Unable to change say voice in Tropo MVC - tropo

I'm using the Tropo MVC classes and have a problem with changing the voice in the say. Setting the voice property of the say object does not seem to change the voice for example:
Say say1 = new Say("This is first voice");
say1.Voice = "susan";
Say say2 = new Say("This is the male voice");
say2.Voice = "dave";
List<Say> sayList = new List<Say>();
Script.Ask(null, null, new Choices("[1 DIGIT]", "dtmf", "#"), null, strArgs, true, sayList, Convert.ToSingle(action.Timeout));
The voice does not change. In fact it appears that the only way to change the voice is to set Script.Voice = "voice" which doesn't work for me as I have to handle language select in the first Ask which requires English voice followed by French voice.

Tropo also supports SSML, which is a super powerful markup language for mixing voices and adjusting voice tempo/cadence.
You can mix voices in a single Say command by doing something like:
new Say("<?xml version='1.0'?><speak>For English please press 1.<voice name='Carlos' xml:lang='es'>para el español por favor pulse 2</voice></speak>")
The inline XML is kinda yukkie but it gets the job done and learning SSML will allow you to create some really professional-sounding apps.


multiple accent Langiage in gather speech in twilio

As our customer usually talk in different accent, like spanish ,indian and few other english accent. Is it possible to add multiple language accent in gather verb SPEECH RECOGNITION LANGUAGE?
Also I haven't found the "enhance" option in twilio studio.
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
//twiml.say("Testing voice command, please say something");
const gather = twiml.gather({
hints:"one, two, help, voicemail",
language:"en-US", //,en-US"
// enhanced:true
gather.say("Testing voice command, please say something and we will
transcribe it");
callback(null, twiml);
The recognized language is a single value. You would need to utilize a common way to ask what language they would like to interact with (say in English) before setting their primary language of choice.

Variable to change label on thingsboard

I would like to see if they can help me with the creation of a variable, where I can change the labels of the MQTT message that is sent from my IoT devices, in order to make it easier and to select the correct parameters when creating a dashboard. .
This is the message received to my server.
[{"n": "model", "d": "iot-zigbee1783"}, {"n": "Relay", "ap": true}, {"t": "gateway", "ma": "0035DDf45VAIoT215"}]
What I want is to change the label "d" for "deviceIoT" and "ap" for "door sensor" also if it is possible to change the true or false of the door sensor for open and closed.
You can do this with the help of Thingsboards rule-chain.
There is also an official tutorial for this:
They use the transformation-rule-node called script to convert temperatures from [°F] to [°C].
While this is not your use case, it shows you how to handle incoming telemetry before it is saved to the database.
You could do a mapping of value-keys like this:
var theCustomizedMessage = {};
theCustomizedMessage['customizedKey'] = msg['originalIncomingKey'];
return {msg: theCustomizedMessage, metadata: metadata, msgType: msgType};
Keep in mind that this might be contra-productive since you have to update the rule-node scripts, when something changes.
As an alternative option you can rename the key labels in the widget configuration. This will not help your dashboard developers. But a documentation document will do :)
I strongly recommend against the replacement of boolean values with strings ('closed', 'opened'). This is a job for the widgets (e.g. their value format functions).

Change request.comment-value?

