cvCaptureFromFile always returns NULL, Visual Studio 2005 - opencv

I've got a problem with the cvCaptureFromFile function. It always returns NULL. I've done some research on the internet and I've added PATH to ffmpeg's "bin" directory.
But it's still the same. So I've tried to open the desired file with ffplay.exe. It returns an error which says "Invalid data found when processing an input". It is a "mjpg" file, which should be played with ffmpeg. Then I tried the same with some "mpg" file.
Now the message is "no such file or directory" which is not true, because the file is in the place. What else should I do?
The files all right with Media-Player and VLC player.
Please help!


All of a sudden R does not read my excel files

So today all of a sudden R does not read my excel files. I made absolutely no change on my computer.
My working directory is "C:/Users/Ilias Iliadis/OneDrive/Documents" (i got this with getwd() ).
This is the error message that is displayed: Error in read.xlsx.default("GerBiogas") : File does not exist.
GerBiogas is the file i am trying to load. I am absolutely sure it is in the correct folder and i spell it properly. The file is also in xlsx form. I unistalled and reinstalled R but the problem remains.
Do you have any idea was is going on? All of a sudden i cannot load any of my files.
I am trying to load it with this:
i also tried to specify the path: DT <- read.xlsx("C:\Users\Ilias Iliadis\OneDrive\Documents\GerBiogas.xlsx")
Again it does not work. I am using R version 4.2.2.

Upload audio file to Jodit

I'm trying to configure my Jodit editor (v.3.0) in order to be able to upload also audio files.
I've put
$config['extensions'} = ['jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'wav', 'mp3'];
in my config file and it stopped giving me the error "File type is not in white list", but it doesn't appear to execute any action.
What can I try?
First you've closed the extensions array key with a } but I think is just a mistype
For the issue: I've figure out that the mp3 I'm trying to load is actually an mpeg file, even if the extension is .mp3
How to test: got to your connector, open the file connector>vendor>jodit>application>src>components>BaseApplication.php and comment out all the "if" statement with 'File type is not in white list' (for me is near line 365).
Now try to upload the file and you'll see the real extension. Mine was mpeg and after removing the comments to the BaseApplication.php file and adding the mpeg extention to the config.php the file was uploaded as expected.
Hope this can help you and a others (even my future me searching this issue again hehehe)

Module build failed (from ./node_modules/#ngtools/webpack/src/index.js):

I have created an application on angular 7 and ionic 4.
I tried to edit app.routing.ts file, setting path and component. From then on I am getting this error below:
ERROR in ./src/app/department/department.module.ts
[ng] Module build failed (from ./node_modules/#ngtools/webpack/src/index.js):
[ng] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\x\department\department.module.ts'
[ng] at Object.openSync (fs.js:436:3)
[ng] at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:341:35)
[ng] at Storage.provideSync (C:\Users\x\node_modules\enhanced-resolve\lib\CachedInputFileSystem.js:98:13)
Make sure department component exist, check the templateUrl that corresponds to the file name you are referencing. You may have also modified the path unknowingly during modification of app.routing.ts file.
This error occurs when your component can't be found with your app.module settings.
Follow these steps to solve your problem:
Check if the module.ts file exists.
Check the relative path.
The path is case sensitive (maybe the .ts file is Department).
Both answer are useful from #trustidkid and #vinay sharma. If there is someone has been facing the same problem;
1-Go to to the file that the error has occurred in. (To go directly to the file, click the error line shortly [CTRL+Click] (CMD+Click on MacOS):
ERROR in ./src/app/department/department.module.ts
Then check the path address if it is exactly true pointing the file. Most of these problems are having similar solutions. Just be sure about the path address of the file you want to point and the address mentioned in the other file which the error occurred.
This problem happens when you delete a component but forgot to delete its import from module.ts.
For example: TestComponent is deleted so you have to also delete:
import { TestComponent } from './test.component'
If you have a folder mapping on a windows machine like me, do not try to build it from a mapped folder, go to the original folder and build it from there.
Mapped Folder has a small icon like this:
In my case I had prime ng version that did not support a particular module, I simply commented it out and it worked.

windows installer error when specifying "setupIcon"

I've already packaged the app correctly and am now going through the whole electron-winstaller processs, following the Christian Engvall tutorial exactly.
In createInstaller.js I have the standard
return Promise.resolve({
appDirectory: path.join(outPath, '/MyApp-win32-x64/'),
authors: 'Me',
noMsi: true,
outputDirectory: path.join(outPath, 'windows-installer'),
exe: 'MyApp.exe',
setupExe: 'Setup.exe',
setupIcon: path.join(rootPath, '/path/to/appicon.ico')
If I remove the setupIcon parameter, it builds the installer just fine. However if I keep it there, I get an 'Unable to load file' error from the console. I've verified that the path to the .ico file is in fact correct, and is a valid .ico file.
What could possibly be happening?
To fix the Setup Icon error when creating an installer with electron-wininstaller you can use Resource Hacker.
It is for editing the exe file and you can change the ressource file and icons.
For more information you there is a tutorial here.

XNA error - file not found

I am working on XNA with XML reading. While I'm debugging the code its shows file not found error, but I added my XML file in Content reference folder. While I'm using this code I got the error.
System.IO.Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("ProductSchema");
Thanks in advance.
Shawn explains this very well in this post: Shawn's blog entry
Try adding the extension:
System.IO.Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("ProductSchema.xml");
Check whether that file is present in the bin folder where your game .exe file lives (bin\Windows Phone\Debug\Content). If not, then this may be the problem. To solve this :
right click the file >> select property >> change build action to None and copy to output directory to Copy if newer.
This works for me while loading/reading binary files in my game.
