How to get related video from videoID with youtube API - youtube

How can I get list related video via Youtube API.Thanks

you should follow these links
`For code, Documentation in .NET, PHP, Phython Etc follow
`For API overview using Youtube ChromeLess Player follow
`For Controls of Youtube Player (like related Videos) follow
Following are some sample codes
`For PHP


How do I to POST info about a Youtube video's chapters via API?

Youtube added the ability to break up their videos in the progress bar into sections called "chapters". As seen here Video Chapters
I would like to post a video via API and add chapters, I have not been able to find any documentation or example in the API about this.
This method is not currently available in the YouTube Data api, it appears to just be part of YouTube studio.
YOu may want to add a feature request maybe its something they will add to the api.

Disable related videos bar in iframe

I know that Youtube changed the ability to remove related videos (it'll show public videos in that channel now if you set rel=0. But i noticed some websites not having the related video, but when i try it with the iframe on my website, it has the related videos.
Is there any API or youtube request needed to remove the related videos?
There aren't official youtube api that accomplish this after changes you cited (ref:
Only with workarounds you can "disable", or better "not show" related videos.
There are some snippets on the web, look those!
ps: example this (a platform's plugin or vanilla code)

How to set a YouTube playlist as an "official series playlist" using the YouTube API?

I would like to be able to set a YouTube playlist as an "official series playlist" using the YouTube API, but I can't seem to find the configuration property in the YouTube documentation. Is this even possible?
This is the setting I'd like to control via API:
I am currently looking at the documentation on this page, but I can't find anything related to series playlisting! What am I missing?

How to remove a video from feed using Youtube API?

Using the YouTube Data API v3, is there a way to remove a video from my feed?
Reading through the docs, I didn't see anything on the Video resource that could match what I'm looking for.
The reason you didn't find any is there's no support for this feature yet.

PHP Youtube API v3 Missing Description in Playlist Items

I'm not getting the description form my uploaded videos when i query them via Youtube Data API v3 using OAuth 2.0 and the sample code provided here
Could this be a bug? None of my videos are private and the only thing that is missing from the response is the video's description!
I'm using the PHP library and the "part" parameter is snippet (don't know if this helps).
Thanks in advance.
I believe this is intended, since video descriptions are not displayed when viewing playlists on YouTube.
If you wish to include the description of your uploaded videos, consider using YouTube API v3 Search: list instead. An ellipsis-truncated description will be provided for your videos under snippet/description. Again, this behaviour is similar to searching on YouTube, where descriptions are cut off.
If a full description is required, you'll need to use Videos: list.
Alternatively, use version 2 of the API:
