Implement a formula that simulate the string Contains method - z3

I'm trying to implement the String.Containts function.
I have written some simple tests case, but the following one (which should return UNSAT) return SAT.
The test try to match the substring 'bd' in the string 'abcd' by comparig all possible substrings with the string wanted (text taken from the Z3 output):
{(exists ((i Int))
(let ((a!1 (forall ((k Int))
(and (>= k i)
(<= k (+ i 1))
(= (select stringToScan k) (select substring (- k i)))
(= (select stringToScan 0) #x0061)
(= (select stringToScan 1) #x0062)
(= (select stringToScan 2) #x0063)
(= (select stringToScan 3) #x0064)
(= (select stringToSearch 0) #x0062)
(= (select stringToSearch 1) #x0064)))))
(and (>= i 0)
(< i 2)
(= (select substring 0) (select stringToSearch 0))
(= (select substring 1) (select stringToSearch 1)))))}
I have tried various implementation, but without any success.

If you assert the formula, it returns UNSAT.
The part:
(forall ((k Int))
(and (>= k i)
(<= k (+ i 1)) ...)))
is false becuase you can set k to i + 2 or i - 1.
You probably mean to write an implication instead of a conjunction.
Sometimes using arrays for strings is not the best way to perform the encoding.
The automata toolkit (see: ) uses sequences.


Z3 Checking whether all values in array are unique

So I'm trying to check whether all values in an array is unique with the following Z3 code.
(declare-const A (Array Int Int))
(declare-const n Int)
(assert (forall ((i Int) (j Int)) (and (and (and (>= i 0) (< i n)) (and (>= j 0) (< j n)))
(implies (= (select A i) (select A j)) (= i j)))))
I'm quite new to Z3 so I don't quite understand the grammar and stuff, but can anyone tell me whether this code is right, and if not, where's the problem?
The problem as you wrote is unsat, because it says whenever 0 <= i < n and 0 <= j < n, if A[i] = A[j], then i = j. There is no array and a particular n you can pick to satisfy this constraint.
What you really want to write is the following instead:
(declare-const A (Array Int Int))
(declare-const n Int)
(assert (forall ((i Int) (j Int)) (implies (and (>= i 0) (< i n)
(>= j 0) (< j n)
(= (select A i) (select A j)))
(= i j))))
The above says If it's the case that i and j are within bounds, and array elements are the same, then i must equal j. And this variant would be satisifiable for any n; and indeed here's what z3 reports:
(define-fun n () Int
(define-fun A () (Array Int Int)
((as const (Array Int Int)) 0))
But note that z3 simply picked n = 0, which made it easy to satisfy the formula. Let's make sure we get a more interesting model, by adding:
(assert (> n 2))
Now we get:
(define-fun n () Int
(define-fun A () (Array Int Int)
(lambda ((x!1 Int))
(let ((a!1 (ite (and (<= 1 x!1) (not (<= 2 x!1))) 7 8)))
(ite (<= 1 x!1) (ite (and (<= 1 x!1) (<= 2 x!1)) 6 a!1) 5))))
and we see that z3 picked the array to have 3 elements with distinct values at positions we care about.
Note that this sort of reasoning with quantifiers is a soft-spot for SMT solvers; while z3 is able to find models for these cases, if you keep adding quantified axioms you'll likely get unknown as the answer, or z3 (or any other SMT solver for that matter) will take longer and longer time to respond.

