
For displaying the complete screen in single screen webview(scaled down) use the following code
yourWebView.scalesPageToFit = YES;
