How to create this lambda expression? -

To keep things simple, I have this class:
public class Contact
public string Name { get; set; }
public string[] Emails { get; set; }
I have a collection of contacts = IEnumerable<Contact>
I need to find all contacts in that collection that have, let's say a text "xxx" in their email addresses (they may have multiple emails).
Something like that doesn't work of course:
var found = contacts.Where(c => c.Emails.Where(e => e.Contains("xxx")));
I am wondering how to build such query using lambda expression?

Use Any instead of Where in the inner expression:
var found = contacts.Where(c => c.Emails.Any(e => e.Contains("xxx")));

Try this
var found = contacts.Where(c => c.Emails.Where(e => e.Contains("xxx")).Count() > 0);
This will return all the contacts according to the specified email condition.
Good Luck !!


A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType does not declare a navigation property with the name

The code I have below works. It's pulls in a list of every item in my One Repository.
When I add my second table to pull all the items out of THAT table I get the following error, on my DataTwo I can't figure out why it's throwing this error as the first one is programmed the exact same way.
"A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType does not declare a navigation property with the name"
View Model
public IList<OneVM> Ones { get; set; }
public IList<TwoVM> Twos { get; set; }
public ViewModelVM()
this.Ones = new List<OneVM>();
this.Twos = new List<TwoVM>();
Working Original Code Below (Controller)
public ActionResult Directory()
var vm = new ViewModelVM();
var datas = _OneRepository.GetData();
vm.Datas = _mapper.Map<IList<DataVM>>(datas.OrderBy(i => i.Name));
return View(vm);
Desired Broken Code Below (Controller)
public ActionResult Directory()
var vm = new FormDirectoryVM();
var datas = _OneRepository.GetData();
var datasTwo= _TwoRepository.GetMoreData();
vm.Datas = _mapper.Map<IList<DataVM>>(datas.OrderBy(i => i.Name));
return View(vm);
vm.DatasTwo= _mapper.Map<IList<DataTwoVM>>(datasTwo);
return View(vm);
The problem was my Repository. I was including something that didn't need to be.
public IEnumerable<Two> GetMoreData()
return _context.Twos
.Include(i => i.Title) // I don't need this line
.Include(i => i.Description) // I don't need this line either
.Include(i => i.Keywords)
.Include(j => j.Text) // Or this Line
.Where(i => !i.IsDeleted)

How do I take last n elements from nested collection

I am buinding a chat for an application, so when a user logs in I need to send them all 'unseen' messages, I am using entityframework, Id like to return only the last 20 unseen messages. but my query is not working, currently I get this exception
Count must be a DbConstantExpression or a DbParameterReferenceExpression
what am I doing wrong?
List<ChatVM> unSeenChats = db.Chats.Where(chat => !chat.Seen)
.Select(chat => new ChatVM
Id = chat.Id,
IsAnnonymous = chat.IsAnnonymous,
UserName = chat.UserName,
Messages = chat.Messages
.OrderBy(x => x.DateTime)
.Skip(chat.Messages.Count - 20 > 0
? chat.Messages.Count - 20
: 0)
.Select(message => new MessageVM
Id = message.Id,
DateTime = message.DateTime,
Text = message.Text
my models are as follows:
public class Chat
public virtual ICollection<Message> Messages { get; set; }
public class Message
public int ChatId { get; set; }
public virtual Chat Chat { get; set; }
public class Entities : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser>
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasRequired(p => p.Chat).WithMany(p => p.Messages).WillCascadeOnDelete(true);
I don't think you're allowed to use .Count from within the query (hence the error that you're seeing). In any case, I think you're looking at this from the wrong perspective. You should probably be using the OrderByDescending method, and then just grab the first 20 posts from there.
Something like this:
List<ChatVM> unSeenChats = db.Chats.Where(chat => !chat.Seen)
.Select(chat => new ChatVM
Id = chat.Id,
IsAnnonymous = chat.IsAnnonymous,
UserName = chat.UserName,
Messages = chat.Messages
.OrderByDescending(x => x.DateTime)
.Select(message => new MessageVM
Id = message.Id,
DateTime = message.DateTime,
Text = message.Text

