Custom UIbutton down part does not recognize touchup inside - uiview

I created a custom UIbutton and placed it onto a view which shows certain information about a package.I want the whole area to be touchable as button that was my starting point.THe problem is that only the upper half of the custom button is touchable and the down part is ignored.I set the background color to a solid one and the frame seems to be ok.
UPDATE: If i add the same custom button to superview it seems to be ok but the coordinates are not right in this case.I need to convert the coordinates of the subview to super view.

After struggling so many hours i figured out that my outer frame was smaller than it was supposed to be.


Custom UISlider with pips ios

Wondering if the above can be created using UISlider? If not, what other ways can this be accomplished?
You can set components of a UISlider, such as the currentThumbImage ( see: "Appearance of Sliders"1).
However, it is almost certainly easier to just re-implement a slider for this much customization. Simply use background UIImageView with the scale image, and then add a separate UIView (or UIImageView) for the arrow. Finally, attach a UIPanGestureRecognizer to the arrow view to allow a user translate the view vertically.
You can change a lot in the appearance of a UISlider like setting the thumb to a red arrow. You can also replace the background image with the inches ruler and with different rulers for the different device types and display sizes.
The one thing that I don't see is that you turn the slider to work vertically. I know them only working left to right.
If I'm right, your only chance is to have a ruler as background image and a view that contains the arrow and a label with the actual value. That whole view can be pawned and tapped using Gesture Listener.

UIButton not receiving IBAction

I have what should be a very simple thing to do. I'm working on someone else's code, and I want to enlarge a UIButton because it's too small for users. I made it bigger in the storyboard, but when I run the app, the associated IBAction only gets hit when touching where the original rectangle was before I changed it. The button is still visibly larger, but only a portion of it receives touch events. Does anyone know what else might be at play here?
Note: there are no views on top of the new area that the button occupies, so I don't think the touches get picked up by a view on top.
Something to check is whether the UIButton has an ancestor view (i.e. a view in its superview chain) that is the smaller size. Hit-tests only pass down the view hierarchy if the touch is contained within the view so a smaller superview will stop the touches outside its bounds, even if the touch is inside the button.
Is the IBAction hooked up to "touch up inside" in Interface Builder/Storyboard? I've made mistakes where I hook it up with a different kind of event, which exhibits behaviours like you're experiencing.
Found the issue. There was a view being programmatically added on top of the button. It's origin.x was being hardcoded to where the buttons width use to end.

UIButton with background image and title using auto layout

I currently face a problem when using UIButton. I have the background image designed by others like this:
background image
and I need to place the title for the button right after the white vertical bar in the background image. I tried to set left edge for the content but since I used auto layout, the frame will be different with different screen size(3.5", 4.7"...).
Is there a way to put text in the position related to background I want with auto layout.
I personally would split the left side of the background image from the right side. This way you can have two UIButtons next to each other with horizontal space constraint of 0. The right side of the button will have to be placed inside a UIImageView so you can set the image as a property of the view rather that the button's background. You don't have to do this of course, but I prefer this solution as it is easier to manage across different screen sizes.
Here is a visual representation of what I explained above:
Separated Views for Single UIButton
You will then need to route the touch events of both buttons to run the same method or function, just so that both the right side and the left are clickable.
Note: I'm not sure exactly what you had in mind for the highlighting of the button, but this will have to be tested and adapted to get the desired effect.

Make a small UIImageView easy to be tapped

I have a UITableView with rows.
Each row has a small UIImageView aligned to the right (a "bookmark" icon)
The UIimageView has a UITapGestureRecognizer associated.
cell.favoritedImageView.userInteractionEnabled = true
The problem is that to actually tap it with the finger (in a real device), you have to use the tip of the finger and be very accurate, because the image is small.
If you miss tapping the imageView, the cell is tapped (didSelectRowAtIndexPath) and you end up executing a show-segue to another view, so you have to go back and try again (not cool)
Question: what is the best way to solve this? I want it to be easy to be tapped.
I have some ideas:
Create a larger image with transparent surrounding (ie: crop out with transparent background) -- downside is that I also use this image in other views, in which is not tappable, so I'd have to create two versions of the image
Put the image inside a UIView and make the UIView big and tappable instead of the UIImageView
Add padding to the UIImageView (will this work? or the padding is not recognized in the UITapGestureRecognizer?)
Per your own suggestion, you should create a transparent view that is much larger and attach the UITapGestureRecognizer to the view and then nest your smaller image within the view. That way appearances are the same, but you handle a much larger area for the tap to be recognized with selecting the cell.

Making an element an element display on top of the UIView border

I am trying to place a UIButton inbetween my popup view and the parent view.
I cant successfully do that by doing that [self.view addSubview:new];. My problem there is the border UIView can be seen across the UIButton .
I've tried [self.view.superview addSubview:new]; thinking that that would make it go away but it doesnt it still shows there.
I need to find a way to successfully place that button on top of everything (UIView border in this case).
I know I could do that if I insert the button from the parentView, but I want to handle all my subViews buttons within each subView, otherwise it everything will become messy very quickly.
Is there a way to do what I am trying to achieve?
According to Apple's CALayer documentation, borders always appear above subviews because they're drawn on another layer. The best solution is to create a background view to fake the border.
So instead, your popup view would have an orange background. It'd have another, slightly smaller subview directly over it with a white background, and then your button.
See this post for the implementation.
