desire2learn api adding content - desire2learn

Whenever I make a GET call to "/d2l/api/le/(D2LVERSION: version)/(D2LID: orgUnitId)/content/modules/(D2LID: moduleId)/structure/" I get a list of content in the provided moduleId structure. However, when I make a POST call I get a Page Not Found error. I've replaced the orgUnitId with the id of the course I want to add content to and replaced the moduleId with the id of the module I want to insert the content into. Here is the JSON block I'm sending:
"Title":"My Test File",
I don't understand why I get the page not found error on the post and not on the get. Anyone have any ideas?

We were able to successfully post a similar link-topic on our test server. The HTTP packet (captured by wireshark) looks like this:
POST /d2l/api/le/1.2/8083/content/modules/24980/structure/?x_t={timestamp}&x_a={app_id}&x_b={user_id}&x_d={user_sig}&x_c={app_sig} HTTP/1.1\r\n
Host: {test_hostname}\r\n
Content-Length: 186\r\n
Content-Type: application/json\r\n
Accept-Encoding: identity, deflate, compress, gzip\r\n
Accept: */*\r\n
JavaScript Object Notation: application/json
Member Key: "StartDate"
Null value
Member Key: "TopicType"
Number value: 3
Member Key: "ShortTitle"
String value: MTF
Member Key: "Title"
String value: My Test File
Member Key: "Url"
String value:
Member Key: "IsHidden"
False value
Member Key: "IsLocked"
False value
Member Key: "EndDate"
Null value
Member Key: "Type"
Number value: 1
Here is what the JSON data looks like printed out as the UTF-8 string sent:
{"StartDate": null, "TopicType": 3, "ShortTitle": "MTF", "Title": "My Test File", "Url": "", "IsHidden": false, "IsLocked": false, "EndDate": null, "Type": 1}
I see no significant difference between our JSON and yours, so the problem likely lies with the packet that you're actually sending out. A 404 would suggest that the route you're using is not exactly as it should be (for example, there should be a trailing slash after 'structure' in the route).
It's also possible that you're running into a permissions issue for the user-context making the call. Notice that the role permissions for viewing course content (and structure) are different to the permissions for creating and managing course content. You should ensure that the user context making the call has a role that grants it the appropriate permissions for not only viewing course content, but creating and managing content as well.
If neither of these suggestions helps, then I suggest escalating to the next level of support (open an issue with D2L's issue tracker for Valence, or contact the Valence support email address) so they can help you out more directly and with more detail back and forth.


How do I get the mimetype and file ID using the Microsoft Graph API for OneDrive?

We are integrating our product with MS OneDrive. Our users will connect their MS accounts and choose a folder that they want us to pull files from. Our system only supports certain file types so we have to get the mimetype information AND the file ID after making a request. But we can't find a request that brings back both pieces of information so we can determine if we should pull a file or not.
This is close, but it doesn't give us the mimetype information.
Anyone have any ideas?
The get method lets you retrieve all kinds of information about a file:
It returns a driveItem object, that has a file property. And that file property has a mimeType property. See here and here
Unfortunately that means, that you will need more than one request to get the information you want.
If filtering by filename suffix is good enough for you, you can query OneDrive like this:
POST /search/query
Content-Type: application/json
"requests": [
"entityTypes": [
"query": {
"queryString": "filetype:docx OR filetype:doc"