I use different kinds of stop losses and would like to be notified (SendNotification()) about which kind of stop loss was hit upon trade exit.
Let's say I entered a trade by...
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.symbol = pSymbol;
request.type = pType;
request.sl = pStop;
request.tp = pProfit;
request.comment = pComment;
request.volume = pVolume;
request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_ASK);
request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_BID)
I would now like to have the request.comment changed by the last stop loss like so:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
request.symbol = pSymbol;
request.sl = pStop;
request.tp = pProfit;
request.comment = "Fixed SL";
request.order = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_IDENTIFIER);
Unfortunately the second block of code does not change the first request.comment = pComment; though (instead the new comment is [sl 1.19724]).
Is it possible to change the comment via TRADE_ACTION_SLTP? What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
I would now like to have the request.comment changed
There was never a way to do this in MQL4/5 trading platforms
Sad, but true.
The core-functionality was always focused on engineering a fast, reliable soft-real-time ( providing still just a best-effort scheduling alongside the stream of externally injected FxMarket-Event-Flow ), so bear with the product as-is.
Plus, there was always one more degree-of-uncertainty, the Broker-side automation was almost free for modifying the .comment-part of the Trade-position, so even if your OrderSend() was explicit on what ought be stored there, the result was unsure and the Broker-side could ( whenever, be it immediately or at any later stage ) change this field outside of any control ( which was not left on your side ), so the only semi-UUID# keys could have been placed into the .magic ( and your local-side application code always had to do all the job via some key:value storage extension to the otherwise uncertain Broker-side content.
Even the Trade number ( ID, ticket ) identifier is not always a persistent key and may change under some Trade management operations, so be indeed very carefull, before deciding your way.
like to be notified ( SendNotification() ) about which kind of stop loss was hit upon trade exit.
Doable, yet one will need to build all the middleware-logic on one's own :
The wish is clear and doable. Given a proper layer of middleware-logic will get built, one can enjoy whatever such automation.
Having built things like an augmented-visual-trading, remote AI/ML-quant-predictors or real-time fully-adaptive non-blocking GUI-quant-tools augmentations ( your trader gets online graphical visual aids inside GUI, automatically overlaid over other EA + Indicator tools on the GUI-surface, fully click-and-modify interactive / adaptive for fast visually augmented discretionary modifications of the traded asset management ), so only one's imagination and resources available are one's limit here.
Yet, one has to respect the published platform limits - the same as OrderModify() does not provide any means for the wish above, the add-on traded assets customer-specific reporting on position terminations is to be assembled by one's own initiative, as the platform does not provide ( for obvious reasons noted above ) any tools, relevant for such non-core activity.

World of Warcraft Lua - Changing frame:SetAttribute()

I'm working on an addon for World of Warcraft that completely overhauls the interface to adapt to my play style.
In this addon, I would like to have a large button that acts as a "main dps rotation" for my mage. I would like it to change what spell it casts based on what is optimal at any given time. It doesn't cast the spell automatically, it just presents the next best option for the user.
Here is my code so far:
print "Interface Overhaul : LOADED"
heatingUpIsActive = false
local Button = CreateFrame("Button", "MyButton", UIParent,"SecureActionButtonTemplate")
Button:SetText("Main Rotation")
Button:SetAttribute("type", "spell")
Button:SetAttribute("spell", "Fireball")
local function auraGained(self, event, ...)
if (UnitAura("player", "Heating Up")) then
if (heatingUpIsActive == false) then
heatingUpIsActive = true
print (heatingUpIsActive)
print ("Heating Up is active!")
Button:SetAttribute("spell", "Inferno Blast")
heatingUpIsActive = false
print("Heating Up is NOT active.")
Button:SetScript("OnEvent", auraGained);
local tex = Button:CreateTexture("ARTWORK");
If heatingUpIsActive == true, I would like the button to cast ("spell", "Inferno Blast") instead of ("spell", "Fireball"), but it doesn't work if I place that into the correct part of the if statements.
Any thoughts?
As Mud said, you cannot rebind buttons in combat anymore. Blizzard made this change to prevent bots from being able to automate combat. Notably, in order to cast a spell you need to use one of the secure templates, and these secure templates only allow modification of the attributes that control what they do when you're not in combat. So you cannot have one button change spells mid-combat. Similarly, they also prevent you from modifying attributes like their position or visibility, so you cannot move buttons under the mouse either.
The best you can do is display a visual indicator of what spell should be cast, but rely on the user to actually press the correct button.