How to code this in Z3

I'm trying to code in Z3 a very simple problem but I got confuse and I don't know how to solve it properly.
So I have an Array with these elements (Python syntax style code):
array = [0, -1, 1, 8, 43]
And I have an access to this array using an index:
x = array[index]
And finally I want to ask z3 what index I need to use to get the element 8, in my example the solution is index = 3 (starting at 0).
I am trying to code this problem in Z3, I wrote the next lines:
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const index Int)
(assert (= x
(ite (= index 0)
(ite (= index 1)
(ite (= index 2)
(ite (= index 3)
(ite (= index 4)
(assert (= x 8))
And it is working, I had this solution:
(define-fun index () Int
(define-fun x () Int
But I don't like the last else, the 999999. I needed to use a magic number to know when the value is not found. I tried to see if there is a "it" construction without the else, or a NULL/None/UNSAT or any special value to don't have this problem.
What is the correct way to solve this problem?
Thank you for the help!
I know nothing about the "correct" way to solve this problem, since one should probably define "correct" in the first place.
However, there are many ways in which you can encode it as an smt2 formula.
Example 0.
By simply forcing index to fall within the domain [0, 4], you can get the ite do what you want it to do without the need for any magic number.
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const index Int)
(assert (= x
(ite (= index 0)
(ite (= index 1)
(ite (= index 2)
(ite (= index 3)
(assert (and (<= 0 index) (<= index 4)))
(assert (= x 8))
which returns you the desired model:
~$ z3 example_00.smt2
(define-fun index () Int
(define-fun x () Int
Example 1.
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const index Int)
(assert (ite (= index 0) (= x 0) true))
(assert (ite (= index 1) (= x (- 1)) true))
(assert (ite (= index 2) (= x 1) true))
(assert (ite (= index 3) (= x 8) true))
(assert (ite (= index 4) (= x 43) true))
(assert (and (<= 0 index) (<= index 4)))
(assert (= x 8))
which returns you the desired model:
~$ z3 example_01.smt2
(define-fun index () Int
(define-fun x () Int
Example 2.
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const index Int)
(assert (or (not (= index 0)) (= x 0))) ;; (= index 0) -> (= x 0)
(assert (or (not (= index 1)) (= x (- 1))))
(assert (or (not (= index 2)) (= x 1)))
(assert (or (not (= index 3)) (= x 8)))
(assert (or (not (= index 4)) (= x 43)))
(assert (and (<= 0 index) (<= index 4)))
(assert (= x 8))
which returns you the desired model:
~$ z3 example_02.smt2
(define-fun index () Int
(define-fun x () Int
Example 3.
Using the Theory of Arrays
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun index () Int)
(declare-const ar (Array Int Int))
; array's locations initialization
(assert (= (store ar 0 0) ar))
(assert (= (store ar 1 (- 1)) ar))
(assert (= (store ar 2 1) ar))
(assert (= (store ar 3 8) ar))
(assert (= (store ar 4 43) ar))
; x = ar[index]
(assert (= (select ar index) x))
; bound index to fall within specified locations
(assert (and (<= 0 index) (<= index 4)))
; x = 8
(assert (= x 8))
; check
which returns you the desired model:
~$ z3 example_03.smt2
(define-fun x () Int
(define-fun ar () (Array Int Int)
(_ as-array k!0))
(define-fun index () Int
(define-fun k!0 ((x!0 Int)) Int
(ite (= x!0 2) 1
(ite (= x!0 3) 8
(ite (= x!0 1) (- 1)
(ite (= x!0 0) 0
(ite (= x!0 4) 43
Other examples are possible.
Ideally one would pick the encoding for which z3 has the best performance in solving your formula. On this regard I can not help you, since I typically deal with other SMT solvers.
In general, using more complex theories (e.g. Theory of Arrays) results in the run-time executing more expensive routines so one could think that it's best to avoid it. However, I would say that in my experience this is not a general rule of thumb, since even slight variations of the encoding can result in significant performance differences and very poor or naive encodings can perform pretty bad. Therefore, it's always best to perform extensive bench-marking on various candidate encodings.