Can't Update Sharepoint Managed Meta Data Field from Microsoft Graph Explorer

I'm trying to update the fields associated with a list item via Graph Explorer, (or a REST API call). For one of the fields, its value can be one item from a term set (managed meta data). I can see each of the elements in the term set and get each termguid when I visit
I'm trying to do a PATCH request with a URL of something like,FOO,BAR/drive/root/children/Test%20Document.txt/listItem/fields (or,FOO,BAR/drive/list/items/1/fields) to identify the fields associated with a specific item
To update the CakeType field, I've set the request body to the following:
"CakeType": {
"Label": "Apple",
"TermGuid": "3a3ad73f-94ca-4d1e-a25c-XXXX",
"WssId": -1
When I then press the Run Query button, I get an InvalidClientQueryException with a message of "A value without a type name was found and no expected type is available. When the model is specified, each value in the payload must have a type which can be either specified in the payload, explicitly by the caller or implicitly inferred from the parent value."
So, I've been trying to figure out what datatype to specify and how to... In various examples online, I've seen adding a field named __metadata and others adding #odata.type, like CakeType#odata.type for the case here. I've tried adding these lines within the CakeType JSON and outside it, for the whole structure. Neither worked...
"CakeType": {
"__metadata" : {"type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" },
"Label": "Apple",
"TermGuid": "3a3ad73f-94ca-4d1e-a25c-XXXX",
"WssId": -1
"__metadata" : {"type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" },
"CakeType": {
"Label": "Apple",
"TermGuid": "3a3ad73f-94ca-4d1e-a25c-XXXX",
"WssId": -1
I've also tried using the field name in the type which I thought I saw somewhere...
"__metadata" : {"type" : "SP.Data.CakeType" },
and tried
"CakeType#odata.type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" ,
"CakeType#odata.type" : "SP.Data.CakeType",
"#odata.type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" ,
The only things that gave a different error message was when I put "CakeType#odata.type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" , immediately after the opening { or without the CakeType part within the CakeType...
"CakeType#odata.type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" ,
"CakeType": {
"Label": "Apple",
"TermGuid": "3a3ad73f-94ca-4d1e-a25c-XXXX",
"WssId": -1
"CakeType": {
"#odata.type" : "SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue" ,
"Label": "Apple",
"TermGuid": "3a3ad73f-94ca-4d1e-a25c-XXXXX",
"WssId": -1
Each gave an error of "A type named 'SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue' could not be resolved by the model. When a model is available, each type name must resolve to a valid type."
This makes me think that I have the right field name but the wrong type...
So... what should I be naming the type so I can update the managed meta data field? or... what must the JSON be if the above structure is so far off... or how can I update the field strictly using the Graph API.
I thought looking at schema extensions might help (GET but it didn't...
Ultimately, I'm trying to update the managed meta data field from Java with the classes in so if I can figure out the right stuff with Graph Explorer, I can then move over to Java. I've seen some examples of such in other languages but can't figure out the right way to do same in Java.
Here is how I was finally able to do this.
First you need the id of the hidden field which is the displayName corresponding to your field CakeType which should be CakeType_0.
I used this REST call to get find the id:{sitid}/lists/{listid}/items?expand=hidden
This will return all your fields and you want the one with the _0 suffix:
..."displayName": "Cake_0",...
"name": "d39a5181f12f41a483acb1a4e47477b1"...
It is this name id you need to use to update the field.
So then the PATCH call on your item is like this:{sitid}/lists/{listid}/items/{itemid}
Then the payload syntax is like this:
So it would look like this (assuming Apple is the 4th tag although I think -1 might work there too):
For more than one tag separate them with ;# all within the same quoted string
I was having the same issue, and found this:
The feature request:
Support for setting SharePoint Managed Metadata (taxonomy) column values and other complex column types on items via the Graph API
The response:
Thank you for your feedback! This work is on the backlog and currently isn’t scheduled. The feature will be updated here once dev work has started. -EY

How do I get a usable email message reference id from headers to use in a Microsoft Graph query?

I am trying to use the references message ID in email headers of a forwarded email in Office 365 to then find the original email that has that message ID.
The references ID in the forwarded email's headers would show something like what's shown below. Note I'm obtaining these headers from Microsoft Graph by adding &$select=internetMessageHeaders to my query using sender/subject to find the forwarded email.
"name": "References",
"value": "<>"
However, if I take this and use it in a query like$filter=internetMessageId eq '<>'
I do not receive any results.
If I hunt down the original email in Microsoft Graph using sender and subject, I see the following for the internetMessageId field for the original email:
"name": "Message-ID",
"value": "<>"
Does anyone have any ideas on what Office 365 or Microsoft Graph is doing to change CAOLK2SAEzvs=-6Rs5cTbgORNivQVK2AvMJDJT8o+ghx-XhCn7w into CAOLK2SC6s9Me05kYRqeuEHKK8DrQbXx34ScT0AzGOFFLMdRapg? It looks like some sort of encoding, but I haven't been able to reproduce it.
Ultimately I would like to be able to transform what I'm getting in the references ID header such that I can turn around and use that ID to find the original email using Microsoft Graph.
The id is a hashed value that, among other things, includes the path/folder that the message resides in. So if you, for example, move a message (say from Inbox to Archive) then you should expect the id to change.
For tracking a message, regardless of its location, you should use the internetMessageId ($select=internetMessageId) property instead.
I discovered the issue. In my test message-ID I have the characters = and +
These characters must be URL encoded to %3D and %2B before being used in the $filter query. When they are URL encoded, I am able to find the original email using MS Graph.
In Microsoft Graph v1.0 and beta, you can obtain "immutable ids" by sending an additional HTTP header in your API requests:
Prefer: IdType="ImmutableId"
I've put immutable in italics as this is the term Microsoft uses. Be aware of the following caveats, the ID will change if:
The user moves the item to an archive mailbox;
The user exports the item (to a PST, as an MSG file, etc.) and re-imports it into their mailbox;
The user creates a draft which they later send;
You can also convert existing ids to immutable ones by the following request:
"inputIds" :
"targetIdType" : "restImmutableEntryId",
"sourceIdType" : "restId"
Which will give you the response:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(microsoft.graph.convertIdResult)",
"value": [
"targetId": "AAkALgAA...",
"sourceId": "AQMkAGM2..."