Phonegap/Sencha Language Localization

The Problem:
I'm about to implement language localization to an already very large ipad application that was built using sencha touch wrapped in phonegap. I have the english and spanish translations in json files.
What I'm Planning on Doing:
I plan to load the json files into a sencha touch store, creating a global object. Then in each place where I call text that is displayed, i will replace the text with a call to the global object.
My question(s):
Is there an easier way to implement language localization with my
Will I run into issues with native sencha stuff (like datepickers)?
When loading/reloading language json files, will I have performance
issues (require a webview reload?, sencha object resizing issues,
edit 1 : Useful Related Info:
For those going down this road, it quickly becomes useful to write a simple phonegap plugin to get the ipad/iphone device's language setting into your javascript. This requires a plugin, which will look something like this:
Javascript :
part 1:
part 2(callback Function):
GlobalVar.CurrentLanguage = returnedLanguage; //GloablVar.CurrentLanguage already defined
Objective C:
-(void)getSystemLanguage:(NSMutableArray*)paramArray withDict:(NSMutableDictionary*)options
/*Plugin Details
Returns Language Code
NSUserDefaults* defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSArray* languages = [defs objectForKey:#"AppleLanguages"];
NSString *language = [languages objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(#"####### This is the language code%#",language);
NSString *jsCallBack;
jsCallBack = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"setLanguage('%#');",language];
[self.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsCallBack];
edit 2: character encoding
When adding additional language characters to a sencha project (or any webview phonegap project), ensure that you have the proper encoding specified in the index file. This is the tag i needed.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
I've finished this language localization plugin. It's not amazing, but it worked better than I originally speculated. Here are the short answers to each of the questions.
1- Is there an easier way to implement language localization with my
Not that i'm aware of. The comment by Stuart provided this link Sencha-touch localization. Use a store or a global JSON object? which had some good information on one way that you can use class overrides. I didn't like this approach, because it spread my language translations into different classes. But certainly, if you are doing something simple, or you want something that could be more powerful, perhaps you should investigate that.
2- Will I run into issues with native sencha stuff (like datepickers)?
I ended up specifically leaving "datepickers" in english for now. But everything else was really relatively easy to customize. Almost every graphical UI element can have it's text altered.
3- When loading/reloading language json files, will I have performance
issues (require a webview reload?, sencha object resizing issues,
The method that i employed (see below) worked exceptionally well in regards to performance. The one issue that you have is right when you switch the languages, you need that specific page to reload. Sencha handled resizing without any flaws, except where I had been foolish and statically set sizes.
Some of what I did was described in edits to the question. Here is a detailed overview of my solution. (warning, it's not the most elegant solution.)
Instead of using a pure JSON file, I ended up just using a javascript function. This isn't the greatest solution because it requires some minimal maintenance, but JSON parsing with phonegap/sencha isn't the best. (I get JSON files from translater's, and quickly paste into the javascript file. Takes around 2 minutes, see further explanation below).
function setLanguage(language)
if(language == "en")
//console.log("inside if Language == en");
GlobalLanguage.CurrentLanguage = language;
GlobalLanguage.ID = {"glossary": [
about : 'About',
checking_for_updates : 'Checking for updates...(This may take a few minutes.)'
//Any additional translations
if (language == "es"){
//console.log("inside language == es");
GlobalLanguage.CurrentLanguage = language;
GlobalLanguage.ID = {"glossary": [
about : 'Acerca de ',
checking_for_updates : 'Verificando actualizaciones... (Capas que demore algunos minutos).'
//Any additional translations
if (language == "pt"){
//console.log("inside language == pt");
GlobalLanguage.CurrentLanguage = language;
GlobalLanguage.ID = {"glossary": [
about : 'Sobre',
checking_for_updates : 'Verificando se há atualizações... (pode demorar alguns minutos.)'
//Any additional translations
As you can see, this file allows for 3 languages (Portugese, English, and Spanish). After setting the language, you could access each localized string anywhere in your object. For example, if you need to access the word "about" simply use:
This will access the GlobalLanguage object which will have whatever language loaded into the properties. So throughout your project, you could have these calls. However, I'd recommend taking it one step further
function langSay(languageIdentifier){
// console.log("inside langSay");
return "[! LANGUAGE EXCEPTION !]";
return GlobalLanguage.ID.glossary[0][languageIdentifier];
This protects you from having language exceptions and having your program crash without knowing where (you may have hundreds or thousands of properties being set in that language.js file). So now simply :
One additional note about formatting from JSON. The format you want your language files in is:
languageIdentifier : 'Translation',
languageIdentifier : 'Translation',
languageIdentifier : 'Translation'
I used Excel for the formatting. Also the languageIdentifiers are unique identifiers without spaces. I recommend just using Excel to format first 3 to 4 words word1_word2_word3_word4 of the english translation.
word1_word2_word3 : 'word1 word2 word3'
Hope this helps you out! I'd be happy to respond to any questions
