iOS multiple provisioning profiles with organization - ios

I am a member of an iOS developer team, and would like to also get an individual iOS developer account. I've looked all over and have not been able to figure out how to do this. Does anyone know how to go about it?

You can have an Apple ID associated with more than 1 developer teams (individual is a team of 1), however that account can only be an Agent for 1 of those teams.
It's sometimes easier to have a separate account per team you are a member of.

I tend to have separate accounts using different email addresses. One for work and one for myself.


Individual Apple Developer accounts in a Team with two members

Can two Individuals, both with paid Individual Developer Accounts create a team so that they both are able to submit updates to the app, without having to go to the route of registering an Enterprise account?
It seems not - the issue is that the second person can't get access to the provisioning profile for the app ID - unless I missed something.
No. Thats the point of having an Enterprise Account. While on individual, only one account can have provisioning files. Workaround is to login in both machines with the same account, which is something not recommended.

iOS team "Agent" or "User"

I'm running iOS app in simulator and it is asking me to sign in to my account. When I sign in there are 2 choices
name ----------------- Agent
name (Personal Team)-- User
which do I pick and what is the differences between them?
Similar to
but I have 2 choices instead of 1.
if your Developer account is Registered with Company then select a "AGENT" , if you Register Personal in Apple developer Then select a "USER"
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I have two options too for my apple ID which should I call it two teams.
one for my own dev accounts, the other one is my company's. My company's account add me to the develop group as a member, so I can access that.
They are completely different team. so, I can get two team's resource.
one for my own, one for work.
you can choose it in the target->General->Signing->team for the correct project.

Adding a developer to an Apple Developer account

I have an Apple Developer iOS Membership. I have hired a developer to write an iOS app for me. They said they don't have their own account so in order for us to test the app using ad-hoc provisioning we'll need to use my account. When I go to invite users into my account from the Member Center I am given 2 options to add this user as, 1) Admin, 2) Member. Is the correct way to give a developer access and which option should I give them? I want to give the least amount of privileges as possible. I don't want them to access any sensitive account information, just allow them to develop the app and allow for testing.
This is the overview of the roles but I am still not sure which is correct
It depends on what level of involvement you want to have with the project. In order to manage the full development life-cycle for an app you need to create provisioning files, generate certificates for distribution, generate App IDs ect. You can add you developer as a member but in that case many of these functions will have to be done by you as the admin. In the case of certificates (for distribution, push notifications etc) the 'member' can request them but they still need to be approved by an 'admin'.
So, if you want to give the least amount of privileges stick with the 'member option with the understanding that you will need to be involved periodically.
I guess Member is what you should go for.

iOS provisioning, team ID confusion

I am a member of 3 registered iOS Development teams:
My individual iOS Developer account.
My business iOS Developer account team.
My client's iOS Developer account team.
I would now like to use the iOS Provisioning Portal to create a new App ID.
As part of the App ID form for creating a new App ID, I need to select a Team ID. I've done this many times before, but I think something may have changed, because today, when selecting the Team ID, I'm offered the choice of 3 10-character identifiers of the form (these are not the actual values),
Use Team ID
Unfortunately, it isn't clear how each of these correspond to the teams I'm a member of...
If I go to Xcode Organiser to try and find references to these Team IDs to get some context, I see that those views [more helpfully] use the team's full names ...but without visibility on the corresponding Team IDs.
I've looked under the Key Chain, and there are no clues there either.
How do I find out which of the teams I a member of these IDs correspond to?
Ok I figured it out, go to click your account then on the left click organization profile and it will show you the Company/Organization ID
Find out your certificates in Keychain Access, right click on the Certificate and select Get info. Then locate scroller down to Details section and Expand it if needed. There you can find User ID or Team ID.
Hope it helps!

iOS: Can more than one person share an Apple developer account (as a team) on multiple Macs?

Or do we need to set up multiple accounts and link them together as a team?
I learned: The company account is the same price as the individual account:
Yes, as long as the Developer Account is a Company account, the lead can add multiple accounts as a team. As long as the Macs have their certificates that match the account, there shouldn't be any issues.