Creating Post with Dynamics CRM Web API

A Post entity ( cannot be created using Dynamics CRM 2016 Online Web API.
This payload should create a post on POST /api/data/v8.1/posts
"text": "Test Single Post",
"source": 1,
"type": 7
(source 1 is an auto post, type 7 is a status post)
But it returns:
"message":"An unexpected error occurred.",
"message":"An unexpected error occurred..."
Submitting the same payload with only "text" fails too.
Notice that the Post entity does not have single-valued navigation properties ( that will allow me to set the related entity (contact, account, etc).
For example, Creating a Task entity ( works fine on POST /api/data/v8.1/tasks
"subject": "Test Single Task",
"description": "Test One Description of Task",
"regardingobjectid_contact_task#odata.bind": "/contacts(<someguid>)",
"scheduledend": "2016-07-21T12:11:19.4875892Z"
It seems to me that Post should expose something like regardingobjectid_contact_post#odata.bind, but it does not.
For context, this is how to create a Post via the SOAP endpoint and the SDK:
var result = Client.getOrganizationService().Create(new Post
Text = post.text,
RegardingObjectId = new EntityReference(
Does anyone have a working example of a Post created via the Web API? Is this an omission in the Dynamics CRM Web API?
It doesn't look like this is listed in the limitations:
It appears that the postregarding entity is where the link should be created to contact/account. This can be demonstrated by querying:
/posts?$filter=postregardingid/regardingobjectid_contact/contactid eq <someguid>
However, a "deep insert" like so does not work:
The response is
Cannot create child entities before parent entity.
Nowhere it's mentioned like Post (activity feed) cannot be created using webapi. In fact it's not listed as crm webapi limitation like you pointed out.
Also on comparison, _regardingobjectid_value lookup property of post is different from activitypointer. Single valued navigation property too.
Out of curiosity, My investigation moved towards the Partner - post_PostRegardings
Only thing making sense - postregarding is strictly internal use. This could be the reason for all such behavior. This is my theory per v8.2 today(Aug 12 2017)
Description: Represents which object an activity feed post is regarding. For internal use only.
Entity Set path:[organization URI]/api/data/v8.2/postregardings
Base Type: crmbaseentity EntityType
Display Name: Post Regarding
Primary Key: postregardingid
Looks like MS recommend the community to use Organization service to create a custom Post record. Web api is still broken. Read more
I was recently struggling with this issue with an Activity table made using powerapps. For those who are interested, here's my post request:
"regardingobjectid_contact#odata.bind": "/contacts(xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)",
"description": "data for this entity",
"subject": "more data"
I didn't do anything different from other peoples' answers. I'll give an update if this problem fails sporadically. But as it is right now, it looks like regardingobjectid may be working in version 9.1
using D365 Api v9.1
POST https://{domain}
"text": "This is a private message post",
"source": 1,
"type": 4
source :
Auto Post
Manual Post
ActionHub Post
type :
Private Message

"additional properties" error in Survey Monkey API call

I'm trying to use the create_flow endpoint to the Survey Monkey API. It is sending back a status 3 message with the following error:
additional properties not defined by 'properties' are not allowed in field '_data'
I'm able to do successfully use all other API endpoints and have a valid API key and durable OAuth token.
Here's an example JSON body that I'm sending to:
"survey": {
"template_id": "566",
"survey_title": "test1",
"collector": {
"type": "email",
"name": "collector1",
"recipients": [
"email": ""
"email_message": {
"reply_email": "",
"subject": "this is a test"
Note: JSON formatting here is being generated automatically using RJSONIO
Any ideas what might be causing the error? It seems like all fields are correctly named and where they're supposed to be, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
It's a bad error message unfortunately - it's a known issue. It means you are providing extra keys that are not part of the create_flow schema.
The issue here is that the "email_message" and "collector" keys have been nested inside of "survey", instead of being in the main JSON body like the "survey" key. Move them out a level and it should work.