z3py: How to improve the time efficiency of the following code

This is a simplified code using the similar implementation idea as the z3py code for another problem I am trying to solve which is more complex and takes about 1 minute to run.
The intuition of the following code is to translate the array of integers in the inputArray into the array of months defined as EnumSort, which is essentially to infer the model of monthArray.
from z3 import *
s = Solver()
monthArray = Array('monthArray',IntSort(), Month)
inputArray = Array('inputArray',IntSort(),IntSort())
tempArray = Array('tempArray',IntSort(),IntSort())
intArray = [1,3,6,7,8,3,5,6,3,12,11,5,2,5,7,3,7,3,2,7,12,4,5,1,10,9]
for idx,num in enumerate(intArray):
tempArray = Store(tempArray,idx,num)
length = Int('length')
s.add(length == len(intArray))
i = Int('i')
print s.check()
print s.model()
Could anyone give me some suggestions about the ways to improve the time efficiency using this code as an example? Thanks.
SMT language output by calling Solver.to_smt2()
(set-info :status unknown)
(declare-datatypes () ((Month (Jan ) (Feb ) (Mar ) (Apr ) (May ) (Jun ) (Jul ) (Aug ) (Sep ) (Oct ) (Nov ) (Dec ))))
(declare-fun inputArray () (Array Int Int))
(declare-fun length () Int)
(declare-fun monthArray () (Array Int Month))
(= (select inputArray 0) 1))
(= (select inputArray 1) 3))
(= (select inputArray 2) 6))
(= (select inputArray 3) 7))
(= (select inputArray 4) 8))
(= (select inputArray 5) 3))
(= (select inputArray 6) 5))
(= (select inputArray 7) 6))
(= (select inputArray 8) 3))
(= (select inputArray 9) 12))
(= (select inputArray 10) 11))
(= (select inputArray 11) 5))
(= (select inputArray 12) 2))
(= (select inputArray 13) 5))
(= (select inputArray 14) 7))
(= (select inputArray 15) 3))
(= (select inputArray 16) 7))
(= (select inputArray 17) 3))
(= (select inputArray 18) 2))
(= (select inputArray 19) 7))
(= (select inputArray 20) 12))
(= (select inputArray 21) 4))
(= (select inputArray 22) 5))
(= (select inputArray 23) 1))
(= (select inputArray 24) 10))
(= (select inputArray 25) 9))
(= length 26))
(forall ((i Int) )(let (($x172 (=> (= (select inputArray i) 12) (= (select monthArray i) Dec))))
(let (($x175 (=> (= (select inputArray i) 11) (= (select monthArray i) Nov))))
(let (($x178 (=> (= (select inputArray i) 10) (= (select monthArray i) Oct))))
(let (($x181 (=> (= (select inputArray i) 9) (= (select monthArray i) Sep))))
(let (($x184 (=> (= (select inputArray i) 8) (= (select monthArray i) Aug))))
(let (($x187 (=> (= (select inputArray i) 7) (= (select monthArray i) Jul))))
(let (($x190 (=> (= (select inputArray i) 6) (= (select monthArray i) Jun))))
(let (($x193 (=> (= (select inputArray i) 5) (= (select monthArray i) May))))
(let (($x196 (=> (= (select inputArray i) 4) (= (select monthArray i) Apr))))
(let (($x199 (=> (= (select inputArray i) 3) (= (select monthArray i) Mar))))
(let (($x202 (=> (= (select inputArray i) 2) (= (select monthArray i) Feb))))
(let (($x205 (=> (= (select inputArray i) 1) (= (select monthArray i) Jan))))
(=> (and (>= i 0) (< i length)) (and $x205 $x202 $x199 $x196 $x193 $x190 $x187 $x184 $x181 $x178 $x175 $x172)))))))))))))))
I find using 'qflia' (quantifier-free linear integer arithmetic) solver, instead of the general solver 'Solver()', improve the efficiency by about 3x in my case.

Z3 C api : multidimensional array type variable cause invalid result

here is the Z3 context:
(forall ((X (Array Int (Array Int Real))) (i Int) (j Int))
(let ((a!1 (* (- 1) (to_int (select (select X i) j)))))
(= (+ (testArr X i j) a!1) 0))))
this means:
forall X,i,j. testArr(X,i,j) == X[i][j]
now, i try to prove two similar assert:
1 (=> (= (select (select Z i1) j1) (select (select X i) j))
(= (select (select Z i1) j1) (testArr X i j)))
2 (=> (= v (select (select X i) j))
(= v (to_real (testArr X i j))))
the second assert Z3 return valid, but the 1st assert Z3 return invalid,and in other example Z3 sometimes return unknown.

Arrays and Quantifier

I'm trying to use array and quantifier in Z3 in order to find substring in a given text.
My code is the following:
(declare-const a (Array Int Int))
(declare-const x Int)
;; a|A
(assert (or (= (select a 0) 61) (= (select a 0) 41)))
;; b|B
(assert (or (= (select a 1) 62) (= (select a 1) 42)))
;; c|C
(assert (or (= (select a 2) 63) (= (select a 2) 43)))
(assert (>= x 0))
(assert (< x 3))
(assert (exists ((i Int)) (= (select a i) 72) ))
Z3 say that is SAT when it shouldn't be. I'm rather new to Z3 and SMT theory, and I'm not able to figure out what is wrong with my code.
In your example, it is actually satisfiable by taking i to be any natural number outside the range 0, 1, 2. So, if you let i = 3 for example, since you have not constrained the array at index 3 in any way, it is possible that a[3] is 72.
Here is a link showing the satisfying assignment (model) to your example at the Z3#Rise interface, along with the fix described next:
To prevent this from occurring, one way is to restrict the range of i to be one of the array indices you've already assigned. That is, restrict i to be between 0 and 2.
(declare-const a (Array Int Int))
(declare-const x Int)
;; a|A
(assert (or (= (select a 0) 61) (= (select a 0) 41)))
;; b|B
(assert (or (= (select a 1) 62) (= (select a 1) 42)))
;; c|C
(assert (or (= (select a 2) 63) (= (select a 2) 43)))
(assert (>= x 0))
(assert (< x 3))
(assert (exists ((i Int)) (= (select a i) 72)))
(get-model) ; model gives i == 3 with a[i] == 72
(assert (exists ((i Int)) (and (>= i 0) (<= i 2) (= (select a i) 72) )))
