Different PDF output In IE Vs FF using TCPDF - tcpdf

In our webapplication we create a PDF based on some XHTML code. For some test purposed I've added some static XHTML in A PHP variable and put that into TCPDF which create as follow a PDF from it. The strange thing is that the PDF which are created in Firefox is different then the PDF I created in Internet Explorer. Same URL / Same code / Same content for the PDF.
I've writed the PDF to the filesystem for the tests and look the PDF's with Adobe reader.
How is this possible? TCPDF is browser independent I think.

Please try with this code, add it in the PHP code section. Also check the XHTML content works same in both IE and FF. Just view the content in browser before creating the PDF.
header('Content-type: application/pdf')


tcpdf jQuery object conversion issue to pdf

I need to generate a PDF report and make that available as download on the screen.
I created an html to display the report and passing the html to TCPDF to convert the html to PDF.
There is a jQuery component in html which shows a graph. This graph is not converting into PDF.
If I display the html directly on browser the jQuery component runs and displays the visual graph but TCPDF is not able to display the graph in PDF.
Here is the jQuery component that I am using for displaying the graph: http://www.jqueryscript.net/loading/Minimalist-Graphical-Progress-Indicator-with-jQuery-Canvas-circleGraphic.html.
Please help.
It is pretty naive to expect all the scripts, styles and dynamically generated canvases to readily work in any environment which is not a so-called «grade A» web browser.
TCPDF has its graphic methods which you could use to draw vector images resembling your graphs.

Can not generate _blank links on PDF via pdfkit on rails app

I have a rails app that generates a pdf for a given html partial. In the partial I have a number of links that have a target of _blank, however in the generated PDF the target looks like it is being ignored.
I just want the pdf to open links in a new tab/window.
A collaborators from PDFKIT said
"This sounds like a problem with wkhtmltopdf (which is what renders the pdf from the html). (Pdfkit just wires up everything between ruby/rails and that binary.)"
Any help would be appreciated.
Sean Hubers Answer:
PDFs are not marked up with HTML. How a link click is handled in a PDF
depends on the PDF viewer you are using. Modern browsers with built-in
PDF viewers may navigate to the page within the same frame as the PDF
view and that is not something that can be controlled with an HTML
element attribute. What happens if your link is clicked when the PDF
is being viewed in Adobe Acrobat or Mac Preview? You're at the whim of
the software and operating system. Sorry to bear the bad news but this
is the reality of the PDF format.

IOS7: How to add hyperlinks in a pdf file?

I created a pdf file with 5 pages in the iPad's document directory.
Each page has a paragraph describing the page (e.g. "Page1", "Page2", etc.)
The pdf is totally code generated using UIGraphicsBeginPDFPage.
I would like to change the paragraph in an hyperlink targeting another page inside the pdf file (or an external webpage).
So when the pdf is opened in a PDF reader, the user could change page just clicking on the hyperlink.
Is this something possible with the SDK?
Thank you in advance

How to embed pdf files into browser with links in .cshtml

I'm new to MVC and would like to find out how to view PDF files. Specifically, I have a bunch of PDF files on server. I would like to render links to those PDF files using MVC and allow the user to click on a link to view the PDF file in a browser. Thank you in advance for your help.
You may use some javascript or pdf readers controll.
Look at : http://viewerjs.org/

embed javascript to a jasper report pdf?

I want to embed a javascript function into a pdf file generated by jasper.
it comes to my mind because I want to make the pdf file auto open printing dialog.
after reading this question and tried this example I want to do the same.
but I use iReport designer to create my pdf templates and then export using struts actions, any idea how to embed javascript with ireport?
You can try to use the net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.javascript property.
The information about this property is here.
