need to have multiple language.
configured i18n.rb:
Refinery::I18n.configure do |config|
config.enabled = true
config.default_locale = :en
config.current_locale = :en
config.default_frontend_locale = :en
config.frontend_locales = [:en, :ru]
config.locales = {:en=>"English", :ru=>"Russian"}
generated engine in refinerycms:
rails generate refinery:engine product title:string description:text image:image --i18n title description
rails generate refinery:products
I'm getting the following error: No route matches {:locale=>:en, :controller=>"refinery/products/products", :action=>"show", :id=>"1"} when I try to open any page of engine
Please help!
After I added a custom engine to my CMS, I was having the same issue; my 'locale selector' in my application layout file caused the error you described:
-# Haml:
- locales.each do |locale|
%li= link_to Refinery::I18n.locales[locale], url_for(:locale => locale), :title => Refinery::I18n.locales[locale], :class => "flags-#{locale}"
By changing url_for into refinery.url_for this solved the problem:
-# Haml:
- locales.each do |locale|
%li= link_to Refinery::I18n.locales[locale], refinery.url_for(:locale => locale), :title => Refinery::I18n.locales[locale], :class => "flags-#{locale}"
Can't explain what happened yet, but maybe this will solve your problem.
To be honest, all credits should go to this answer :)
Did you run:
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
after you did rails generate refinery:products?
I'm newbie using ruby and middleman, I've created my project and all are working fine, but when I go to /es path I don't get any translation. I've searched for info without any results and tried to move code between folders testing configs and nothing.
My folder structure is:
My YAML files
home: 'Home'
home: 'Inicio'
= link_to t(:home), '/', class: "#{'active' if current_page.url == '/'}"
= link_to 'Portfolio', '/portfolio', class: "#{'active' if current_page.url == '/portfolio/'}"
= link_to t(:skills), '/skills', class: "#{'active' if current_page.url == '/skills/'}"
= link_to t(:about), '/about', class: "#{'active' if current_page.url == '/about/'}"
= link_to t(:contact), '/contact', class: "#{'active' if current_page.url == '/contact/'}"
My config
# Page options, layouts, aliases and proxies
# Per-page layout changes:
# With no layout
page '/*.xml', layout: false
page '/*.json', layout: false
page '/*.txt', layout: false
# With alternative layout
# page "/path/to/file.html", layout: :otherlayout
# Proxy pages (
# proxy "/this-page-has-no-template.html", "/template-file.html", locals: {
# which_fake_page: "Rendering a fake page with a local variable" }
# General configuration
set :partials_dir, 'partials'
activate :i18n, :templates_dir => 'partials'
activate :directory_indexes
# Reload the browser automatically whenever files change
configure :development do
activate :livereload
# Helpers
# Methods defined in the helpers block are available in templates
# helpers do
# def some_helper
# "Helping"
# end
# end
# Build-specific configuration
configure :build do
# Minify CSS on build
activate :minify_css
# Minify Javascript on build
activate :minify_javascript
I couldn't write a comment, but I think this might be the reason, your es.yml is wrong, since it starts en:
home: 'Inicio'
Shouldn't it be
home: 'Inicio'
I know this question is months old but I just had the same problem, looked all over the web for hours trying to find and answer and managed to fix the issue by adding these parameters after activating i18n:
configure :build do
activate :i18n,
:mount_at_root => 'en',
:lang_map => { :'en' => 'en', :'es' => 'es' },
:path => '/'
Obviously, if you want "es" to be your default, change mount_at_root.
Hope this helps.
I achieved localized paths with separate URLs for English and Spanish by
adding in the root of the source directory
and setting activate :i18n, :path => "/:locale/" in the config.rb
In the browser, my language selector sends users to / or /es:
Folder structure
configure :build do
activate :i18n, :path => "/:locale/"
activate :directory_indexes
Using t as a shortcut for I18n.t, I dynamically reference the translated value through the data.
<%= link_to t([]),,
:id =>,
:class => 'btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-dark'
The value of "text" correlates to the key in the .yml files.
"slides": [
"text": "slides.learnMore",
learnMore: "LEARN MORE"
learnMore: "APRENDE MÁS"
Move all your .erb.html that require to be duplicated per language to the folder: /source/localizable as explained in the docs:
You can change this folder name using the modifier: templates_dir:
# Look in `source/language_specific` instead
activate :i18n, :templates_dir => "language_specific"
Ruby 1.9.3 and using HAML.
