SDK for More Games - ios

I've seen some games which have a More Games button, on clicking of which it redirects to a list of games where the user can download the games. I wanted to have the same functionality for my game too. Which framework, SDK or extension offers such kind of functionality. Of course I want to generate revenue per download.
The SDK I tried are Tapjoy and Revmob, but they do not give the exact solution I wanted. Tapjoy shows a single app at a time, and revmob just shows an alert, asking the user to download a random free app.
Note: I've deleted the previous question and created a new question, as the previous question was downvoted for no reason and I couldn't got any answer on that.

RevMob offers the functionality you describe, but only for a single game that they choose, and gives you the choice of a Banner Ad, Full Screen Ad, Popup Alert (as you mention) or a link that you can set to be called directly from a button press.
Create a 'More Games' button and in its action place a call to RevMob like this,
[RevMobAds openAdLink];

Other alternative with RevMob is an already configure UIButton:
RevMobAds *revmob = [RevMobAds revMobAds];
UIButton *button = [revmob button];
API documentation


How to check if there are Chartboost Rewarded Ads available to display?

In my Swift iOS game I have a button that I show after the player loses, this button shows a rewarded ad from Chartboost.
The problem is that sometimes, i get an error on ad retrieval (error code 6) which is "No Ad Available". So i'm running out of ads for my region, i don't know why. Sometimes i'm able to watch 2-3 ads and that's all i can watch per day.
So when im running out of ads, the button still stays there of course, but does nothing. It might be confusing for the users to press the button and not see anything happening.
So i wanted to check if there are ads available, just hide the button.
The method i'm using to check if there is an ad available is:
But this somehow, is returning always false, no matter what CBLocation I use.
And I trigger the showAd() like this:
Any suggestion?
What region are you currently located in? Chartboost might have some trouble filling ad requests if you happen to be located in a country like Pakistan or Thailand. It may be a simple case of not having enough advertisers in your area that meet your publishing criteria.
Also, are you trying to show an ad right away on your application's bootup or is it ingame somewhere?

Apple Game Center Dialog Stops Responding To Events

I'm starting to integrate Apple's Game Center into an app I'm developing using the Cocos2d-x framework. I've written a very simple wrapper to connect the mostly C++ codebase to the Objective C calls required to interface with Game Center. I display the initial Game Center dialog with the following code:
[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow].rootViewController presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:nil];
The dialog displays and I'm asked to choose a username. If I pick a username that's already taken, I get the following screenshot:
That's all well and good, but I've found that once I dismiss this popup, I can no longer do anything on this dialog page. I'm able to edit the text in the nickname box, but the Cancel and Next buttons no longer do anything, and I don't receive further notifications about whether or not my username is valid.
I feel it's likely due to some kind of view controller issue where messages are being sent to the wrong place after the popup appears, but since I'm a complete beginner at Objective C programming I have no idea what could be the cause.
So the answer seems to be to somehow trigger Game Center to forget my login information. I also turned on Logging under Settings/Game Center.
I had changed my Apple Login password on the same day this issue started happening, so I think it might be related to the particular device I was using not having synced information for my device sign in and the Game Center information.
One interesting change is that now when I insert an unavailable nickname, I get a list of suggestions that didn't appear before. All buttons now appear to be functional, so I'm in business!

IOS How can I put a remove ads button over a revmob fullscreen ad when it shows?

I am relatively new to objective-c but have built a few small apps. I implemented a revmob fullscreen ad in my app and would like to have a "remove ads" button next to the "X" to capture their attention at the right moment. Any suggestions on how to do this?
I doubt you can do that, as ad providers need to guarantee you're not hiding the ad from the customers. And if you could do it, it might be against your ad contract.

Show ad after certain amount of interactions

I own a simple soundboard app, which basically plays a song when a button is pushed.
I wanted to know, if it was possible to show an ad after a certain amount of user interactions.
e.g when 20 sounds have been played, a fullscreen ad would pop-up.
I've integrated RevMob in to my app, if that makes any differences :)
As far as I know, with any ad provider (including RevMob), you have pretty decent control on when an ad should appear.
For RevMob, I see you can call "[[RevMobAds session] showFullscreen];" when you want to show a full screen ad (or RevMobAds.session().showFullscreen(); if you're using Swift -- you didn't specify).
So just add a counter property in your view controller and increment the number of user interactions you want to keep track of and then show the full screen ad when you're ready.

How to invite players through game centre app in iOS 7?

I've already implemented auto-matchmaking, and tested it between two actual devices with different game centre accounts, so I know I've setup that part correctly: I can create a match, and send data between both the players. Now I'm implementing the invitations part.
The Game Center programming guide
The playersToInvite parameter is non-nil when your game is launched
directly from the Game Center app to host a match. This parameter
holds an array of player identifiers listing the players to invite
into the match.
What I don't understand, is how to invite players through the game centre app. In the game centre app, I can see my game. When I click on it, in the top right corner there is a button with text: "..." . When I click on it, I see two options: "Play" and "Share". Clicking on "Play" launches my app.
Is there some code I need to implement for the Game center app to present me with the option of selecting friends to invite etc?
EDIT: It appears that the person in this post has almost the same problem as me:
Definitive answer to what playersToInvite is for
But no definitive answer so far, on how that data gets populated.
There are actually a couple of problems, both of which are on apples end:
The documentation is not up to date. While it mentions to use [GKMatchMaker sharedMatchMaker].inviteHandler , it has actually been deprecated in iOS 7, but the documentation has not been updated to reflect this.
It appears that there is no way you can invite players from the Game Center app. The documentation is incorrect in this case - the game centre UI does not provide any way for selecting the players. You invite players using the matchmaking view controller provided by game center.
Instead of using GKMatchMaker.inviteHandler, one can implement GKLocalPlayerListener - but this hasn't been documented properly in the Game Center Programming guide. It is easy to implement as there are only two methods, and work in almost the same way as the deprecated handler.
EDIT: There is a way to invite players from the game center app, but currently there is a bug in iOS 7, so that the game center app's flow in production, does not match the flow in the sandbox. As a result, one must navigate a much more cryptic flow to find the option to invite a player through the game center app. Currently only one player can be invited through the game center app, even if your app supports more than two players.
