Is it possible to distribute using Testflight and crashreport with crashlytics - ios

I am using testflight to distribute a beta of my app and sometimes having issues logging in to the websites. I want to try crashlytics but i read that there some issues with using both at the same time. Can i not include testflight SDK and still be able to distribute beta using it? Is that a normal practice or i should just stick to one? What about using hockeyapp for both?
Also for people that use crashlytics do you ask the user first to allow sending crash reports.
PS if this question is not approriate for stackoverflow please let me know where with stackexchange
Thank you in advance!

Wayne from Crashlytics here. Crashlytics is compatible and you shouldn't have any worries. For support you can contact at

You do not need to use the testflight SDK to distribute with testflight, so remove that and use ccrashlytics.
You can ask them before they become the beta user, you dont need to ask each time. If you put that code into production, then you should ask every time before sending.


Crashlytics does not work in corona sdk

After the project was launched, the application was not added to the dashboard.
I launched the project on an android SDK with the same package name. After that, the application was added to the dashboard.
Events such as "sendCustomEvent" work. But the crash still is not sent. Does anyone know the solution?
Todd from Fabric here. Corona is not currently supported by our SDKs due to the way it builds projects. Barring official support, I'd love to hear if any one has gotten this up and running and the steps they used to do so. Thanks!
I was able to send a crash. It was necessary to remove the application using adb.
adb uninstall "name.package"

One bundle identifier in Crashlytics for multiple apps

I have a whitelabeled app and every customer's app has its own unique bundle identifier. This causes Crashlytics to flood with different apps which potentially could have the same crash report. I would like to have it all grouped under one app, so it's easier to maintain.
I know there's a solution for Android (, but couldn't find anything for iOS.
Does anybody know if this is possible for iOS and if so, how can I do this?
Mike from Fabric here.
Currently, there isn't a way to do this on iOS for Fabric. I'll let the team know you'd like to see it added in.
I have the same situation, and I've confirmed with testing today that Crashlytics forces me to have a separate app in their system for each of my customers. I suspect with Firebase/Google integration this will not change as they'll be offering a complete app framework (just as the transition from Xamarin Insights -> HockeyApp -> Microsoft Mobile Center). I reviewed the alternatives today; has had long-standing support for Xamarin and the only association between your app and Raygun is a text key, and it works with or without the dSYM files. So far so good!

With TestFlight being replaced by iTunes Connect, what will happen to enterprise app beta testing?

I couldn't find anything about enterprise beta testing in the iTunes Connect Developer Guide so I hope this question doesn't seem too out of place here. Also, it says here that even the beta will be subject to a review. We are using private APIs so the app will not pass the review.
What I want to be able to do is continue beta testing our enterprise apps without any AppStore reviews. Can I do this on iTunes Connect or do I have to find an alternative now? If its the second, then could you please recommend any possible alternatives. Thanks in advance!
Let's see if Apple is coming up with some updates to the current version. It's not only the Enterprise testing support that is missing ...
But you can easily jump to another Beta Distribution Platform, some free, some paid, some freemium:
... and probably others I don't know.
Or you could host your own:
I personally switched to Crashlytics, it covers all that I need and it's free. Some things are better than in TestFlight, some aren't as good. But your choice might be different - some other platforms offer crowd testing for example or premium in-app test features.
You will never pass the AppStore review when using private APIs. Thus the only possible solution is to switch to alternatives. TF is not for enterprise app testing and we need to take it as it is.
I found nice article on beta testing enterprise apps without AppStore review, not sure if it is something you were looking for, but the main point is the same as yours. When testing enterprise app, you need to support different OSs (not only iOS 8) and you need to distribute your build without any reviews. Today TF is going to shutdown these both features.

TestFlight does not accept builds with TestFlight SDK

Trying to upload build with TF SDK I see the following error message:
Sorry, we are no longer accepting any new builds that use TestFlight SDK. Please, remove SDK and re-upload.
Does anybody know any information about this? How long it will be like that? Will it be fixed? Am I doing something wrong? Interesting, that in another TF team everything is ok and upload with SDK goes with success.
TestFlight was acquired by Apple. Android has also been disabled for TestFlight.
See the news here.
Don't worry about it. Use another mobile beta testing like
Burly the parent company of TestFlight was acquired by Apple a couple of weeks back. TF accepts uploads with SDK for older teams, if it is a new team that option is no longer available.
You can still distribute builds to testers though. Just remove TestFlight SDK and remove takeOff code and upload it without SDK. Obviously you lose all the SKD features, but at least you can distribute.
Here is the official announcement from TestFlight.
If you are using the SDK for crash log reporting, have a look at Crashlytics (owned by Twitter and completely free).

Getting Production data for iOS apps with Testflight sdk

I have an iOS App with Testflight's sdk 1.1 enabled to get production data. This worked well during beta testing and I submitted the same build (with sdk enabled) to Appstore and the build is approved and released.
However, I dont see any data regarding the usage in testflight live. I have been looking around to find if there are any special setup needed for that without success.
Note that I DONT have the same build version as in appstore in testflight anymore. But I figured that testflight live will still be able to show usage dat.
Anyone have experience with this? Can someone point me in the right direction
After checking around, it looks like as of v1.1, you NEED to have the same build that is submitted to Appstore to be in testflight as well. The reason is that the event matching is done using the UUID of the build.
Their support indicated that they are working on handling orphaned build events as well.