How to create and related multiple node to another node

Imagine these classes in C#:
public class User
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public class Post
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public string[] HashTags { get; set; }
each user can add a post and the relation between them would be the Author, each post could have an array of hash-tags which each of them is going to be a separate node in graph.
when i am going to save each post, I would find the user in grph, create a post node and relate them with a Author Relationship.
the Question is how can I create and relate each hashTag to the post in the same query. (to be inside a transaction).
How could I dynamically add item to query to create it.
the problem is that it could not create node and the relation in one line of create.
Here is what I have tried so far:
var cypherQuery = Db.Instance.Cypher
.Where((User user) => user.Username == "XYZ")
.Create("user-[:Author]->(post:Post {newPost})")
.WithParam("newPost", new Post() {Id = 1, Text = "Here is my post about #someHashTag"});
//How to relate this node to the number of hashTags in Post Object???
is it good to be in single query or should i divide it in multiple round trips.
I Have tried something with foeach but it seams that the post does not have any value inside the foreach loop:
I have tried something like this:
var cypherCommand = Db.Instance.Cypher
.Where((User user) => user.Username == "farvashani")
.Create("user-[:Author]->(post:Post {newPost})")
.WithParam("newPost", "here is my post about #Tag1 and Tag2")
.ForEach(#"(hashtag in {hashTags}|
MERGE post-[:Mentioned]->(hash:HashTag {Text: hashtag}))")
.WithParam("hashTags", new string[] {"Tag1", "Tag2"});
In my opinion, i think you have to pre-process the Text property first.
String text = ""Here is my post about #someHashTag""; // For example
List<String> hashTags = new List<String>();
int cnt = 0;
foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(text, #"(?<!\w)#\w+"))
Then create new instance of Post:
Post newPost = new Post
Id = 1,
Text = "Here is my post about #someHashTag",
hashTags = hashTags
So, you can use this Cypher:
var cypherCommand = Db.Instance.Cypher
.Where((User user) => user.Username == "farvashani")
.Create("user-[:Author]->(post:Post {newPost})")
.WithParam(new {newPost}).ExecuteWithoutResults();
Hope this help.
P/s: Could I ask you a question? Do you think it is better for you to retrieve the separated graph if you use each hashTag as a label of Post? newPost:someHashTag for example?

Neo4jClient: How to deserialize a collect result to a c# class

I have a query where I want only Id and name of the collection back to reduce the network traffic. I am able to get what i want from the database with the following part of the query
ShipToCities = Return.As<IEnumerable<string>>("COLLECT( [shipTo.InternalId, shipTo.Name])")
but the issue is i get back the data like this:
[ [ "IN.KA.MANG", "Mangalore" ], [ "IN.KA.MANG", "Mangalore" ], [ "IN.KA.BANG", "Bangalore" ] ]
but how can I map it to a C# object like
public class CityFound
public string CityId { get; set; }
public string CityName { get; set; }
is there a way to use some converter to achieve this without me having to use some ugly string manipulation myself?
Actually my query is fairly complex and only way to get the data that I can think of is to handcraft the query like below to reduce the :
//selectedLoadQuery below is a complex query based on user selection...
var query = selectedLoadQuery
.With("load, transporter, shipper, user, count(DISTINCT r) as MyClients")
.With("p, load, shipFrom, shipTo, transporter, MyClients")
.Return((load, shipFrom, shipTo) => new
TotalShipments = load.CountDistinct(),
FromMyClients = Return.As<long>("MyClients"),
ShipFromCities = Return.As<IEnumerable<string>>("COLLECT( [shipFrom.InternalId, shipFrom.Name])"),
ShipToCities = Return.As<IEnumerable<string>>("COLLECT( [shipTo.InternalId, shipTo.Name])"),
You don't need to get so creative. You're only getting into this issue because you're hand crafting such a complex query that flattens out the structure of the data.
Create a class that describes what's in the node:
public class ShippingDestination
public long InternalId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Use this to light up the following syntax in your Return statement:
var cities = graphClient
.Return(shipTo => new {
Id = shipTo.As<ShippingDestination>().InternalId,
Name = shipTo.As<ShippingDestination>().Name,

selecting multiple columns and looping through the selected rows

I want to be able to select multiple columns and loop through the retrieved rows and store the selected fields in a string.
Something like select a.firstname, a.lastname from customer where = '123' and loop through the retireved rows and have them write to a string like
FirstName = John; LastName = Doe
FirstName = Steve; LastName = Smith
I have linq statement as
IList<string> strgradeandbatch = new List<string>();
strgradeandbatch = context.GradeAndBatches
.Where(T => T.RequestGuid == request.ItemGuid)
.Select(T => new{T.GradeName, T.Batch}).ToList();
Obviously this is wrong, and not sure how to do it.Thanks for your help in advance
I think you are almost correct. Just remove IList<string> strgradeandbatch = new List<string>() and use anonymous type var strgradeandbatch.
string GradeName, Batch;
var strgradeandbatch = context.GradeAndBatches
.Where(T => T.RequestGuid == request.ItemGuid)
.Select(T => new{T.GradeName, T.Batch}).ToList();
foreach(var item in strgradeandbatch)
GradeName = item.GradeName;
Batch = item.Batch;
(Note:If you use anonymous type, you can't return this value from the method)
The Select method projects the query results into a list of an anonymous type objects, so it can be used with a list for strings.
One solution is to create a new class
public class Grade
public string GradeName {get; set;}
public string Batch {get; set;}
Which is going to be used with the Select method
var strgradeandbatch = context.GradeAndBatches
.Where(T => T.RequestGuid == request.ItemGuid)
.Select(T => new Grade
GradeName = T.GradeName,
Batch = T.Batch
