iOS 6 Using Google Maps without UIWebView - ios

Is there any native solution using Google maps in iOS6 development?
Let's not assume UIWebView.
What do you think, are developers going to use Apple maps because they don't want to use UIWebView?

Under iOS 6.0 you will have to use UIWebView (the google maps rendering 'engine' is not present as before), this might change in the future but it's not very likely because google and apple don't like each other any longer.

How about using layered map tiles on top of Mapkit? See this link


Turn-By-Turn navigation using Google Map SDK and Swift in iOS app

There is an app, that should provide turn by turn navigation. At the moment it uses Google Map SDK and I was able to draw a route using Google Directions API and GMSPath using tutorial from AppCoda. Problem is it looks kind of ugly - simply thin blue line.
My questions is it possible create turn by turn navigation inside an app using Google Maps?
I think Google does provide this option but not for free.
Have a look at this:

Open Google Maps view inside iOS App

So basically I want to add navigation to my app, but I don't want to launch the Google Maps app for iOS and then return the user to my app, but I want to open up the navigation inside a ViewController, much like you can do with regular maps using MapViews for Google Maps.
Is this possible? I can only find resources on how to launch the Google Mapps app for iOS outside your own app, and it's not exactly the best sentence to search for either.
Just thought of a possible solution: Open the Google Maps Navigation from the Web in WebView...should work, right?
You could do that, if you really need to use Google Maps; however, this will probably look bad. A MKMapView is much easier to use, but it uses Apple's maps. If you want to use it, take a look at the CoreLocation and MapKit frameworks.
If you want to use Google Maps in your app, just implement Google Maps iOS SDK.

IOS 7 & app crashes when using UIwebview to display webpage that uses google maps api

we have a app that supports IOS 7 & 8. we have a web page that loads google map with the different markers.
UIWebView is used to load above page. the page loads fine but, if we zoom in or zoom out too much on the map while in street view the app gets crashed without any crash logs.
a. happens only when in street view.
b. reproducible on safari as well if we use that page directly.
is that a bug on google maps api or if anyone can help fix this.
If you were able to replicate this crash on Safari App itself, then you're safe to use it.
It looks like a bug that has to do with Google Maps, so you're safe.
You can also report this bug to Google so they can fix it ASAP.

How to set padding on map view (Mapbox-ios-sdk)

Does anybody knows how to set the padding on a MapBox mapView as Google Maps iOS SDK does?.
This example belongs to google maps iOS sdk 1.7.2 (VisibleRegionViewController).
What I want to do is to replicate the overlay view on MapBox SDK for iOS so I can keep the MapBox watermark logo visible when an overlay view is over the mapView.
I contacted MapBox support with the same question in 07/2014 and this was the response:
"Hi, No, there is no documentation for either of these use cases as they are somewhat custom.
We might add this sort of functionality in the future, but it's not there right now."
It looks like they don't provide a Google Maps equivalent of "padding".

iOS google streetview api

I would like to set up a web page with "browseable" streetview on an iPad(the newest one).. I've noticed that the scrolling controls and the little compass type view on streetview seem to require flash, which is not available on the iPad. So is it possible to have basic scrolling, panorama etc, with just JavaScript and no flash?.
Thanks, Aleks.
iOS 6 is under NDA and cannot be discussed here. Please direct all questions to