Trying to build a form to go to a specific action, but having problem with routing. The code on the form is
%form#feedback_form{:action=>"give_feedback_account_path", :method => 'post', :style => "padding: 0 5px;"}
%input{:name => "authenticity_token", :value => form_authenticity_token, :type => "hidden"}
blah blah blah
%input#feedback_submit{:type => "submit", :value => "give feedback"}
When I try to submit the form I get a 404 response, and looking at the server log gives me...
Started POST "/give_feedback_account_path" for at 2014-06-03 10:07:12 +0100
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/give_feedback_account_path"):
When I run rake routes to get the details I get
give_feedback_account POST /account/give_feedback(.:format)
{:action=>"give_feedback", :controller=>"accounts"}
What am I missing?
Your url is /give_feedback_account_path, which is not good. To fix it, you can use form_tag helper:
= form_tag give_feedback_account_path, method: 'post', style: 'padding: 0 5px;' do
// your form goes here
change this
to this
:action => give_feedback_account_path
give_feedback_account_path is a method. You want to call it, to get the actual path.
I am following the Spree deface overrides developer guide:
My code matches their's exactly, but I keep getting this error. I looked all around but I didn't see anyone else having this problem or anything similar at all:
undefined method `content_tag' for Spree:Module
I am running Rails 4.0.2 and ruby 1.9.3 (it's possible that the tutorial wasn't updated for rails 4?)
here's my code:
app/overrides/add_sale_price_to_product_edit.rb => 'spree/admin/products/_form',
:name => 'add_sale_price_to_product_edit',
:insert_after => "erb[loud]:contains('text_field :price')",
:text => "
<%= f.field_container :sale_price do %>
<%= f.label :sale_price, raw(Spree.t(:sale_price)) %><span>*</span>
<%= f.text_field :sale_price, :value =>
number_to_currency(#product.sale_price, :unit => '') %>
<%= f.error_message_on :sale_price %>
<% end %>
module Spree
Product.class_eval do
delegate_belongs_to :master, :sale_price
You're getting the error because the translation for Spree.t(:sale_price) is not specified. This is failing because Rails 4.0.2 made some changes to the I18n API . You have a few choices.
Add a translation for the missing tag and remember that this content_tag issue is caused by this crazy bug.
Downgrade to Rails 4.0.0 (not recommended)
Upgrade spree to the 2-1-stable branch (or wait until 2.1.4 is released)
Apply this change to your local Spree installation. It should correct this issue.
Any of those should get you working again.
I'm using Capybara with RSpec to check my Rails project.
I'm testing errors when form fields are not correctly filled. Here is the form (using haml):
= form_tag '/objects', :class => 'objects-form' do
%li= select_tag 'object', options_for_select([['Select an object', ''], ['Car', 'CAR'], ['Keys', 'KEYS'], ['Ambrella', 'AMBRELLA']]), :id => 'select-object'
%li= text_field_tag :quantity, nil
%li= submit_tag 'Buy', :id => 'object-submit'
When an error occurs (in this case, not choosing an object but only a quantity), a flash message is displayed (with a .flash-error class name):
- flash.each do |type, msg|
= content_tag :div, msg, :class => "flash-#{type}", :id => 'flash-msg'
So, here is my Capybara test:
it 'Should return error when no object selected' do
within 'form.objects-form' do
fill_in 'quantity', :with => '1'
click_button 'object-submit'
current_path.should == objects_path
page.should have_css 'div.flash-error'
But I get the following Capybara error:
Failure/Error: page.should have_css 'div.flash-error'
expected #has_css?("div.flash-error") to return true, got false
The opened page (using save_and_open_page) shows the error message with the appropriate div:
I'm using the latest version of Capybara (since many similar problems on Stackoverflow are relative to old versions of Capybara) using gem 'capybara', :git => ''
Any idea? Thank in advance.
Corrected typing mistake on Capybara code, as detected by Alex.
The problem is your selector you are using in capybara is div#flash-error but your div is div#flash-msg.flash-error or more simply div.flash-error.
Can anyone tell me how to implement badgeville in ruby on rails?
how can I apply this on ruby on rails?
I'm not sure how this particular gem work, but normally it should work with following steps
create a file called 'badgeville.rb' inside app/config/initializers
add the following code to badgeville.rb
:host_name => "",
:api_key => MY_API_KEY)
then you should be able to use the following commands inside your
controllers/ models
new_site =
:name => "My Website",
:url => "",
:network_id => MY_NETWORK_ID )
success =